Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Diana straightened the sleeves of her sage green bodysuit before examining herself in the mirror. Only moments ago, Kaftor had given it to her, his face somber. It was time then, Diana realized as she shut herself in her bathroom and changed into the familiar Atlantean combat suit.

She pulled her long hair out from beneath the collar of the skin-tight suit, letting it cascade in rich chocolate-colored waves down her back. She slid the golden gauntlets over her wrists and placed the golden headband on her head, pushing her hair back out of her face.

Diana lowered her arms and looked at herself in the mirror once more, letting out a heavy sigh. Her chest felt tight, her heart feeling too big for it as nerves settled in. She still couldn't conjure her sorcery abilities, the only thing keeping her from focusing too much on that point was the reminder that Meison lacked any skill in that area.

A knock on the door pulled Diana back to the present. She stepped away from the mirror and turned to the door. The knock came again. "Di? It's time to go."

Diana's hand hovered over the round doorknob. Jacin... She'd woken early that morning, unable to sleep, leaving him alone in bed... In her bed. That reminder made her heart stutter and a smile threatened to spread across her lips.

She let out a deep breath and opened the door. Jacin was wearing the same emerald green combat suit he used to wear when they'd train at the indoor pool back in Maine —God, that felt like a lifetime ago now.

He looked striking standing before her, the emerald of his suit bringing out the darker hues in his ocean blue eyes. His polished golden gauntlets glistened as they caught the light from the bathroom. Diana hesitated as she noticed he was wearing more than just gauntlets over his suit. Golden grieves covered his shins and a chest plate covered his pectorals and shoulders. Kaftor had once told Diana that the suit's material was strong enough to withstand most attacks from an enemy's weapon, Jacin clearly intended to be fighting in close range combat to be so heavily armored.

"You okay?" His low voice pulled Diana's gaze up to his handsome face and she forced a weak smile.

Jacin gently took her hand, running his thumb along her knuckles. "I'm scared," Diana admitted, taking in every detail of his face.

Jacin stilled and met her gaze. "You can do this," he said gently, closing the space between them.

Diana bit her lip, pulling her gaze away from him. Jacin ran his hand down her cheek before pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his chest. Something calmed in her as she felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest.

She tilted her head up, her eyes meeting Jacin's. He flashed a small smile before leaning down and kissing her. Diana wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body as close to his as possible.

A knock at the door broke them apart long before either would have liked. Reith stepped in, dressed similarly to Jacin, wearing their father's deep blue suit. A chill crept down Diana as she saw the somber look in Reith's eyes, it was unsettling seeing that look on the charming, charismatic prince.

"It's time," he said grimly.

Jacin dipped his head in understanding and turned to look at Diana. He offered her his hand. She nodded to him before taking it, letting him lead her out the door.


"What about Thunder?" Diana asked as she, Jacin and all the Atlantean rebels stood along the beach.

The large black dog was sitting at her side, tail wagging, tongue lolling. Reith stepped up to her and knelt before the dog, petting him on the head. "He's coming with us," he said simply.

"What you have a scuba suit for him or something?" Diana asked in disbelief, looking down at the man and his dog.

Reith rose to his full height before her, his blue eyes glittering with mischief. When it seemed clear he wasn't going to answer, Jacin stepped in. "Thunder isn't entirely what he appears to be," he said.

Diana frowned, still confused. "He's half Gatherean," Reith added.

Diana planted her hands on her hips. "Is this supposed to help me understand what the hell you're talking about?" she demanded, her brow twitching.

Reith rubbed the back of his head and Jacin sighed. "It's easier if we just show you," Jacin offered.

Diana rolled her eyes, dropping her arms at her sides. "Fine."

"Everyone knows their roles?" Dukir called, looking over everyone from where he stood beside Kaftor. The slender sorcerer looked even smaller standing beside Kaftor's hulking form.

"Ganirn," Kaftor prompted, gesturing to a handsome young man with long black hair, olive-tan skin, and striking blue eyes. Diana hadn't interacted much with the other rebels, but she recalled that Ganirn had been a cadet in the Academy, intending to become a royal guard, when he and his mother fled for the surface.

Ganirn stepped forward and dipped his head respectfully. "I will be leading the front-lines. We will rendezvous with Commander Ullesh and his men when we reach the energy shield," he reported.

A tall woman with dark tan skin and flowing silvery-blonde hair stepped up to stand beside Ganirn. Diana had never interacted with Commander Namme, but she didn't need to, to know that she was far tougher than her pretty frame implied. "Once Ganirn and his men have brought down the energy shields, I, along with Lady Gagri, will lead a squadron to defend the front lines. We bring the fight to Meison," she said, lifting her chin.

Lady Gagri shifted closer to Ganirn. Her skin was paler than her son's, but her sleek raven-black hair and bright blue eyes closely resembled his own.

Dukir nodded, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "Kaftor and I will be leading the second assault team, attacking Meison's army from behind. The rest of you know whose squadron you follow. Remember, our goal is to defeat Meison and free the citizens of Atlantis, do not kill unless absolutely necessary, many of these men are just following orders. We are to create a clear path for Queen Asherah, Princess Diana and Princes Reith and Jacin," he called.

Diana searched the crowd of rebels until she spotted a familiar head of strawberry-blonde hair. Arielle was wearing the pale blue suit Kaftor had saved for her. She looked stunning standing beside Callista, her hair held back by a silver headband similar to Diana's. She looked like royalty, far more than Diana did.

Arielle and Callista would be following Kaftor and Dukir's lead. Part of Diana wished her sister would be by her side for this, but she knew she'd be far safer near the back of the battle with Callista and Kaftor to look after her.

Diana took in a deep breath; she, herself, would be heading straight for Meison. She was hungry for revenge, but she feared she was still too weak to face him. Jacin took her hand and nodded reassuringly to her as if reading her thoughts.

Reith stood on her other side, Thunder beside him. They would be following Ganirn's squadron to the energy shield. Once Ullesh and his men on the inside brought down the shield, Ganirn and his team would stay to fight the men Meison would undoubtedly send out to stop them, while Namme and her team would clear a path for Diana. 

Kaftor and Dukir's team left first. Diana watched, heart twinging, as she saw Arielle's head disappear beneath the waves along with the others.

As soon as they'd left, Namme turned to those remaining on the beach, her dark eyes brightening. "Alright boys and girls, let's move out!" she called, walking backwards towards the lapping waves, her eyes trained on the rebels before her.

A wicked smile spread across her pretty face. "We have a battle to win."

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