Getting Stalked & A New Boyfriend

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*time skips 5 days*

Dad hasn’t talked to me for almost a week, because I never told him I was pregnant in the first place. Since breaking up with Hunter, he’s been calling and texting me so much, and it’s annoying the hell out of me. I was in the kitchen getting some water, and Mom asks me “Are you okay?” “Yeah I’m okay, where’s Dad?” I say back. “He’s filming videos, to get things off his chest.” I believe that

 I get a creepy text from Hunter saying “I’m watching you Matrice, just watch will happen to you. H” Now I felt threatened, and I didn’t feel safe anymore. The next day, I get a ride to school by Jennifer, ever since Dad stopped talking to me. As we walk to my locker, I see something shocking

Jennifer asks me “What the Hell is that Martrice?” I say back to her “I don’t know.” The message reads “You’ll regret ever breaking up with me Matrice, watch yourself” Okay he went too far, and is trying to scare the hell out of me. I went to the office to see Ms Hodges. I tell her “I’ve been threatened by Hunter Hutchinson, and I need my locker replaced since he vandalized it” she replies “Okay, thanks for bringing it to my attention Ms Middleton, I’ll get it replaced and Mr. Hutchinson will be spoken to about this. Go on to class” I go to class, and go on about my day.

At lunch I meet this guy by the name of John Hanson, we both love Minecraft and like to watch my dad’s videos. I felt a connection, and we became a couple instantly.

As John was driving me home, we see Hunter’s car behind us. I tell him “Go fast so we can lose him. I don’t want to get hurt.” He replies “Sure Martrice, for the sake of your safety and our love.” Those words made my day better

After losing my creepy and crazy ex, I get dropped off at home. I needed to talk to Dad, and get our issues resolved already.

I knock on his door, and closed it behind me. I tell him “We need to talk, so we can resolve our issues.” “Okay, I’m sorry for overreacting the other day; it’s just that you don’t tell me anything anymore.” I reply with “I know Dad, I’m sorry. Can I have a hug?” I give him a hug, and I cry with tears of joy

Jemma’s POV

I hear someone at the door, and I see that its Martrice’s crazy ex boyfriend.  “Go away Hunter, my daughter doesn’t want you around her.” He tells me “That’s okay Mrs. Middleton, can you give her this. It’s really special.” I take it from him, and slam the door on him

Dan’s POV

I’m happy that Matrice and I resolved our issues, so we can get along again. In the middle of recording Diamond Dimensions, Jemma comes in with a weird package. “Dan, look at what Hunter left for her.” I open it, and it’s an ultrasound and a note saying “Matrice lied to you both; she’s still pregnant with my child.” I can’t believe that she’s still the same as before.  

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