Chapter Four

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Diana took a step away from Jacin and yanked her arm out of his grasp. "I don't know," she admitted, rubbing her arm.

Jacin's gaze followed her hand as she rubbed her arm and he relaxed a little. "Sorry," he muttered.

"It's fine," Diana said flatly, glaring at him.

Jacin stepped back into the hall but didn't leave; he crossed his arms and looked at her again. "You know my name, but we've never met before," he said, as if trying to organize his thoughts out loud.

Diana mimicked him, crossing her arms and continuing to glare at him. "Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Can I shower now?"

Jacin blinked up at her as if he'd forgotten she was there. He dropped his arms and took another step away. "Yeah sorry, I-"

"Look," Diana said, stopping him. "I don't understand any of this either. I don't know why the dream I had last night was so vivid, I don't know why I knew your name was Jacin. To be honest, I thought I was just placing a name because I had never gotten yours..." she trailed away, sure her face was reddening as she realized she had just admitted she had been dreaming about him.

Jacin peered up at her and his eyes twinkled in amusement.

Diana frowned and looked away from him. "So you had a dream about me?" he asked, sounding dead serious, though when Diana looked up, his eyes were still twinkling.

Diana's brow furrowed even more. "I didn't dream about you, I was falling and you..." she trailed away. "I didn't dream about you!" she insisted.

A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. Diana threw her arms down in exasperation. "Nevermind, what do you care anyways?" she snapped, beginning to turn away.

"This dream..." Jacin said, stopping her.

Diana leaned against the door frame and eyed him, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Yes?"

Jacin's face grew serious and his eyes darkened. "You met somebody, didn't you?" he asked.

Diana blinked in surprise. "Y-yes," she frowned. "I mean I guess so, I didn't get a name but he clearly hated my family and..." she paused, why was she telling him all this?

Jacin frowned and he stepped away from her again. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you," he said quickly, turning and walking down the hall before she could stop him.

Diana stood in the bathroom doorway, her jaw hanging open. "What is with those two?" she wondered out loud, turning and shutting the bathroom door behind her.

Diana stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel through her wet hair. She felt more refreshed and awake than she had earlier, though the visions of her nightmare still kept trying to force their way into her mind.

Reith's shirt hung like a dress over her slender frame and the sweatpants he lent her hand to be cinched at the waist as tight as they could go and she rolled the ends of them so that her feet wouldn't get caught on the hem. Nonetheless she was grateful for the clean clothes. She had hung her swimsuit and shorts in the shower to dry and she stepped back into the bathroom to hang her towel as well, before making her way to the living room.

Music was playing softly and the familiar sound of dishes clattering and pots and pans banging were comforting to her as she padded down the hall. She stepped out into the massive living room again. The kitchen to the right of her, was separated from the living room by a long granite countertop. Arielle sat in one of the barstool chairs, leaning over the counter, holding a mug of coffee tightly in her hands.

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