#12 - Searching

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*Photo not mine*. Sooooo I'm back! So sorry for the wait (again) and thank you so much for being patient with me. I do have more chapters in the works and a request I fell in love with (thank you for that idea) so I hope to be updating again soon. For now I give you this mess of emotions.

The air was cold and unforgiving that night, hours slipping by as her skin became numb.

It didn't matter.

He was going to come. He had to.

Raven had searched relentlessly, tracking the places he'd been, following every lead that she came across. As time went by the others gave up, every one of them accepting it as a lost cause, everyone except Raven. She refused to accept that he was gone, and every day that passed was another she'd lost. It quickly became an obsession, her only interest in finding the next lead. That rushing feeling of relief when she knew she was on the right track and feeling a step closer each time, was the only way she found sleep at night. Only, each time she got closer he seemed to take a step further away.

Tonight was different. It had to be.

The empath went on pure instinct and emotion to end up on this rooftop, hoping this leap of faith didn't fail. Honestly, she didn't know if she could handle another cold trail. No. This had to be right, she could almost fool herself into feeling his presence near. But he wasn't. Only the darkness of the night and cruel silence surrounded her. Reality seemed to consume her hopes of seeing him, breaking each one with bitter truths. Who was she fooling? Why would tonight be any different than every other night? She released a disappointed sigh into the harsh cold, breath visible as it curled against seemingly nothing. How long had she been standing here? The city below was reduced to small lights, shining bright against the dark sky. Raven clenched her jaw, about to accept yet another failure when she heard a slight thud behind her.

She froze.

The person behind her made no further movement either. Though the night was eerily silent, it was thrumming in her head as she fought herself. She wanted to turn around and see his face, she wanted to look into his eyes again, she wanted it so bad she almost whipped around at that very moment. But what if it wasn't him? That doubt kept her from moving, but she had to do something. She tensed when a warm breath brushed against her neck, the familiar scent of cinnamon and spices filled her senses. It has to be him. Raven repeated that as if her new mantra and willed herself to turn around and come face to face with-


All her breath caught in her throat as she met his emerald stare. It was him. Every emotion she had held in gathered in her violet eyes, too many to count and too much at once, yet somehow not enough. After so long, a part of her couldn't believe he was there, that she was looking right at him, that after so long apart he was so close. Raven raised a shaking hand and pressed her palm onto his chest, as if to make sure he was real. Sure enough, he was as real as the heartbeat under her fingertips. Damian didn't move, she didn't even feel his breath anymore, the only indication that he was alive was his frantic heartbeat. Tears threatened to spill down her pale flesh as she looked into his face. Emerald stared back with a blank expression, not a trace of emotion. Somewhere inside her heart, she knew better than to think he felt nothing, in fact, she knew the more he tried to hide his emotions, the stronger they were. However right now, she felt hurt. Anger and abandonment rose in her chest and she felt her fingers curl into a fist against him.

"Six months." Her voice scraped against them in a harsh whisper.

Raven hit her fist into his chest, the same spot that was caressed only moments ago. Again, and again, over and over, each with more force than the last. Damian made no move to stop her, he stood there and watched her hold back sobs. She bit her lip near drawing blood, willing herself to check her emotions, voice raising against her will, "Six fucking months Damian. I searched for months, grasping at any lead just in hopes to see you!"

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