#6 - Pet Store

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Damian heard loud steps and heavy breathing approach his bed. The ex-assassin sat up attempting to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes. He huffed out a breath, facing his furry intruder through the unforgiving morning light. Titus.

Like Damian, Titus had been growing rapidly. The once small puppy was now taller than Damian's bed. Huge dark eyes stared at him pleadingly, a silver bowl hung from his mouth. "Just a few more minutes", he groaned pulling the blanket over his head. The Great Dane made a noise of disapproval and set the metal dish on the floor.


Damian felt the covers being pulled from his body. He sat up once again to face the dog refusing to let him sleep. Titus picked the bowl up and set it in the exhausted boy's lap. The obstinate pet sat down, showing no remorse. "You're not going to give up, are you?" Damian pet him and smirked, a little pleased with his stubbornness. He gave up whatever hope he had of rest and grabbed the bowl, Titus eagerly wagging his tail in approval.

"Come on"

Titus happily trotted into the kitchen with a tired Damian in tow. He sulked over to the cabinet searching for the food his pet insisted on having at 6 am on a Saturday. Titus brushed against Damian's legs impatiently. The newest Robin looked at the persistent pet in annoyance, "Impatient much?"

"Like owner, like dog".

Damian turned to glare at the empath, "Morning, Raven". He grabbed the bag noting the lack of weight and poured the last of its contents into the silver bowl. Titus wasted not another moment before devouring it. Raven walked towards the boy wonder, playfully nudging his shoulder, "Good morning, Damian".

The young Wayne turned to the empath, breath catching in his throat. Plump lips formed into a small smile, amethyst eyes sparkled in the morning light, ebony hair delicately fell around her face. Damian had to fight the urge to brush away a stray lock. Her ever present scent of vanilla and lavender teased his senses. He cleared his throat and quickly turned away, a strange feeling began to grow inside his chest. "What?"

"Nothing", He began to search through the cabinets again, more to appear busy than actually look. Raven peered over his shoulder, "What are you looking for?"

"Dog food"

The empath patted his arm mimicking sincerity, "Damian, I can make you something. You don't have to eat that."

"Very funny", he rolled his eyes at her, "It's for Titus. What happened to the other bag?"

"Uh, he ate it".

"Damn", He ran his hand through his hair letting out a frustrated sigh. Today was not turning out to be what he hoped. Raven looked at Damian then to Titus, chewing on her lip in thought, "We can....go get more".

"We?" Damian turned to face the demoness. Her amethyst eyes glanced up to his, color forming on her cheeks, "Oh, I don't have to go, I just thought-"

He smirked at the sight of the cool headed Raven stumbling for a response. "No, I want you to go". That seemed to shock her into silence. Raven was baffled, she never expected him to say that. Damian just openly admitted that he wanted her company. The empath fought a smile threatening her face. "Well, okay then."

"I'll drive"

"No", the demoness let a soft laugh escape her lips, "I got permission from Kory, I'll drive". Damian huffed in annoyance, "Fine, let's just go".


"Who knew pet stores had such a huge selection?" Raven was astonished by the seemingly endless amount of choices. They walked through aisles of leashes, beds, bowls, toys, and more. The empath felt a bit overwhelmed, the bright lights and colors mixing with the sounds of various animals and music. Damian glanced over contemplating, seeming to notice her discomfort. Raven felt a warm hand slowly encompass hers, she jolted, looking up at him. He avoided her gaze and said nothing, but his hand remained holding hers. It was a simple act of reassurance and comfort, but it meant more to Raven than she could ever say.

She cleared her throat trying to ignore the burning sensation within her chest. "I, uh, think it's in aisle 12". She pointed towards a sign that pictured a brown puppy and a bowl overflowing with Doggies Choice. They walked into the aisle containing more choices then one could imagine. Damian released Raven's hand to grab the familiar bag, immediately missing the contact. "Titus's appetite has increased, should we get extra to prepare?" Damian questioned, calculating how much Titus eats in a day.


He turned around to see Raven smirking. She held up a dog costume with a suspicious looking bat symbol stitched onto it.


"Aw come on, Damian," she stifled through laughter, "It's perfect". She turned it around to reveal a black cape hanging from it.

"Absolutely not". He maintained a serious face; however, a part of him was amused by her childish banter. "I would never put Titus in such a ridiculous costume".

"Oh, so it's only okay when you do it?"

Emerald eyes rolled at her remark, "Would you like a megaphone to announce that? Fine, but I don't like it". Raven chuckled and grabbed his hand, "Let's go, Birdboy". Damian smirked, she was definitely something else.


"Good morning"

"Good morning Damian", Raven leaned down to pet the impatient dog that paced around the youngest Wayne, "Titus".

Damian set down the metal bowl and watched as Titus happily trotted over, his cape swishing behind him. A chuckle slipped through the ex-assassin's lips. Raven gave him a knowing look, "Don't like it, huh?" She playfully nudged his shoulder. Damian smiled, "It's not so bad".

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