#5 - Sleeping Beauty

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Damian was definitely a night owl at heart, but tonight all he wanted was sleep. Though he would never admit it, the youngest Wayne was exhausted. The Titans had a long day of crime fighting, researching cases, training, and more that he didn't care to remember at this moment. He was going on 82 hours without sleep, but no matter how hard he tried, his mind refused to rest. Part of Damian was angry with himself, he had been trained to go impossible hours without sleep and still work flawlessly. Yet here he was, tired.

"Forget it". The ex-assassin huffed out an irritated sigh and threw off the covers. He swiftly headed out of his room, not sure why he felt the need to. With no real destination in mind, Damian wandered through the dark halls of the Titans' Tower. He walked in absolute silence. A nice change from always hearing Garfield and Jaime shouting while playing vacuous video games. Just as Damian began to think this expedition was pointless, he saw something that made him halt in his tracks.


Lying there on the couch in the Titans' common room, was Raven. His logical side told him to keep walking, but he remained where he stood. Slowly, he began to approach the demoness. He immediately knew she was asleep. Her eyes were closed, there was no tension in her face, her chest rose and fell at a slow but steady rate, she looked...peaceful. Damian stood entranced by the demoness, dark locks delicately fell around the edge of the couch and her face, dark lashes brushed the top of her cheeks, lips slightly parted. She was beautiful. Damian suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"I'm not doing this'', he whispered to himself. He turned to leave, but something wouldn't let him. He looked at her again, she had no blanket and her hand lightly clutched a book. Indicating that she probably didn't intend to sleep here. But why did he care? What did it matter to him where she slept? Why did the thought of her being cold bother him? He didn't know.

He sighed in defeat, "Dammit".

Damian gingerly took the book from her grasp and placed it on a nearby stand. Before he could talk himself out of it, he lifted her up bridal style. She shifted and her breathing sped up but she didn't wake. Damian felt his heart thump frantically as she nuzzled her head into his chest. The newest Robin waited till her breathing returned to normal, then headed to her room.

It was oddly nice to hold Raven this way, to have her close enough to smell her vanilla scent, feel her soft skin and warm breath, and- wait, no. Damian shook his head violently and condemned his mind for having such thoughts. He never  had those feelings. At least, he never used to. But now, the ex-assassin found this amethyst eyed empath taking his thoughts and affecting his emotions. He found himself wanting to be around her.

Damian stopped long enough to open her bedroom door, quietly making his way through her dim room. He cautiously placed her on the soft mattress, breath catching in his throat as she shifted, curling up against the cool, plush pillow. The ex-assassin fought a smile as unintelligible sounds escaped through her parted lips. Calloused hands draped the blanket over her petite form. Damian watched her intently, she was a real life sleeping beauty. The sight truly took his breath away. That uncomfortable feeling began to stir inside him again. The young Wayne's heart beat violently within his chest. What was she doing to him?  He sighed, and started towards the door.

He was a damn Al Ghul. He shouldn't have those feel-


He whipped around faster than the Flash, "I-oh". He Sighed in relief, she was still sleeping. Damian's lips ever so slightly formed a smile before a yawn overtook his features, suddenly remembering how fatigued he felt. The emerald eyed boy walked out thinking maybe, just maybe, it wasn't so bad.

"Goodnight, Raven"



The empath hesitantly glanced over at him, "Morning, Damian". The scent of freshly brewed tea filled the early morning air. Damian watched as Raven silently poured two cups. Sharing morning tea had become a routine for them, but something felt odd. Raven handed the steaming cup to him, the spices filling his senses with a delightful aroma. They leaned against the counter, an awkward moment of silence passing over them. The demoness stared into her cup, seeming lost in thought.


He curiously looked over at her, she avoided his stare as pale hands toyed with the cup handle, "Yeah?"

The empath shifted uncomfortable, glancing around the room to make sure they were alone. "I-uh, were you up late last night?" His face became deadpan, but she saw the edge of his mouth twitch. Heart turning within her chest, she continued "I was wondering because, last night I-I think I fell asleep-".

"On the couch?" 

She nodded slowly feeling heat crawl up her neck, violet eyes finally locked to emerald in a confused gaze, "So, it was you?"

 "I just thought you'd be more comfortable in your bed". He stepped closer to her, "Is that okay?"

Raven felt her face heat up but played along, her voice slightly mocking "Of course.'' Not sure if it was confidence or stubbornness, she crept closer till they were mere inches apart. "I just wanted to give my thanks". 

"Well then, you're welcome".

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