Chapter Twelve

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Diana's eyes flicked open and she gasped. Pain rushed to the front of her head as her eyes adjusted to the light. She was in her bed, laying on her left side so that she was facing the door. Though the sky was overcast, the natural light offered a soft glow in her room.

She closed her eyes, wincing as she rolled onto her back. Suddenly the events of that day came rushing back to her and her heart ached.


Diana was drawn out of her thoughts as someone shifted at the end of the bed, just beyond her line of vision. She struggled to push herself up into a sitting position with just her left arm. She winced as pain lanced up the right side of her torso and she couldn't help but let out a small whimper.

Jacin quickly rose from the end of the bed as he realized she was awake and rushed to her side. He held her arm and helped her sit up, pulling the pillows up behind her with his free hand. Diana bit her lip as pain shot through her shoulder. She rolled her head to the side, her cheek resting on her left shoulder as if she could physically escape the pain. She grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the pain to ebb away.

A hand rested gently on her forehead and she looked up into Jacin's ocean blue eyes. His brow was furrowed in concern as he examined her.

"What happened?" she asked. Her mouth was dry as if her tongue were made of cotton balls.

Jacin continued to examine her, not looking into her eyes. "You dislocated your shoulder and fractured your forearm, your ribs are bruised, but not broken... thankfully..." he trailed away, his gaze slowly wandering down to meet hers.

Diana looked down at herself. "Is that it?" she joked, wincing as a small laugh escaped her, causing her side to throb all over again.

Jacin stepped back, running a hand through his coarse blonde hair. His face was serious. "I can't heal this," he said, looking at her.

Diana frowned, was he supposed to be able to? "Where is everyone, why aren't I in a hospital?" she asked.

Jacin shook his head and paced the room. "Meison would easily be able to track you there and we'd have to explain how your hurt yourself," he said, walking up to the window.

Someone knocked softly on the door and Jacin quickly approached it before Diana could. Kaftor and Callista stood on the other side of the door. Reith was nowhere to be seen.

"How is she?" Kaftor asked in a low rumbling voice.

"She, is fine," Diana said, sitting up, ignoring the pain in her ribs. With a grimace, she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

She grit her teeth, but was determined to speak for herself. Kaftor looked past Jacin at her and his face darkened in concern. "No you're not," he said bluntly, pushing into the room and looming over her.

"I've healed any surface wounds but that's the extent of my abilities," Jacin said, sounding like an officer reporting to their superior.

Kaftor didn't take his eyes off Diana and nodded. "Is her shoulder still dislocated?"

Jacin looked at Diana. "Yes, I didn't want to try it while she was still out," he admitted.

Diana looked between the two men, beginning to bristle with indignation. Jacin could heal people? And why were they acting like she wasn't right in front of them? She opened her mouth to protest but then Kaftor looked over his shoulder at Callista.

"Tell Reith to quit sulking, we need his help. Get some bandages and something for her to bite down on," he ordered.

Callista nodded mutely before turning and rushing down the hall. "Have you done this before?" Diana asked as Jacin stood over her.

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