Chapter Fifteen

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"Diana, could I speak to you for a moment?"

Diana looked up from where she had been eating breakfast at the kitchen table, to see Kaftor looming over her.

She nodded and pushed her chair away from the table before rising and following him into his study. She had never been inside, the door was usually shut. The whole room was much darker than the rest of the house. Dark wood panelling lined each wall and curtains were drawn over the one window in the room, shutting out any natural light.

A massive oak desk sat at the far end, a wall of bookshelves lined up behind it. An antique looking lamp offered the only light from where it sat on the corner of the desk. The light cast an eerie orange glow across the room.

Diana took a hesitant step inside. Kaftor closed the door behind her before walking around his desk and sitting in an old green leather chair. He reached out one massive hand and gestured to the chair across from him.

Diana delicately sat down at the edge of the seat, her back straight, her hands in her lap. She avoided Kaftor's gaze, nervous of what he hadn't wanted to speak to her about in front of the others. She felt like a child sent to the principal's office.

But when she finally looked up and met Kaftor's gaze, she saw sympathy and kindness reflected in his pale eyes. He leaned back in his chair and proceeded to stroke his orange beard. "I apologize for the other night," he said finally.

Diana frowned down at her hands. She had been trying to push away the night she ran out of the house and practically had a panic attack, now Kaftor was reminding her of it all over again. "It's alright Kaftor, I reacted poorly and I'm feeling much better now," she said quietly.

Kaftor shook his head and leaned forward. Diana looked up at him. "You misunderstand. Your reaction is understandable for someone in your position. There is still much you need to learn about your Atlantean heritage and I know that Arielle has been the only thing on your mind in training. It wasn't right of me to present you with a royal garment in front of the others without checking in with you first," he admitted, looking somewhat ashamed.

Diana shook her head. "It would have had to happen at some point right? Better here with just the four of you than in front of an entire kingdom." She tried to keep her voice light hearted, but there was no denying the anxiety that tightened it.

Kaftor smiled sadly. "We wouldn't put so much faith in you if we didn't believe you could do this," he assured her.

Diana nodded. "You're the third person to tell me that."

Kaftor sighed. "I have something else for you. Something more... suitable for underwater combat training," he said, leaning over and grabbing something from under his desk.

Diana tilted her head, curious. "So that other garment is only for representation of royalty," she guessed.

Kaftor nodded sheepishly. "You must understand the makers of that garment knew who they were making it for and were anxious to see you in it. I know it's daunting but I think it may have been a good reminder for you also, of what's to come," he admitted.

Diana sighed. "If you had introduced it that way, I may not have reacted the way I did," she teased.

The skin around Kaftor's eyes crinkled as he smiled, his mouth hidden by his mustache. "Fair point."

He placed a simple brown paper box on the table and spread his hands across it. "This belonged to a student of mine, many years ago. You remind me of her quite a bit. The suits I gave the others are more common clothes to be worn in Atlantis, especially among students in the academy. They are tight fitting and don't constrict your movements, perfect for maneuvering through the water, especially when fighting.

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