#16 - Searching (Damian's POV)

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*Photo not mine*. Heyo! Sorry for the wait, but I really appreciate you guys!  Thank you for reading and all your support <3

Damian watched the empath wait on a nearby rooftop. He watched her wait for him. He kept his distance hoping she couldn't sense his presence, but yearned to be closer. This wasn't the first time she managed to track him down, Raven was a good tracker no doubt, the fact almost made pride grow in his heart, but he couldn't bring himself to be proud. He couldn't feel anything other than regret. She wouldn't give up. Six months without seeing him didn't deter her at all.

But, he'd seen her.

Another thing he felt guilty for. Every chance he got he would risk going out to see her. Just to watch from afar and know she was okay. It was dangerous and stupid, but he couldn't stay away. It hurt that every time he saw her she was searching through leads to find him. Late nights he'd watch her connect information and places rather than sleep. Only a few times did he actually see her eat something. Some nights he watched her cry, wishing he could be there to comfort her, to hold her close and dry her tears. The guilt was overwhelming and he'd wished he could fix it all. Damian wished he never had to leave in the first place. He wished he didn't cause her pain. She had always been determined, one of the things he loved about her. That determined glimmer within her amethyst eyes was a beautiful sight. Now that determination was as beautiful as it was heart shattering.

Yet somewhere inside of himself, he was relieved she didn't give up. It was selfish, he knew. But it meant even when he gave her nothing to hold onto, she still clung to whatever hope she had. For him. This whole situation was a mess and everyday without her was worse than Hell. He wanted to go back to his life before he got wrapped up in this mess. He wanted to hold her again, to feel her heartbeat race under his touch, to smell her scent of vanilla, he wanted to hear her voice, to see the way she smiled. He should've left her there, he should have wanted her to give up, he should have continued on without a second thought.

But he didn't.

Damian wanted, no, needed to be near her again. Even if just for a moment. The ex-assassin leapt off the building before he could change his mind, swiftly landing right behind her. He noticed how her body flinched before becoming still. He wasn't doing much better, his own breath caught in his throat as he tried to control his emotions that were spinning out of control being so close to her after so long apart. The woman in front of him began to turn around to face him as she cautiously pulled her hood down.


After so long he had forgotten how much he missed the details of her face. Damian finally was able to look in her violet eyes again, they were slightly puffy, no doubt from crying. Her faint freckles dusting her cheeks visible in the silver moonlight. Dark ebony locks blowing in the cold breeze, her lips parted in shock. He suddenly realized how bad this idea was, he was about to run off when her hand reached out to him. She pressed her palm to his chest and it radiated warmth despite the cold air.

Her touch practically burned him as her delicate fingers splayed out over the fabric. He couldn't find the right words to say to her, after all, what could he? Damian painfully noticed her eyes glistening with tears, lips trembling as she stared at her hand on his chest. Damian wanted to scream, drop to his knees and cry. Overwhelmed with so many emotions that he could only stare blankly at her. Emerald watched anger and hurt overtake her face. Eyebrows knitting together, perfect teeth biting into the flesh of her lips. Her thin, pale fingers slid into a fist against him, bringing it a few inches away before weakly pushing it back into him.

"Six months", Damian nearly flinched at the raw tone of her voice, heart breaking as guilt filled his being.

He wanted to tell her everything and explain himself, yet he couldn't find his voice. Silence was the only way he could avoid breaking down right then. The empath choked back a sob, raising her fist only to hit it against him. Her head shook, hair sticking to her fresh tears as she continued to hit his chest, but he couldn't bring himself to stop her. So he stood there, as she brought her fist to his chest again and again. He knew he deserved it, and maybe she even needed it. Still, he couldn't help but remember when he held it. How he'd press a kiss to her knuckles, loving the blush that'd appear on her fair skin, he remembered when she'd caress his face, wearing a shy smile as she traced his features. Damian remembered all of it, how his heart longed for even a moment of what they had.

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