#14 - Walls

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"Raven, open the door".

"Just go away".

Her broken voice was a delicate whisper with devastating force. Damian pressed his hand to the bathroom door, forehead resting against the solid frame. Her quiet sobbing filled the otherwise deafening silence, only a few feet away, and yet so out of reach. "Raven, please," he sunk his teeth into the flesh of his lip, "We need to talk". No response came from the other side of that damn door. It separated them, a physical symbol of the walls he couldn't take down. Damian huffed out a frustrated sigh, unsure if he was doing the right thing. He heard her sniffle and small steps approach the door. "Raven", suddenly the door knob violently turned. He stepped back right as the door was pulled open, revealing the empath's tear stricken face to him. Her lip was trembling, dark brows knitted together angrily as glossy violet eyes glared up at him. Damian felt as if he were punched, rendered speechless at the sight.

Raven harshly wiped a tear that dared to trail her fair skin, giving away her false anger masking her hurt. "Well?" The empath crossed her arms, maintaining her intense gaze, "You wanted to talk. Let's talk".

Damian stood up straighter, clearing his throat of the emotion flooding his voice, "I am trying to do the right thing here, Raven". He stepped forward only for the empath to back away from him. The pain in his heart must have etched itself onto his face because she quickly averted her gaze from his emerald stare, "How is this right, Damian?" She gestured between them frantically, "Look at us. Does this feel right to you?" Raven let a sob escape before shutting her eyes and taking a quick breath, willing herself to stay calm.

"The right thing isn't always easy, Raven", Damian firmly responded to the empath.

Raven laughed without a trace of humor, "Easy?" Violet met emerald as their emotions swirled and connected them in ways indescribable, "When has anything been easy?" Her voice raised slightly against her will, "Damian, you can't-". She ran her delicate hands frustratingly through her dark locks, "You can't act like you love me one moment and push me away the next. You can't keep doing this, It's not fucking fair!" The once assassin felt her words burn into him, a sting that drove right into his heart. "Do you love me?"

The young hero was taken aback, "Raven this-"

"No Damian." The empath steeled her nerves and demanded this from him. She deserved an answer, and for once, this boy was going to give her one. Raven stepped closer, determined to hear him say it, "Do you love me?"

Damian felt anger rise in his chest, thick and overwhelming as the need to lash out took over his being, "I can't do this with you!" Damian's breathing became heavy as he stared at her, watching shock fade to hurt on her delicate features, her emotions seeming to settle on frustration. Damian only glared back, guilt and anger radiating off him.

Truthfully, he wasn't angry with her, his anger was directed at himself. Damian went against everything he was taught and practically spat in the face of his better judgement. Now, Raven made him face what he tried so hard to ignore. Love. This damn empath made him fall in love,

and it scared him.

"Why?" Raven stared at the floor, glaring at it as if the dark wood was the cause of all her problems. Why did he push her away? Why did he refuse to acknowledge what they meant to each other? Why did he take her heart and act like it meant nothing. Why is it so damn hard to love and be loved? Her nails bit into the flesh of her palms, repeating her question with a harsher tone.

"Just," Damian bit back the truth and searched for a response, failing to find any, "because!" He threw his hand up, "Just because!"

"Because what?", Raven challenged him. She was not making this easy on him. Raven was so damn stubborn, demanding a truth he didn't want to give. It threatened to spill from his lips, the urge to shout it loud too great at this moment. "Damnit, Raven! It's because I fucking love you! It's because you make me feel stupid and weak and hoplessly in love!" The pressure on his chest lightened with each furious word he let go, but it wasn't enough. It felt damn good to shout, to scream everything without thinking, "It's because you make me want things I don't deserve!" He slammed his hands on either side of the door frame, invading her space as he lowered his gaze defeatedly, "I'm too damn afraid to let you in... to let you see how broken I really am."

Raven's lips parted in shock, a small breath escaping her frozen form. The empath's anger had completely disappeared, vanished the very instant the strained words left his lips. Raven still processed his confession as she stared at him with wide violet eyes. For the first time, Damian looked... vulnerable. His chest moved with shallow breaths, but he made no movement otherwise. Emerald gaze was kept downcast...as if ashamed he had feelings.

Glistening tears spilled over her cheeks, a silent cry of pure emotion. Unable to utter a response, she moved toward the broken hero, cautiously lifting a trembling hand to trace up his jawline, her thumb smoothing over his cinnamon skin in a gentle caress. She hesitated for a moment, afraid he might reject her touch, but Damian didn't pull away from her. Raven slowly lifted his head, bringing his emerald gaze up to her face, "I-...I don't want you to be perfect Damian." The empath pressed her forehead to his, her lips nearly touching his in a ghost of a kiss,

"I just want you."

The once assassin let her whisper of promise and loving tone fill the small distance between them. It was almost funny how easily this woman stole his heart. There was just something about this empath that made him silence every rational thought. Having feelings was wrong, wanting a relationship was wrong, wanting to kiss her senseless was wrong.

And right now, Damian didn't want to be right.

Damian surged forward, capturing her lips in a swift motion, desperate to have even a moment of ecstasy in his mind of misery. Raven leaned into him, matching his eagerness with each fervent kiss. Pale fingers delicately ran through his dark locks before harshly grasping the strands, evoking a low growl from his cinnamon lips. Damian released the solid wooden frame to hold onto her waist, his other calloused hand cradling her face in a perfect harmony of desperation and love. This was a moment of what they wanted and didn't know if they could have. Each second cherished and made to last within their hearts. A content sigh came from the empath's parted lips before Damian's sought hers out again. Raven fought against herself, they still needed to talk, she still had things to say, but... not right now. Right now she just wanted to feel, to feel loved, to feel whole, to feel him. Everything about him was warm and comforting, and the empath craved it. Heat radiated from his touch, deliciously invading her skin, and his firm yet gentle hold provided a sense of security within his arms. The two heroes parted for breath of the cool air surrounding their overheated forms. Foreheads pressed together, eyes fluttering close, content in their silence and quiet gasps.

They weren't perfect. No, they were broken, damaged, and unsure. 

And maybe, that was okay.


Guess who's back! So, this isn't my favorite chapter but tis progress. In an attempt to better focus on writing one story at a time , I came across an idea.  I have three chapters in the works and can't decide which to do next, soooo I'll leave it up to you wonderful readers. So if you want, let me know if one seems more interesting to you. 

1. Searching (Damian's point of view)

2. Stuck Together 

3. Cooking

~Thank you for reading, and until next time~

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