#8 - Hoodie

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Raven shuffled through drawer after drawer with determination. The ex-assassin was indeed organized beyond reason, but she couldn't find it anywhere. The empath sat back in a huff looking around the fundamental room. Where could it be? Refusing to leave without it, she began searching the drawers once more.

"What are you doing?"

Raven jolted and faced the emerald eyed boy staring at her in confusion and amusement. He crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk caressing his lips. That smirk. Oh how it drove Raven crazy, how those soft cinnamon lips made her heart frantically thump within her chest. It was as irritating as it was endearing. Violet eyes drifted down to his attire. Found it.

"Well, hello to you too." The demoness crossed her arms imitating his stance, putting out her bottom lip in a fake pout. "I have to say, after a year of dating I expected a warmer greeting".

Damian chuckled slightly, "Sorry to disappoint, but that doesn't answer my question, Raven". The young Wayne sauntered over to her, taking notice of the open drawers. "Looking for something?" Raven swallowed and tried to remember exactly  why she was there, but her mind was focused on how close he was and the sultry tone of his voice. She watched with rapt attention as he licked his lips. He just had to do that, didn't he?

"I-I," She broke her stare glancing down, Oh, right. The empath cleared her throat, "I'm here for two things. First, I want to give this back". She handed him a familiar red hoodie. Damian inspected it, it was his but Raven 'borrowed' it a few months after they started dating. Why was she giving it back? Sure he made comments about getting it back, however, he actually liked when she wore it. Seeing her in it gave him a strange sense of pride. Damian didn't want it back, he wanted to see her petite figure clothed in his hoodie.


Plush lips stretched into a smile, "Don't get excited, bird boy. I have every intention of taking it back". A thin, pale finger poked his chest, "The other reason I'm here is to take this". Damian glanced down at the black fabric...she wanted his hoodie?

"That doesn't make any sense. What's wrong with the one you have?"

The empath sighed in annoyance as if it was obvious. "The red one lost your scent." Damian raised his eyebrows, surprise slipping into his features. Raven rolled her eyes, "So, you're going to wear it and in the meantime, I take this one". She tugged at the drawstring, "Then so on and so forth." Damian watched amethyst eyes hold a mischievous longing as she smiled innocently. "Fine, I'll let you take my hoodie-"

"Correction, our hoodie".

He suppressed a smile at her words, "-Our hoodie, but it's gonna cost you." He leaned closer, pressing his forehead to hers. Raven tried to keep her heart from exploding, biting her lip as she took in every detail. The way his emerald eyes seemed to shine with flecks of gold, the small scar on his brow, dark lashes that dusted his cheeks, lips formed into a small smirk, he was breathtaking.

Face heating from the close proximity, she whispered, "Name your price". His lips parted, but rather than respond, Damian pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss. His calloused hand traced up her neck to caress her cheek as violet eyes fluttered closed. Warm lips slid over each other with every smooth passing. Raven surely was something he never expected. She managed to bring out a side of Damian he didn't know existed. She took all his flaws and loved every one of them, broke down his walls, and accepted him. Raven was everything he didn't know he needed. His hands dropped to her waist, pulling her closer and deepening their kiss.

Raven felt as though she would melt, her body seemed to go completely numb at his touch. He captured her bottom lip, biting gently, earning a soft sigh from the empath. Raven's hands trailed up into his dark locks tugging lightly. He bit back a groan, resting his hands on her hips. Breathing hard, she tried to still her heart that was furiously beating within her. Her warm breath filled Damian's senses, it was hot and thick with the scent of her favorite tea. It filled his lungs with a feeling akin to ecstasy. Heart racing, he slowly pulled back just enough for their lips to touch in a ghost of a kiss.

"Consider it a deal".

So... an awesome little bat told me to consider writing an actual story and...I have an idea. So I'll be outlining that till 4 a.m. I'm hoping to start it soon but...we'll see. I'm equally excited as I am terrified.

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