Chapter Eight

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Diana sat up with a gasp. Thunder stirred beside her with a loud snore. He lifted his head and looked at her, his wide jaws opened and his tongue lolled out as he began panting. Diana smiled softly and patted him on the head. "Thanks for keeping me company," she said.

Thunder's tail thumped mutely on the bed in reply.

Diana looked out the window. Now that it was daytime, she could make out her surroundings better. The walls were painted a cheery yellow color, thick navy curtains hung from the windows, there was a dresser and a closet, both painted white, the comforter was yellow, navy and white striped with anchors embroidered around the trim. "That's original," she thought, throwing back the covers.

She walked to the window and looked out at the front of the house. Lush, freshly trimmed grass stretched a good couple of yards ahead of the house, a long dirt driveway wound down a short slope and a grove of trees concealed the house from view of anyone on the main road.

There was a stone path set from the driveway to the front steps of the porch below; it continued on the other side of the driveway, wrapping around the side of the house. Diana opened one of the windows and stuck her head out breathing in the fresh ocean air. She could hear the waves crashing on the beach on the other side of the house.

Someone knocked on the door, pulling her from her daydream. She pulled her head in, groaning as she smacked the back of it on the edge of the window. Rubbing the back of her head, she walked to the door.

She blinked in surprise as she saw Jacin standing on the other side of the door. "Kaftor made breakfast for everyone, he wants to discuss some things with us," he said bluntly.

Diana crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame. Jacin looked like he wanted to leave but he held her gaze. "What?" he asked irritably.

Diana pressed her lips together into a flat line. "Would it kill you to just say 'good morning' sometimes?"

Jacin's face hardened and he looked down at her in annoyance. "Good morning," he muttered before turning and stalking down the hall.

Diana rolled her eyes and looked back at Thunder who still lay on the bed. "You coming?"

Thunder barked in delight and leapt down from the bed, his tags jingled as he brushed past her and led her downstairs.

Diana could tell everyone else was already up by the time she reached the first floor. Kaftor's laugh filled the whole house and she could hear her sister and Reith talking in softer voices.

The smell of food cooking greeted Diana as she stepped into the hallway and walked to the kitchen at the back of the house. Like her room, it was painted a cheerful yellow, the room seemed to light up as sunlight reflected off the bright color.

A large sliding glass door sat on the far wall to the left offering a breathtaking view of the ocean beyond the rolling hills of the backyard. The kitchen took up most of the room but stopped at the glass doors. A large oak table took up the left part of the room, and was situated in line with the glass windows so that everyone at the table could get a view of the ocean.

Kaftor stood in the kitchen over a stove, his broad shoulders covering Diana's view of the food he was cooking. He looked up as she entered, lifting the spatula in his hand as he threw his arms up. "Diana! So glad you could join us!" he said cheerfully.

Diana smiled shyly. "Um, thanks," she mumbled.

"Please have a seat," Kaftor said, gesturing with a massive hand to the table.

Diana followed his gaze. Reith, Jacin, Arielle, and another girl sat at the table. Diana blinked in surprise as the girl looked up at her. She had been at the house party the night Diana nearly drowned. She remembered seeing her tucked around the side of the house, speaking urgently to Reith.

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