Chapter Twenty-Six

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Diana had been unable to sleep for the last two nights. Tonight she didn't even bother trying. Tomorrow... tomorrow she and Arielle and Jacin and all the people she'd grown to care about would be marching on the Kingdom of Atlantis in an attempt to dethrone Meison.

Diana sat at the end of her bed, as she had been for the last three hours. Moonlight shone through her window, casting the room in a faint silver glow. Thunder shifted on the bed behind her, his hind leg kicking her in the back as he stretched out.

Diana ran her thumb over the Atlantean symbol engraved on the cover of her father's journal. She'd been unable to let go of it since coming to her room, though why, she wasn't entirely certain. She didn't feel inclined to open it, though she knew it would likely prove useful. The corner of the letter her father had left for her was sticking out from behind the last pages of the journal.

With a heavy sigh, Diana pulled the letter out and opened it. Tears didn't come the way they had when she'd first read the letter, though her heart still ached as she looked at her father's familiar handwriting, his voice filling her head.

Diana tilted her head back and stared at the ceiling, still holding the letter in her hands. She would never stop being afraid of what she'd have to face once she left this house and entered Atlantis, but she wouldn't allow that fear to stop her either. Her father had died protecting her and Arielle, had died without knowing who he truly was... she wouldn't allow his death to be in vain.

Diana closed her eyes as a memory drifted in her mind. She was seven years old again, running along the beach behind their house, Arielle yelling after her as she struggled to keep up on her chubby toddler legs. A smile tugged at Diana's lips as she heard her mother's jovial laugh carrying towards her.

Seven year old Diana stopped, a laugh caught in her chest as she looked out over the vast blue sea. She turned towards it, the sea breeze whipping her dark curls and pale blue sundress. She clumsily brushed away the strands of hair caught on her face and stepped towards the waves lapping on the shore.

Even in memory, Diana felt the yearning... that tug as she looked out at the sea. It had always called to her, it was where she belonged. Her father caught up to her, scooping her up in his arms and planting her on his shoulders. A laugh escaped her as she gripped his pale brown hair in her tiny hands.

"Did you see something?" her father asked, tilting his head up to get a better look at her.

Diana's face had grown serious again as she stared out at the sea. "Dad, what do you think is out there?" she asked.

Her father pulled her off his shoulders and planted her in front of him, kneeling down to be at eye level. "You mean besides fish and whales?" he asked, pushing his wire-frame glasses further up his nose.

Diana laughed. "No silly! I mean what else is out there."

Her father tilted his head. "That's a good question. I suppose no one really knows what all might be living in the ocean. A lot of it is still unexplored, that's why mommy and I are oceanic scientists," he said, smiling at her.

Diana frowned. "You're going to find out what else is out there?" she asked.

Her father's smile spread and he ruffled her hair. "Absolutely kiddo. And when I find something, you'll be the first to know."

Diana blinked up at him. "Promise?"


Diana blinked open her eyes, her cheeks damp with tears. She sniffled before rising to her feet and drying her eyes. Thunder lifted his head and watched as Diana walked to her bedroom door, letting out a soft whine.

The Atlantean Chronicles: Call of the SeaWhere stories live. Discover now