Chapter Ten

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"Okay, I think that's enough," Diana said, stifling a laugh as her sister peered over a mound of clothes.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I really like clothes and I have none anymore, this is all I'll have!" Arielle said, stumbling as she placed the clothes on the counter.

Diana rolled her eyes. "We don't have any money remember?"

Reith stopped her. "Don't worry about that," he assured her, handing the cashier a wad of cash.

"You haven't really gotten anything," Jacin commented, walking up beside her and his brother, the same brooding, disinterested look on his face.

Diana looked down at the one bag in her hand and shrugged. She had grabbed a couple of t-shirts and two pairs of jeans. It was colder in Maine than Miami and she knew she would need more than what she had, but she just couldn't muster the excitement her sister had for shopping.

"Did I mention I hate shopping?" she joked.

Jacin flashed her a wry half-smile. "Several times."

"You'll need a jacket. The winters in Maine can be harsh," Reith said, looking back at her.

Diana had never experienced winter. Come to think of it, she had never really left Miami- certainly not Florida- before her life had flipped upside down and Jacin and Reith brought her to Maine.

"I don't know anything about winter," she admitted. "I've never seen snow before."

Jacin and Reith looked at each other in surprise. She frowned and crossed her arms. "What?"

"Tactically speaking, we're lucky winter is almost here. Atlantis is nowhere near Maine and Meison is less likely to send his men here. Personally speaking, we have a lot to show you about winters in Maine," Reith said, the light returning to his eyes.

"I feel like that should sound fun, but I'm feeling slightly terrified," she said, though her heart warmed a bit to see Reith returning to his normal easygoing self.

"It's Kaftor you should be scared of, always stand behind him in line for sledding, never before," Reith warned her, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Diana eyed the brothers suspiciously. She had heard of sledding but never experienced it herself. "I guess I should go find a coat then," she said.

"And snow boots, you won't get anywhere without them," Reith added as Diana began to walk across the department store.

Diana waved a hand behind her, acknowledging that she'd heard him. She found the women's section and began looking through the winter coats. She picked out a thickly lined deep red one with a faux fur trim hood. It fit her well enough without making it impossible for her to move her arms.

She walked to the shoe section and looked at the varying options helplessly. "Can I help you find something?" a friendly voice asked behind her.

Diana looked behind her to see a kind young man standing behind her in a red polo with the logo of the store embroidered on the chest. "Yeah, I'm from Florida, this will be my first winter... ever and I was wondering which boots to get," she said, hating how flustered she sounded.

The man smiled, eager to aid a helpless young woman. Diana resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she followed him to the right section. It didn't take long for her to find a pair she liked.

"Those the ones you like?" the man asked, walking up to her as she put her own shoes back on.

"Yes, thank you," she said, beginning to walk to the front of the store.

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