Chapter One

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"Diana! For Christ's sake, open the door!"

Diana rolled over in her bed with a groan. She looked at the digital clock on her nightstand and blinked in surprise, sitting bolt upright. "Shit!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, you should be concerned," her sister's stern voice sounded on the other side of the door. "This is only like the biggest interview of your life."

Diana rolled her eyes as she threw the covers off. "I think that's a little dramatic," she muttered, walking up to her closet and pulling out her interview outfit. She had picked it out months ago in anticipation. She looked over at the calendar hanging above her desk. Oceanic Labs Interview was written in giant red letters and circled three times for emphasis.

She quickly changed and combed her long wavy brown hair back into a sleek ponytail. She opened the door to see her younger sister Arielle still standing there, tapping her foot impatiently.

Her sea green eyes lit up as she saw her sister step out. "Wow you look amazing, let's go!" Arielle said, grabbing Diana's arm and rushing down the stairs of their beach house apartment. Well it actually belonged to their aunt Nelly. Diana and Arielle had been raised by their aunt since they were very little. Their parents had been killed in a freak accident at the very lab Diana was going to for her interview.

She had been studying Marine Biology at the University of Miami for three years and was eager to get an internship at one of the most prestigious marine labs in the country. She felt she would be honoring both her parents if she managed to get the internship.

Diana was snapped out of her thoughts as her Aunt Nelly stepped in front of her, her hazel eyes glowing with pride. "Oh you look stunning! Your parents would be so proud..." Nelly trailed away, throwing her arms around her niece.

Diana hugged her back. "Thanks Nel, but I really need to get going and Arielle has classes to get to," she reminded her.

"Right, right of course," Nelly said, straightening the collar on Diana's blouse absently.

Diana smiled kindly at her as she slowly stepped away from her. "Tell me everything when you get back!" Nelly called after her as Diana rushed out the door.

Nelly owned the whole building, the bottom floor was her baby, Nelly's Nook; a beachside cafe, the upper two levels made up her apartment.

Diana rushed down the stairs that ran along the side of the building. Arielle was already in the driver's seat of their red jeep, waiting impatiently.

Diana leapt into the seat beside her. "Sorry, you know how Nelly is..." she trailed away, gripping the frame of the jeep as Arielle took off down the sunny streets of Miami.

It was still early in the morning but there were already plenty of people out running or walking their dogs along the beach. Diana looked out the window at the vast expanse of ocean beyond the coast.

Diana sat back with a sigh, taking in a deep breath. "And remember to smile, but don't over do it, you want to look committed and friendly not crazy," Arielle was babbling.

Diana rolled her eyes. Her sister was a natural at these sorts of things. She was brilliant and stunning on top of it. Despite being older, Diana had often envied her sister, feeling like she had more to learn from her than the other way around. Diana was not a socialite and would much rather be spending time with the marine life than the people she studied with at school. Whereas Arielle had managed to graduate high school a year early and charmed her way into the honors program at the University of Miami. Everyone loved her and she was humble. Diana wanted to hate her sometimes for how genuinely kind and open she was.

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