#9 - Gotham Weather

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Gotham was a world of its own, it was as beautiful as it was dangerous. A gloomy sky cast shadows over the entire city, small beams of sunlight seeped through thick grey clouds creating almost a twilight effect. Trees tall and bare, scattered along the sidewalks as if trying to lead to a place unknown. This scene seemed like one from a fairy tale; however, there was another side to Gotham. It was also one of the most crime filled cities, from robbery to murder. If it was a crime, Gotham had seen it. Luckily, it also was the home to a group of vigilantes many referred to as the 'Batfamily'. Few knew their actual identities, but fortunately for Raven, she was one of them. In fact, she was in Gotham to do just that, meet the faces behind the masks. Apparently, they were all curious to meet her as well, not because she was a superhero or had strange abilities, but because she was Damian's...friend.

She had about five minutes to take in all of it before Damian decided to show her Gotham. He was avoiding taking her back to the mansion, and she couldn't blame him. The five minutes she was there was spent attempting to answer all the questions about their not quite relationship while Damian practically pulled out his hair. Raven didn't mind though. It was a bit overwhelming but all good natured, even Jason and his extremely personal questions were good natured. It was actually refreshing for her to see how siblings were supposed to be, and slightly amusing to see Damian so flustered. But it did beg the question that neither knew the answer to.

What were they?

Raven cradled the cup of hot tea providing her hands a comforting warmth as she walked beside the youngest Wayne. They weren't exactly in a relationship; however, both knew they felt something deeper than just friendship. It wasn't like she could just flat out ask him what they were, right?

"I think I should apologize for my family's behavior."

"What?" Raven was shocked out of her thoughts. That was the first thing he had said since they left the manor. She slowed her pace, daring to look up into his face. Damian seemed uncertain, as if he was searching for an answer he wanted, but had yet to find. He cleared his throat and glanced into amethyst before turning away, "I just, it's,...they shouldn't have made you feel uncomfortable. If I knew they were going to act like that, I wouldn't have asked you to come.''

Their steps slowly dragged on before coming to a complete stop. Raven looked around the vacant area realizing they were very alone, she wasn't sure if that made it better or worse. Once again emerald locked to amethyst, saying everything and nothing at all. Her hands toyed with the now empty cup as she searched for a response. There was something so alluring about Damian's vulnerability, something about the way his features softened in the slightest motion making her heart thump hectically. "Don't," Raven turned to throw away her empty cup before inching closer with trepidation, face heating as she neared him, "Don't apologize, I don't think they meant any harm by it, and besides it was all...friendly?"

A deep chuckle left Damian's lips before he could stop it, "That's an interesting way to put it". Damian knew his face was probably turning an embarrassing shade of red, but he couldn't help it. This violet eyed demoness affected him in ways he didn't understand. The ex-assassin found himself fascinated with everything about her. The rare smiles, bewitching eyes that gleamed with pure emotion, soft ebony hair, striking porcelain skin, completed with a tortured soul that he desperately wanted to heal. Damian had refused to acknowledge this odd desire but he had come to realize ignoring it didn't make it disappear. If anything it got stronger, enveloping him completely without the slightest warning.

Raven watched him as he crept closer until they were barely touching. Maybe asking straight out was the best way to sort whatever this was between them. They certainly weren't getting anywhere like this, "Damian?" Her voice was quiet and questioning, breaking the awkward silence that filled the little space between them. "What...what is this? No backing out now, "We've never been together, but we've never been 'just friends' either".

Damian took a long breath and remained silent. For a moment, Raven thought he wasn't going to answer, before hearing him sigh in defeat, "I don't know".

That wasn't exactly the answer Raven was hoping for. Feeling bolder than ever before, she tilted her head up, lips seconds away from brushing against each other, "What do you want it to be?" Damian shivered as her warm breath caressed his face clashing with the cold air of Gotham. His heart was beating a mile a minute, What did he want? In this moment, he wanted nothing more than to hold her delicate form and kiss her, he wanted to be consumed by this feeling only she gave him, he wanted to steal her breath away and claim it as his own....He wanted her.

Raven stared up at him, watching pools of emerald darken with an emotion she had never seen before. She felt his warm calloused hand stroke her cheek before resting on the back of her neck. The small gap between them almost nonexistent when Raven felt a wet droplet hit her face, then another, and another. In an instant it went from a few drops to pouring.


Raven actually laughed, of course it was raining, Gotham's weather was no joke. It was known for its sudden rainfall and was so predictably unpredictable. Her laughter stopped short when she looked back at Damian, who still managed to look absolutely stunning. He threaded his fingers through her hair, successfully moving it out of her face and stopping her heart in one swift move. No, not even Gotham's strongest storm was going to ruin this moment. "I want to kiss you right now". Raven felt that same boldness return to her, and it was a strong, demanding thing.

"Do it then".

Damian took not another moment before sealing his lips to hers in a quick and desperate motion. Raven felt overheated despite the harsh, cool rain soaking her entirely. His lips were soft and smooth, his cinnamon taste mixing with the fresh rain completely overloading her senses. Raven sighed against him, running her hands through his soppy locks. Damian groaned as his hands trailed down to her waist tugging her closer, she gasped in shock and Damian took his advantage to deepen the kiss. It was so right. Having her so close, kissing her this way, felt right. He didn't want to deny his feelings anymore, he wanted to just...give in. Give in to this ache in his chest, give in to this feeling of euphoria, give in to her. Raven was the only person that accepted him, faults and all. She never made him feel like he was a mistake or a burden. She understood him, understood his pain.

Her lips became an achingly slow movement, dragging out each second and making him lose his sanity. He attempted to regain control, thinking of nothing other than this moment, Damian captured her bottom lip, biting lightly on the plush flesh. Raven felt like her head was spinning and she wasn't getting enough oxygen. She parted gasping for a breath of rain and bitter cold air. Neither of them were paying any thought to the rain or the fact that they were both soaking wet. Damian placed his forehead to hers in a polite touch. The rain trailing down their faces and lingering on her smile and his dimple.

"Welcome to Gotham".

Forgive me for this mess but I tried. Oh and update: I am still working on the story but apparently it needs something called a plot, who knew? So it's achingly slow but progress is progress. Thanks for your support, you guys are amazing! Until next time *swishes cape*

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