Chapter Six

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"Diana!" Arielle, struggled not to raise her voice as she called her sister back to her senses. Diana had been frozen to the spot; she jumped at her sister's voice and nodded.  They were running out of time, Dr. White had been the only thing standing between them and Maurice. Her eyes flicked back down to his lifeless body, blood pooling around him, staining his white lab-coat.

She pulled her gaze away and looked into Arielle's wide, frightened eyes. "Let's go!" Arielle said, squeezing her hand and running down the hallway.

Diana didn't dare look back, she didn't want to know if he'd seen them, didn't want to look at that wicked face. They rounded another corner and finally reached the back exit. She threw open the heavy metal door and quickly scanned the back parking lot for Dr. White's car.

A large blue pick up sat at the end of the lot, the only car there. "This way," Diana said, leading her sister.

Arielle screamed as someone shot at them, missing them only by inches. "Come on," Diana said, refusing to look back.

She unlocked the truck before they even reached it. Arielle jumped into the passenger seat and Diana fumbled with the keys, cursing herself for her shaking hands. "Hurry!" Arielle exclaimed, looking out the window.

Finally, Diana managed to get the key in the ignition and started the engine. She quickly put the truck in reverse and slammed on the gas. She continued to drive backwards, past their attackers, who continued to shoot at the car, she didn't put the truck in drive until they had reached the main lot.

She peeled out of the Oceanic Labs parking lot and fumbled through her jean pockets, handing her sister a crumpled piece of paper. "Put that number in your phone's GPS," she said, flicking her eyes up at the road and back at her hand, then back up again.

Arielle obeyed, digging through her coat pocket until she found her phone. "Okay, turn left... there!" she said, pointing just a few feet ahead of them.

Diana cursed as she jerked the wheel to the left; the tires screeched but there was no way she was slowing her pace. Arielle, wildly scanned the GPS route. "Okay, now right in two-hundred feet," she said, pointing ahead again.

"Okay take a left at the light," Arielle went on, her eyes scanning their route. 

Diana was forced to stop, impatiently tapping the steering wheel, glaring up at the red light.  She couldn't risk running it; the road was heavier with traffic than the last. 

The light turned green and she slammed on the gas once more.  That's when she noticed the beach. They were on the main road, she realized. "Wait slow down, it's just ahead!" Arielle exclaimed.

Diana eased off the gas. "Okay, just three-hundred more feet..." Arielle said, not looking up from her phone.

Diana's grip tightened on the wheel, she didn't need the GPS to tell her where they were going now. "You have got to be kidding," she said, slowing the truck.

Arielle looked up. "What- oh," she said as they pulled up in front of a familiar beach house, at the same time Arielle's phone dinged and an automated voice informed:You have arrived.

Diana turned the truck off, pulling the keys out of the ignition. "Let's go," she sighed.

She opened the truck door and paused as she felt something shift in her seat. She looked down, remembering her father's journal. She quickly grabbed it and shoved it in the inside pocket of her denim jacket.

Arielle was already making her way to the front door by the time Diana reached the sidewalk. She jogged to catch up with her sister as she knocked on the door. "What if they aren't here?" Arielle fretted.

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