Chapter Thirteen

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After Callista had left, Diana stayed in the living room, watching the snow fall gently outside from where she sat on the couch. She pulled her legs up towards her chest and hugged them, resting her chin on her knees.

Someone entered the room and she lifted her head. Jacin stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. "You okay?" he asked.

Diana shrugged and looked back out the window. Jacin pulled himself away from the wall and walked up to her, offering his hand. "Come with me, I have something to show you," he said.

Diana looked up at him in surprise and cautiously took his hand. He helped her to her feet and led her to the stairs. "You'll want to wear your coat and boots," he noted, looking her up and down. "I'll meet you down here."

Diana frowned skeptically but didn't question him. She padded up the stairs and into her room. The jacket and snow boots she had bought were still in the shopping bag tucked in the bottom of her closet. She ripped the tags off and slipped into her new coat.

She carried her boots down the stairs and sat on the bottom step as she pulled them on. She had just finished lacing them when Jacin appeared in front of her. He too wore a thick winter coat and snow boots. A dark blue beanie was pulled over his head, wisps of blonde hair sticking out over his eyes. She had to admit, the look suited him.

"Here," he said, handing her a pair of gloves and a black beanie.

As she slipped them on, he began to tug on his own pair of gloves. Diana rose as she finished dressing and put her hands on her hips. "You gonna tell me where we're going?" she asked.

Jacin eyed her mischievously before turning and walking to the door. Thunder barked and rushed up, squeezing past Jacin as he opened the door. Diana gasped as a gust of cold air blew through the door, snowflakes swirling in with it. They stepped out onto the porch, the door slamming shut behind them.

Jacin made his way through the snow packed front yard, disappearing around the side of the house. Diana followed the tracks he had left behind and blundered through the thick heavy snow. Her feet felt heavy as if they were made of lead and the snow was already past her ankles. By the time she reached Jacin, her thighs were screaming from the effort. It was almost as bad as running on sand.

She stopped beside him, panting. Jacin looked down at her from the corner of his eye. A small smile spread across his lips and he looked back ahead of him. Diana straightened and followed his gaze. They stood on a bluff at the edge of Kaftor's yard. A grove of trees towered to the right of them and down beyond the sheer cliff was a rocky outcrop. Gray waves crashed against the crags far below.

The snow danced around them as the wind sent flurries in their direction. Thunder bounded playfully behind them, barking in delight.

"It's beautiful," Diana breathed, looking out at the vast sea. The gray sky blended with the white-capped gray waves making it look as if the sky and sea were one.

"Follow me," Jacin said, trudging towards the glade.

Diana frowned, pulled from her awestruck trance as curiosity got the better of her. She followed close behind Jacin, stumbling here and there as she got used to walking in the heavy snow. Thunder plowed through the snow beside her, his pink tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, his broad chest keeping the snow out of his face.

Diana smiled at the sight as she stepped into the grove of trees. Most of them were pines, though some were deciduous. They towered high above, each branch and leaf glazed in white. The branches bowed under the weight of the snow, creating a majestic natural archway overhead. Sunlight broke through the clouds overhead and fought its way through the dense foliage, casting long shadows along the forest floor.

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