#13 - Little Detective

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Hello! I'M BACK BABY! So I'm noticing a common theme of "I'll update soon" and life being like "Yeah sure. Try writer's block and your muse going on vacation!" So I'm just gonna say I hope to update again soon and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you so much for your patience and support <3


Raven truly couldn't believe the sight in front of her.


This was sweeter than the treats set out before her on their polished counter. A pure smile overtook her lips at the scene she could only describe as adorable. Completely and utterly adorable. The empath absentmindedly stirred the sweet concoction as her violet eyes gazed at her husband. Damian quietly paced around their living room, tilting objects here and there. Photographs, small pillows, a vase here, a few books there, the once assassin continued leading an obvious trail, a tiny voice echoing through the hall,

"Three, four, five"

It was more than her heart could take. Moments like these made her realize how incredible her life had become. Moments like these, were held so close and dear to her heart. These were moments she never could've dreamed of.

"Six, seven, eight".

Raven let a soft giggle pass through her lips as she watched Damian place a nearby book on the hardwood floor. He looked over to her, emerald gaze locking to amethyst with an intensity that still made her weak in the knees. He put his finger to his mouth as cinnamon lips formed a smirk, her heart skipped beats at that sight she loved so much. Raven playfully rolled her eyes at him, but this man knew all too well how he affected her.


Damian's eyes were nothing short of captivating, a fact he knew very well. The ex-assassin gave a quick wink to the empath before slipping behind the all too convenient curtain. The small, excited voice eagerly called out,


It was painfully obvious; however, the little child didn't seem to care the slightest bit. Raven watched in amusement as their daughter inspected each and every clue. Her tiny nose scrunching up in deep consideration as she went from one clue to another. The focused child neared Raven's work-space, her head barely reaching the counter top. The empath nearly lost her composure as their daughter stood on her tiptoes to peer over the counter, huge green eyes framed with long dark lashes eyeing the desserts with interest. Raven bit back a chuckle as she pretended to not notice herself pushing a treat towards the young girl. A small gasp of happiness escaped the child's mouth before she put a serious expression on her delicate features. That was an expression oh so familiar to the empath, the pursed lips and stern eyes bore a striking resemblance to Damian. Raven watched their daughter pop the candy into her mouth, cheeks full, before bouncing off.

Once again she began following clues and humming as if in serious thought and consideration. Her dark pigtails bounced with each skip in her step. Raven's timer went off, reminding her about the sweets she was currently leaving unattended. The demoness reluctantly turned from her family's game to the demanding treats.


That's what they were. A family. Violet eyes quickly blinked away the tears that were trying to form. She absently turned off the heat and allowed her project to cool down. She had a family, Damian and her were together, through all of the challenges and obstacles, they always had each other. They had a beautiful, perfect baby girl. Their baby. Raven never thought something so pure and innocent could ever be hers, and yet, that sweet little girl was.

"Ah ha!"

Raven glanced back at them with a fond smile as the tiny voiced yelled in triumph as she found yet another clue. A tiny finger tapped a baby soft chin in utmost interest as she inspected the book. Raven turned back, knowing she was close to finding her target. Her project was nearly complete after, three? Violet eyes looked over to the clock, nope, more like four hours. She couldn't bring herself to mind though, after all that Dick and Kori had done for them, she didn't mind a last minute favor for their not so surprise baby shower.


She tugged the curtain to the side to reveal a smiling Damian. He emerged from his hiding spot and picked up the girl in excitement, "You found me!" Giggles filled the air as he spun around with her. Feigning ignorance, he gave a fake pout, "How did you find me?" The child tilted her head up proudly and pointed to herself, "I'm a detective." The small family broke into pure laughter at her words. Damian made his way towards Raven with the tiny pig-tailed girl in his arms, her ebony hair bouncing with each movement. The empath playfully rolled her eyes, though it didn't hide her growing smile. Damian leaned over the counter of treats to press a chaste kiss to Raven's lips, their child scrunching her nose at the display of affection. They separated with a laugh, Raven straightening up and placing a serious expression on her face.

"Alright, our little detective," Her voice cracked with humor, "your mission, should you accept, is to help me make these treats in time for the party."

The tiny girl saluted, "Yes, Mommy!" Damian placed her down as Raven continued, "Good, go wash your hands and take your helper with you." She ended her sentence with a wink in Damian's direction as the oblivious child skipped to the sink.

Damian raised a brow and spoke with false irritation, "When did I get roped into this?" Raven swiped some frosting from a nearby treat and pressed it to his cinnamon lips, "Just now." Her lips formed an innocent smile, but her eyes held something else entirely. "Besides, I could use a handsome helper too." His smirk became dangerously mischievous as he licked the sweet icing off his lips.

"At your service Mrs. Wayne."

Oh and thank you so much for the request, I had so much fun with this idea and might even have a few more with baby bat if it goes well. Until next time, *cool cape swish*

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