#3 - Shopping

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"Please, Damian".

Raven was practically begging, something Damian wasn't accustomed to but ultimately wouldn't mind getting used to. Her violet eyes were wide and her plump lips were in a slight pout.

"It's not on the list, Raven". Damian tried to look at anything but her as he fought a blush that threatened his face. "But Damian, it's on sale", Raven pleaded as she walked closer to the ex assassin. "I, fine, we'll get them", he sighed knowing he's unable to deny her anything. Seriously, if she asked him for the moon he wouldn't stop until she had it in her beautifully delicate hands. Definitely a weakness he had come to find out.

"Yes! Thank you". The demoness smiled at him and placed her favorite sweet treat into their cart, Oreos. Yes, the daughter of an inter-dimensional demon had developed a taste for the cookie with a creamy white filling. "So, what's next?"

Damian looked at the shopping list Kori had written for them. This week, Damian and Raven were given the task of grocery shopping. Kori once mistakenly sent Jaime and Garfield to get groceries for the tower. Well, let's just say they lived off of chips, soda, and chicken whizees for a week. Kori proved she learned her lesson when she (much to Jaime and Garfield's disappointment) sent Damian and Raven.

Raven rested her head on his shoulder peering at the paper he held. Damian immediately tensed at the contact. He could smell her sweet vanilla scent, feel her warm breath, and notice her incredibly soft hair teasing his neck. Damian cleared his throat, "We still need cereal, eggs, and bread". Raven hummed in response and began walking towards the cereal aisle. Damian was still shocked at her behavior. It wasn't bad, just different. Of course she was still the dark, mysterious, powerful, stoic empath. She just seemed lighter today, almost...happy. Damian wasn't sure why, he thought about it as they approached the cereal.

"It didn't say which brand, so I guess we get to choose. Which one do you want?".

"I don't know". Honestly, he never really had cereal before. He stared at the colorful boxes blankly. Raven seemed to notice this. The empath swiftly picked out two different boxes and handed them to Damian. "Here, pick one of these". Damian handled the boxes as if it contained a bomb, carefully he turned them around until he found the nutrition label.

Raven internally giggled as she watched him read the boxes. His eyebrows knitted together as emerald eyes searched the words and his perfect teeth bit at his lip in concentration. Only Damian would take choosing cereal this serious, and she found it utterly adorable. Raven didn't realize that she had been gawking at him like an idiot until he triumphantly held one box up.

"You want that one?"

He nodded approvingly. "This one has less sugar and donates to an animal shelter" She couldn't stop the smile that overtook her face as she watched the vigilante put 5 more boxes into the cart.


"Nothing". The demoness averted her gaze but still had a slight smile on her lips. After getting the rest of the groceries, they headed to checkout. As they were setting the items on the belt, Damian told the cashier to wait because he forgot an item. Raven looked at him quizzically. "I'll be right back". The empath apologized to the cashier and grabbed the list. Hmm, they got everything Kori wanted.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Raven jerked up to face the cashier. An elderly lady with large brown eyes and gray hair up in a simple bun smiled at her waiting for a response. "Um, I, we-"

"Alright, I'm back" Damian placed the item on the belt.

"You got...tea?"

He shrugged, "You said you were out of it, remember?"

Raven looked at him stunned. Not sure why this meant so much to her. He remembered her tea. She looked at the box, berry hibiscus tea. Sure enough, it was the right one. Raven recalled their conversation, it was one of their early morning talks a few weeks back. She stared at him in awe as he paid the cashier and put the items in the cart. Damian began walking out and before Raven could follow, the cashier called to her. The empath turned to face the woman.

"He's a keeper".

Raven smiled, "Thank you". 

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