서른 하나

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I sat at the holding area where they put some of the crew and the actors is held at for the time being before they are being called in for the final rounds of rehearsals and then they will go for a take, for most people who go there, they are either a member of a department or an actor but I do both of them, I am always at the holding area doing both sides of my job scope almost at the same time and it is kind of hectic, to be honest. I have to complete my work while in full makeup, sitting at the holding area and rehearsing my lines.

But I had no choice, no one would want to act as the bad girl if not for me, and I have already appeared on screen once, there is no way that they will allow the actor to change so that it would be easier for me to do my work instead of having to work both sides of the production, being part of the crew and then appearing in the front as an actress. And everyone has faith in me that I will carry out the role well and bring out the desired traits for the characters.

The reason why I agreed to continue to act for this drama is that I could finally get my revenge back from that time when SooJung betrayed me, I could finally be on the same level as her, acting alongside her and I could do so much better than her. I didn't want to boast about my excellent acting skills but it is true, I am the better actress than she is, she bribed her way through her career just because she is from a big company who can do all of these things.

If she was just a C-lister from a very small acting company, she wouldn't be treated like this at all, no one would care about her even if she is that pretty, they will not even cast her in the first place due to her bad acting skills. It is just that she used to be an idol and that is the thing that separated her from the other bad actors, her company can provide her with anything she wants as long as she brings in money for the company. I wonder why is she still making money when she is so bad?

"You need to do your hair and makeup now." My hair stylist friend Bae Yeongwon tapped me on the shoulder and I took off my earpieces, walking over to the makeup area where she would do my hair and makeup for the indicated scene. I still down on the makeup chair and she began applying foundation to my face. "Did you not hear me just now? I was calling for you for like the past one minute."

"I had my music at full blast, I was just concentrating on my work and I didn't know that it was time for me to get ready." People on set would always have one of the worst tempers and you have to endure their tantrums even though it is a very ridiculous thing to do but it is a very normal thing in the industry, we have to live with it or not we can't survive at all. "I'm so sorry about that, I will make sure that won't happen ever again."

She waved a hand. "No, it is okay. I said that because I didn't want to get scolded by the director, he is the one who is responsible for everything that goes on set. But you seemed really busy though, he shouldn't have asked you to act when you have so much work to do as a scriptwriter."

Do you think that I have a choice? "It appears that I don't have a choice and I shall follow until the end of this project and this will be my last project as an actress, I am not going to act again."

"Why? You are such a good actress! You definitely have the talent to act, it is just that if you want it or not." She started on the eyeshadow and she told me to close my eyes so that she could apply it easily. "Why would you not want to act again?"

"Acting is not my passion, it is just one of the things that I can do but scriptwriting is. It is in my blood since a very long time since university days, I just knew that I wanted to write what I wanted." I looked at her reflection from the mirror as I remembered our days in university when we were still teenagers, passionate people who are new to everything. "You knew from the start that you wanted to do makeup for people, you even had a channel just for makeup tutorials."

She blushed. "Yes, I did. I was confident that I will get a lot of attention for doing makeup tutorials and I sure did, I wouldn't have entered this industry if not for that. I even did this crazy thing as soon as I graduated." She pointed to her hair. "You didn't expect that I would snip off my long hair for a pixie cut, I used to treasure my long locks a lot but I really wanted to cut it short for once."

"And I was the one who convinced you to do that because it is a new change and it would be so refreshing to see you with short hair." I completed her sentence and she smiled brightly. "Because of that, I couldn't even recognize you that day. You gave me a shock and I didn't even know that my best friend was on the same project with me for the past 2 weeks and you didn't even tell me."

A clearing of the throat interrupted the entire flow of our conversation and we looked towards Jung SooJung who had just entered the makeup area to do her hair and makeup for her scene, I almost forgot that she is coming in today as well. "Don't look at me like that, you guys continue to talk since you guys seem to be the best of friends ever since university days, you didn't even realise that I was coming."

You are the one who broke off our friendship first... "Please wait for a while as I attend to Wendy, she still needs to have her hair straightened," Yeongwon said to her as if nothing happened at all.

"And I thought that you are my assigned stylist, why are you doing her hair first? She is just a minor character and she can definitely do her own hair and makeup by herself." She looked at her handphone and towards us with an irritated look on her face, this is her real side that she doesn't show to the audience. The real Jung SooJung is not that kind, she is evil and manipulative, she is the worst of the worst.

"Excuse me? I do hair and makeup for every single cast and extra that comes in every day, it doesn't mean if you are the main female lead, you get the priority seat. In my makeup area, that doesn't apply to anyone at all. If you are here early, you get to do it first, it is a first come first serve thing." That made SooJung groan and roll her eyes. "And I have the right not to do your hair if you are too irritating, you better cooperate or I will have you removed from the production immediately."

She gulped her saliva in fear and I have no idea why it made her scared of Yeongwon all of a sudden, and plus I have no idea why pissing Yeongwon off will allow her to be able to remove people off the production. My phone buzzed and I almost dropped my phone if I hadn't caught it in time, Bae Yeongwon sent me a text, revealing that she is the fiancee of Kim SeokJin, the director of this production, it was a secret that they have been together for the past 3 years.

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