#17 - Cooking

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Na na na na na back again XD. Sorry for the long breaks in between chapters. I really appreciate all of your support. Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me this long. Anywho, as promised here is cooking. Late? Definitely. Cliché? Quite possibly.  

"You want to...What?"

Raven pouted at the young man, her bottom lip purposely showing off its plump, rosy flesh. The empath cautiously scooted across their couch to sit directly on Damian's lap, "Cook...with you". Her pale hands played with the short strands on the nape on his neck, as wide violet eyes searched his expression. Raven knew Damian was unbelievably smart, possibly even genius; however, the confused quirk of his brow and questioning emerald stare portrayed quite the oblivious sight. His curious tone was evident in his voice, "Cook?" The word played out like a foreign language that was starting to take root in his mind.

The empath huffed out an irritated breath and rolled her eyes at her partner, "Yeah". Her soft and delicate hands lowered from his neck, resting on the couch behind him as she nervously drew patterns on the dark material of the cushion. Her voice became a whisper, quietly mumbling, "It's said couples that cook together, you know," Violet eyes shyly glanced around the living room before flicking up to his, "bond or whatever."

Damian fought the urge to point out saving each other's lives on a constant basis was probably the strongest bond two people could have. He knew he couldn't refuse her. He couldn't refuse those pleading amethyst eyes, staring at him with a balance of uncertainty and hopefulness. Nope. Damian was only pretending to consider her request, if only to save his dignity.

Fuck it.

He couldn't fool anyone that he wasn't completely in love with this woman and at her mercy, and maybe he didn't want to, "Alright."

Raven's expression immediately brightened, a smile forming on her plush lips before she pressed a quick and appreciative kiss to his cinnamon skin. All too soon, the empath got up with a noticeable bounce in her step, her hand excitingly reached out to the once assassin, "Come on, we have a mission."

Damian's lips spread into a dangerous smirk as he took her hand, delicate and small within his own calloused one as she led him from the comfort of the soft cushions to the kitchen. Now, Damian and Raven had been in the kitchen before, granted making their morning tea was the extent of their time within the walls confined with cabinets. The hero life simply didn't give time for earning the best chef award. It's a wonder they haven't starved. A particular wonder with the greatest cooking skills, finest of suits, and a refreshing attitude, a delightful wonder named Alfred. The Butler had made a habit of visiting them with what he claimed to be 'accidental miscalculation of meals'. Of course Damian and Raven knew better; however, neither could nor wanted to turn him down. It was nice to have Alfred around and the effort was always appreciated. So here they were, ready for an unfamiliar challenge that could very well change their life.

Raven gave a light squeeze to his hand before moving further into the kitchen. Though she tried to hide it, the hero could feel excitement radiating from her as she washed her hands with a sweet smile formed on her lips. The faint scent of their mint soap played through the cool air as the empath stepped aside for Damian to do the same. Emerald eyes playfully rolled at the empath, evoking a flick of her wet hands at him, airy laughs filling the room and their hearts.

Though they hadn't even started, this felt like...home.

It was something more than the walls surrounding them, not fully an emotion, not entirely unseen, not quite able to be explained. As if the air they breathed became soft, gentle even, silver dipped in the bright moonlight seeping through the window and providing an ethereal glow. Damian watched as the empath examined the different pots and pans, setting the ones she deemed appropriate on the dark counter-top. The once assassin may not have been thrilled at this idea at first, but seeing Raven softly hum to herself as she thoroughly inspected the kitchen tools made it worth everything.

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