Running Into Trouble & New Love

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   I was in Hunter's car on my way to school, and I see that we're both late for school. "It's 7:58, we'll never make it in time for homeroom." I say. He tells me "Yeah we will, we need to sneak in without getting caught." I have to agree with him on this, and getting in undetected. We ran in fast hand in hand, and ended up getting caught by the principal Mrs Hodges. "I'd never expected this from you Ms Middleton and Mr Hutchinson, you both have detention for a week, no exceptions" As she walked off, I punched my locker in anger. I got detention already, and it's only my second day of class. Hunter tells me "Everything will be fine, at least we have it together." "Of course it will, let's get through the day first though" I say. I was in my last period AP Psychology class, and I get tripped by the popular girl Kathleen Sanders.She tells me "Your dad's videos suck, he should just stay off camera." That got me boiling mad, and I pushed her to the ground. I started pulling her hair, punching her in the face, and broke her glasses last. I get pulled away from her by Hunter, and the teacher gets mad. "Ms Middleton, one more week of detention for you. Go back to your seat now!" My day can't get any more worse.

   After detention, Hunter drops me off at home. When I walk in the door, Mom and Dad have angry looks on their faces."How'd you get two weeks of detention Matrice?!" she asks loudly. "I got to school late with a guy I like, and I beat up a girl for saying rubbish about Dad." I shout out loud. Dad tells me "Well you're grounded for a month, and no more seeing that guy Hunter. He's a bad influence on you, and it'll hurt yourself" That wasn't fair! I loved him, and Dad can't tell me I can't see him anymore. I ran to my room, and just went off to sleep. I'm in the same dream again with my real mom and dad. And it ends the same way with me screaming out "Mommy! Dadddy! Wake up please! Wake up!"  I woke up crying and screaming again. I hear Dad come in. "Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" I scream out. He tells me "I'm sorry Martrice, I'll let you see Hunter since you love him so much." I squeal in joy and excitement. I'm so happy that he's letting me see my crush again, and I thank him for that. It feels like a fairy tale ending, but it's not the end as yet.

    I wake up the next day very happy, and I get a call from the school saying classes are cancelled for some unexpected event. I decided to record some videos for my channel, and so I can catch up up on some things as well. I start off my intro "Hey everybody Matrice here from CutiePieMinecart, and today we're playing some mini-games on the Hypixel server. Let's start off with One in The Quiver!" I record for over an hour, edit it, and upload the video. My life gets better, thanks to my family and the channel. Mom comes in and asks me "Do you want some breakfast?"I tell her "Sure, thanks for bringing it for me" She gives me a wink, and closes my door. The rest of the day I did homework, record videos, and chill out with Ellie. I hear a tap on my window, and it's Hunter. I wonder what he wants to ask me now.

    I let him and ask "Why are you here? You could've used the front door." He tells me "I want to ask you something." "Go ahead" I say in response "I've liked you since the first day you came, and I want to ask if you can be my girlfriend?" This was great, him asking me this exciting question. I say "Yes, I would be honored to be your girlfriend." He hugs and kisses me to celebrate. Mom and Dad come in, and Hunter makes a run for it and leaves. This is an awkward moment, big time. I tell them "It's not what you think! He just wanted to see me!" Dad tells me "Don't worry about it dear, he's your boyfriend now, your mother and I can't seperate you both." I'm happy that I have his blessing now. This is like a fairy tale, but there's no happy end yet.

Dan's POV                                                                                                                   

I left Martrice's room, and I tell Jemma "We have to throw a surprise party tomorrow for her birthday." She tells me "That's a good idea, we can invite the family and her friends as well. Go record some videos, I'll handle the planning." "Thanks Jem, I'll go finish off the videos, and then I have to start cooking dinner for all of us."I say back to her.  I went off to record some videos for the day. I start off my intro as always "Hey everyone Dan here from TheDiamondMinecart, and today we'll be looking at the necromancy mod. We'll be able to make our creatures and mobs." I finished recording for the day, and I bought some Indian food for dinner. Martrice is happy with her new boyfriend now.

Martrice's POV                                                                                                            

The whole weekend consisted of homework, recording, and going out with my boyfriend Hunter. Ever since getting adopted by Jemma and Dan, my whole life changed forever. I got a boyfriend, got popular at school, and my channel has one million suscribers. The one thing my classmates don't know, is that I'm CutiePieMinecraft. I've never shown my face, but I will do a video of it this week. In the afternoon, I went home early because I was feeling really sick. I shout out "I'm home!" I hear someone in the kitchen, and I get scared by Mom. She tells me  "Sorry dear, I'm not as good as your father. You okay?" I tell her "Yeah, I just need to go lie down." I went to my room and went off to sleep.

Jemma's POV                                                                                                       

There's something odd going on with Martrice, but I don't know what it is. I ask Dan "Have you noticed our daughter acting a bit strange?" "Not really Jem, I would've noticed by now. Why do you ask?" he replies. I walk away, and check up on her. I hear her crying, so I come in and see what's going on. I ask her "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She shows me a pregnancy test with a "+" on it. "I can't have a child now, I'm a teenager for God's sake!" She comes and cries on my shoulder. How did this happen? Who did this to her? Her scum of a boyfriend Hunter. He will pay for what he's done to her.

Martrice's POV                                                                                                             

I was in my mom's arms crying. Now I'm going to be a mother, but I don't want to be one right now, it's not the right time. I tell her "Dad can't know about this, I want to wait for the right time." She replies by saying "Your secret is safe with me dear, trust me" She leaves the room, and I continue on crying my eyes out. Hunter is going to get it, for getting me pregnant in the first place. I'm going to break up with him, it's the right thing to do 


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