Chapter Seven

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They didn't stop for a break until the gas light came on somewhere just outside of New York. Diana hadn't been able to focus on anything since they'd left the motel. Atlantean? How was that possible? She didn't even know Atlantean's had their own language -though now that she thought about it, that was pretty ignorant of her to assume. They were their own race after all.

"You guys hungry?" Reith asked, peering in from the passenger side door as he pumped gas.

Diana realized they hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast the day before. Arielle nodded and Reith dug around in his pocket, pulling out a wad of cash. "Go get something for you two to eat," he offered.

Arielle tentatively took the money from him. "Thank you."

Arielle stepped out of the car and paused. She poked her head back into the car. "Are you coming?"

Diana blinked blankly at her. "Yeah, sure," she said, unbuckling and stepping out of the car.

Jacin was inside at the checkout counter. He was buying a whole case of water bottles but Diana noticed, no food. Surely he and Reith must have been hungry too. Jacin turned his head slightly, catching Diana's eye.

She walked up to him. "You aren't hungry?" she asked, nodding to the case of water.

Jacin shrugged, taking his change from the cashier. Diana raised an eyebrow. "What do you want? I'll get it for you," she offered.

Jacin looked at her out of the corner of his eye as he put his change in his wallet. He hefted the case of water off the counter, holding it in one muscular arm while he tucked his wallet back into his pocket with the other. "I'm fine," he said flatly.

Diana frowned. "I'm trying to be nice, would you just let me get you some food?" she said in exasperation.

Jacin studied her for a minute. A customer standing behind them, cleared their throat. Jacin stepped out of the way, nearly bumping into Diana. They glared at each other for a moment before Jacin finally sighed. "Fine, get something for Thunder too," he said, walking out the door.

Diana's jaw gaped as she watched him leave. She quickly closed her mouth, grinding her teeth. Why did he insist on being so difficult all the time?

She found Arielle standing in front of a cooler full of pre-made salads and sandwiches. "I can't decide what to get. I'm starving but it all looks so..." Arielle searched for the right word.

"Unappealing?" Diana offered.

Arielle looked up at her and nodded. "Just get a turkey sandwich," Diana said, reaching into the cooler and grabbing three.

Arielle raised her eyebrows. Diana rolled her eyes. "I'm getting one for Jacin and Reith," she explained.

Arielle pursed her lips. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to assume," she said.

Diana shrugged, walking down an aisle lined with various junk food items. At the end of the aisle was a small pet food section. She grabbed a couple cans of dog food and made her way to the cashier.

She walked out to the car, her arms full of the food she had just purchased. Reith had parked the car in the parking lot and was walking Thunder around on a small plot of grass nearby. Jacin stood leaning against the car in his usual brooding stance.

"Here I got you a sandwich," Diana said flatly, walking up to Jacin.

Jacin looked down at her. "Thanks," he muttered, taking the sandwich from her and unwrapping it.

Diana pressed her lips together before turning and walking up to Reith and Thunder. Thunder barked a greeting and Reith looked up. "Hey," he said, looking tired.

The Atlantean Chronicles: Call of the SeaWhere stories live. Discover now