Chapter Sixteen

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Diana squeezed her eyes shut, her head tossing from side to side as she lay in bed. "Diana..." the voice in her head was filled with urgency.

Images flashed through Diana's mind. Images of Atlantis. "No..." she muttered, her limbs thrashing, tangling in the sheets.

All around her, the great underwater city, was burning, crumbling as a war raged. Tears streamed down Diana's face as she watched Kaftor, bravely charge at a group of soldiers riding monstrous looking sea creatures. He cut down two only for two more to throw spears through his chest. Blood clouded the water around him as the great warrior fell. "No..." Diana muttered again, her voice cracking in grief.

"Diana!" a voice yelled, close to her.

She swung her head around to see Reith rushing at her in the blue Atlantean armor Kaftor had gifted him. He held up a magnificent sword, his gaze piercing into someone behind Diana, his ocean blue eyes full of hatred.

Jacin appeared beside his brother and charged at their attacker. Diana looked behind her and gasped as she saw who they were fighting. Their swords clashed against a beautiful golden trident. Meison stood on the other end of it, looking scornfully at his nephews from atop another horrific sea creature.

Diana's heart sank as she realized what was happening. Reith and Jacin were protecting her, they were the only thing that stood between her and Meison. "Wait!" she begged as Jacin pulled his sword away and swam above Meison, pulling his sword back over his head, his face contorted into a snarl of rage.

Meison pulled his trident away from Reith, the tail of his creature swatting Reith aside like a fly. Time seemed to stop as Meison lifted his trident towards Jacin. Jacin's face froze as his eyes slowly travelled down to his chest. Blood began to trickle from the corner of his mouth as Meison wedged the trident deeper into his chest.

"NO!" Reith roared, lunging at him again.

Tears streamed down Diana's face as she stood there helplessly. "Diana..." the voice spoke in her head again.

Diana turned away as Meison drew a sword and slashed at Reith's chest, Jacin still skewered to the end of his trident. "Help me!" she pleaded to the voice in her head, looking up at the blood red sea, trying to get a glimpse of the surface.

A bright light appeared in front of her, slowly growing, becoming so bright, Diana had to lift her arm to shield her eyes. "This does not have to be how it ends..." the voice seemed to be coming from the pulsating light.

"How? How do I stop it?" she sobbed.

"You must stay strong Diana. You are Atlantis' only hope. You doubt yourself, that is your greatest weakness and it will be your friends' downfall..."

Diana looked down in shame. All this destruction because she was too much of a coward to do what needed to be done. She clenched her fists, determination flaring in her chest. She couldn't let her friends die, not if she had the power to prevent it.

She looked up at the light. "What do I need to do?"

Diana sat up with a gasp, beads of sweat running down the sides of her face. She threw off the covers and rushed out of her room and into the bathroom. She quickly splashed cold water on her face, taking in a deep breath as she tried to calm herself. Was what she had seen real? Was it really a possible outcome of their future if they tried to defeat Meison?

She looked up at herself in the mirror and was shocked by who she saw staring back at her. Her hair was even longer then it had been before she left Miami. It cascaded in long loose chocolate waves all the way down to her lower back, it looked silken and healthier than it had ever looked. Her face was thinner, but not as gaunt as it had when she'd first arrive. Her posture was straighter and every muscle in her body was defined and visible.

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