#18 - Catlike

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*Image not mine* Hey-o!  Sorry for the lack of updates, but thank you so so much for the constant support. I'm not really sure what this chapter is but the idea wouldn't leave XD. As always, thank you for reading!

After long observations and careful consideration, Raven had come to her conclusion.

Damian Wayne, was a cat.

It was a particular summer day, apparently too hot even for crime as the young heroes had nothing to do but lounge around the common room. While some of their teammates had no problem keeping occupied, others weren't so...content. A certain 'other' with ruthless bedhead and a sharp glare of emerald directed at the lively shapeshifter oblivious to the murderous aura surrounding said boy.

The scene was admittedly amusing to Raven, though she'd never say so out loud. Instead, the empath chose to observe them from her comfortable spot on the soft cushions provided by the Titans' couch. So, with her morning tea in hand, deliciously warm and wonderfully brewed, the empath was free to watch the once assassin. More than often Raven found herself watching him. Not with creepy intentions or anything like that, she just noticed her attention was always somehow directed towards him. Damian's mannerisms, his personality, intelligence, everything about him intrigued her. He was captivating in every way the empath knew possible; and Damian had been with the titans a while now, giving her quite some time to get to know him. Raven felt there was a quality about him that reminded her of...something.

Just now, as she watched him practically hiss at Logan's playful arm rest on his shoulder as he rambled on about whatever he found interesting at that moment, the empath was convinced Damian was indeed a feline at heart.

She smiled into her mug of hibiscus tea as this newfound idea took root in her mind. She thought of all the times Damian just 'appeared', typically resulting in Gar and Jaime having a mini heart attack. No doubt, it was because of his past training that he was able to be eerily quiet and sneaky when he wanted to be. Each step he took was with a determined and powerful look in his emerald eyes, like a cat ready to attack. When he focused, it mirrored a cat's fierce attention on a string of yarn, eyes watching it dangle just out of reach and waiting for the perfect timing to launch an attack.

In all honesty, Damian's eyes intrigued her more than she'd like to admit. They were so full of emotion in contrast to his usually stoic expression, as if he drained all of his feelings into them, locked away from everyone and hidden beneath striking green tones. Raven swore she could see the way his eyes changed with his thoughts or emotions and wondered if anyone else did too. It didn't seem like it, as everyone near him seemed to misunderstand him completely. The empath felt heat rise to her cheeks, though not entirely from the steam emitting from her cup. So, maybe a part of her liked the idea of her being the only one, it was a strangely intimate thought. Raven shook her head slightly, she was losing her train of thought on a great discovery.

His eyes.

They had mesmerized her so many times and she never got used to the visible glint of mischief that danced over green tones when he was particularly playful. She never got used to how stern and focused his eyes became when he was challenged or piecing together a case. Not once did she fail to notice how his eyes swirled with the emotions he felt, mixing with the intense color of his irises. The empath felt his eyes told her everything and nothing at the same time, it was fascinating to her. Similarly, cats' eyes were known for their intensity, giving off the impression they knew much more than they let on. Their eyes were calculating, as if storing information constantly to decide whether you were worthy or not.


Damian seemed to notice her staring, a rush of embarrassment filled her being as he looked at her in question. The empath felt pinned to her spot under his gaze. Her mouth went dry, not that she would be able to form a word anyway. They simply stared at each other, time slowing to a stop. Raven nearly fell off the couch when he ever so slightly tilted his head in curiosity.

A cat.

Damian Wayne was a freaking cat.

She was certain this boy was a feline soul in a teenage body. He said nothing, much to her appreciation, though she was sure it was probably an attempt to keep the oblivious green teen well...oblivious.

Their staring contest lasted a bit longer than something she could brush off as an 'accident', but his glance didn't stray either. For a moment, Raven saw another catlike quality he had. As their eyes connected his pupils grew larger, not quite as drastic as an actual cat; however, the bright emerald was nearly swallowed by the darkness. Their moment ended when Jaime joined the conversation she knew Damian loathed. The empath sipped her tea once more, ashamed to admit she was amused at their attempt to connect with the distant hero.

Just as intimidating as Damian was, there was another side to him that was more hidden. Raven secretly felt special as she was one of the few who had actually seen this side. This side of him was more like a kitten in need of attention, dare she even say cuddles. Like cat, like Damian, their desire for affection wasn't obvious like a puppy's would be. There was no wagging tail or whimpering, no playfully prodding at her side or objects dropped at her feet. Just like a cat, affection was always on his terms, able to be detected with subtle hints. Now, Damian had yet to sit on her laptop as she worked or knock things off the marble counter-top; however, he still had a way of showing his needs.

Many times when Raven was busy, Damian would lurk around her, words few but presence abundant, as he'd rather watch and wait than admit anything. Eventually, she'd focus on him as he knew he was a distraction for her. Other times, the vigilante would simply join whatever she was doing at the time. Sometimes, when he was especially impatient, Damian would silently push aside whatever dared to take her attention from him and proceed to lay across her lap, nearly purring whenever she'd run her fingers through his dark locks.

The assassin was also naturally grumpy, similar to cats being stereotyped as 'attitude animals'. Cats weren't favored by many because of this, much like Damian being misunderstood for his harsh demeanor. Make no mistake, Damian had every right to be guarded and it was something that drew her to him in the first place. Unfortunately, not many looked past his anger, so not many knew the hurt that hid behind his walls.

He was okay with that though, as he once told her he didn't need to be loved by everyone. The ones he needed to be loved by, loved him how he was, problems, anger, and all. Even so, Raven knew he deserved more affection. Now, for someone as catlike as Damian, sudden hugs made him uncomfortable and could instinctively result in a bloody nose. She cringed at the memory of Damian, unfamiliar with physical contact being for anything other than attacking, instinctively landed a hit to Gar's face. In his defense, Damian was getting better at...not responding to it with violence.

Damian being so catlike was one reason she was glad to have given him Titus, his fun and energetic puppy. If Damian had any weakness, it was his love for animals. He simply couldn't refuse them. Which is why Titus and him were perfect. In contrast to a cat, dogs were full of love and such pure compassion that they never ran out of love to give. Titus was no exception. It took hardly any effort to make him happy and jumping with excitement. The puppy had quite the personality too, he was playful, curious, and unbelievable pure. He loved attention as much as giving it, and he quite liked treats.

The puppy suited Damian well, and it took no time at all for them to bond. The young hero and dog practically had a mental connection instantly. When Damian was serious, so was Titus. When Damian was happy, Titus was happy. They complimented each others' personalities and became inseparable best friends.

A familiar tapping against the floor snapped the empath out of her thoughts. She looked across the room to see Titus happily leading Damian near. The ex-assassin caught her gaze and gave a small shrug as he followed the ever growing puppy to her couch. Raven shifted to offer him a seat and Titus wasted no time after Damian, happily jumping up to lay across both their laps, content with his makeshift cushions. Much to the puppy's satisfaction, the two heroes automatically reached out to pet his fur with a comfortable silence.

Raven finally emptied her mug, her tea had gone cold by now, but a small smile graced her features.

I gotta ask, cats or dogs? XD

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