Chapter Three

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Diana looked up and her eyes widened as her sister parked the jeep across the street from the biggest beach house she had ever seen. The sun still wasn't even fully set yet but she could already hear music blaring as they stepped out of the car and made their way across the empty street. The bass from the music thumped in Diana's chest as they approached the door and she could hear people cheering and the sound of splashing water coming from the backyard.

Arielle squared her shoulders, shaking her hair out behind her back. She looked over her shoulder at Diana and smiled her perfect white smile. "Ready?" she said, her eyes brightening.

Diana straightened her shoulders, trying to look like she wanted to be there. "As I'll ever be."

She had hardly finished speaking when her sister opened the door and the sound of people talking and party music blaring nearly knocked Diana off her feet. There was a reason she hadn't gone to many parties in the past. For one she usually didn't like anyone there and for another, she wasn't usually invited.

Arielle hardly seemed to look around her as she led Diana through the foyer into a massive living room, the source of the music. Floor to ceiling windows ran around the entire back half of the room, looking out onto a massive backyard and a breathtaking view of the ocean.

Arielle hardly looked around the living room either, walking confidently up to a set of sliding glass doors. They stepped out onto a stone patio that led to a massive infinity pool. The sun was setting over the ocean beyond, turning the water a blood orange color. Diana, once again, found herself feeling an urge and desire to go out among the crashing waves and the expanse beyond it rather than stand in the middle of gyrating bodies, most already drunk off their asses.

"Hey Diana." Her sister's voice snapped her out of her trance.

She blinked, pulling her eyes away from the water to her sister who stood beside her. She had her arm around a handsome young man who already looked like he'd had too many drinks. Arielle herself, already had a red solo cup in hand.

Diana looked questioningly at her sister. "This is my friend Pete, he's the one who invited me," Arielle said, practically yelling to be heard above the noise of the party.

Diana nodded in understanding and looked at the guy practically hanging off her sister. She leaned into her sister to be heard. "How do you two know each other?" she asked.

"He's in the same lab as me; I guess some new guys just bought this place, one of them was spreading word on campus about throwing a party tonight!" Arielle was shouting.

Diana frowned, curious as to who the new homeowners might be. She stiffened as she heard a familiar bark coming from one of the rooms upstairs. She turned around and looked up at the second story windows. They were tall like the ones downstairs and though the lights were off, there was no mistaking the massive furry black head of the dog that had interrupted her earlier, sticking out from behind a set of curtains. Its tongue was hanging out and it looked eager to join the party and greet the newcomers.

"You have got to be kidding me," she muttered.

"Hey Di, I think that's one of them over there!" Arielle called Diana's attention back to her.

Pete followed Arielle's pointed finger and nodded in confirmation. "Yep that's the guy that was inviting people," he hiccuped.

Diana hesitated, not wanting to confirm her own suspicions. Slowly she turned, following her sister's gaze. Her eyes landed on a familiar mop of black hair and charming white smile, standing among a group of girls on the other end of the pool, they were all practically drooling over him. They were all giggling as they stared at him, though he didn't appear to have said anything.

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