#4 - Don't Go

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"I don't want you to go."

Raven sat on their bed, arms and legs crossed, pouting. She intently watched Damian walk back and forth from closet to bathroom as he got ready to leave. Damian walked up to the edge of the bed to face the empath. "Raven, I wouldn't go if it wasn't important. Father said I had to be there".

Raven huffed and shifted on the bed, now on her knees buttoning Damian's shirt. She knew it was necessary, but selfishly, she wanted him to stay. "I know, I just wanted to spend the day with you". Damian couldn't stop a smile from forming as he watched the demoness. She bit her bottom lip in concentration and her brows furrowed slightly. Amethyst eyes glanced up at him through long lashes. "What?"

He gently placed his forehead to hers. "Nothing" he breathed slowly. "You're beautiful, you know that?" Raven took in her appearance. Nothing impressive, over sized T-shirt, pajama shorts, and slightly disheveled hair. She playfully rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right". Damian moved closer, his chest brushing against hers. "Raven, you are the most beautiful being in existence regardless of what you're wearing. Besides, I find it rather attractive". The empath snickered and smiled up at him, "Dare I say, the Damian Wayne has gone soft?"

The ex-assassin smirked, "You wish". He closed the remaining distance between them. Raven smiled sweetly into the kiss. She'd never imagined ending up here. Raven had always expected to be in eternal torture in her father's control for the rest of her life. But here she was, happy and content kissing the love of her life. They were both broken in the beginning, and now here they were, building a future together. How she never expected to be so...happy. Her hands trailed up his chest and went up to caress his face. She loved him, all of his quirks, all of his scars (physical and emotional), perfections and imperfections, she loved it all. Damian gently brushed a few stray locks from her face. "I'm going to be late". He placed a kiss to her forehead before walking to their closet again.

"What if you call him and say you're sick?" Raven suggested, more stalling than serious.

"He may be a billionaire, but I doubt he'd buy that", he walked out with a black tie draped around his neck. Raven opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by Damian's phone ringing on the nightstand. Well if it wasn't the big bat himself. Raven handed Damian his phone as he approached the bed.

"Father. Yes, I'll be there shortly." As Raven watched him, she got an idea. The rational side of her told her it was stupid, but the other half wanted his attention. That side won. As he ended the call, she silently crawled behind him and pulled the silk tie off.

He turned to her, "What are you doing?"

Damian went to take it back only to have her move out of reach. He looked at her in confusion as Raven waited playfully like a child desperate for attention.

"Raven, I need that."

She waved it at him teasingly, "Then come and get it".

That's it.

Damian quickly climbed over the bed and lunged at her. Raven barely missed his grasp as she ran off the bed giggling. Once again she waved the tie around. She could practically see him accept this childish challenge of hers. His emerald eyes glinted in the early morning light, Damian loved challenges. He jumped off the bed and swiftly headed for Raven. She playfully shrieked and tried to run once again, but he was fast. His arm caught her mid run and pinned her to the closest wall. Raven gasped and squirmed in his grip. He locked eyes with her and slowly moved her hands above her head. The silk fabric dangled in her grasp.

Raven gulped audibly. Having him so close still managed to make her heart frantically thump within her chest. She didn't want this little game to be over just yet. Damian's hand crept to the piece of cloth. Thinking quick, Raven pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss. Damian was taken aback but kissed her back eagerly. Raven saw her chance and took it. She broke the kiss and escaped his grasp once again.

He chuckled and caught up with her as she ran by their bed. He grabbed her waist, both laughing as they fell. Their laughter began to die down, Raven tenderly stroked his face. Damian smiled, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Their lips moved together in rhythmic patterns. His familiar taste of spices and the softness of his lips flooded her senses. This was all she ever wanted. This was her happiness. Raven circled her arms around his neck. His hands were tangled in her dark locks. They slowly separated, breathless. She nuzzled her head on his chest, as a content moment of silence fell over them.

"You have to go soon?" She whispered, knowing the answer.

Damian was silent for a few moments, "I can afford a few more minutes"

Raven smiled, "Damian?"


"I love you".

He gently kissed the top of her head, "I love you too".

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