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I slowly opened my left eye as I Iooked at my alarm clock and saw the time, groaning in annoyance as I slowly rolled out of bed.


I groaned louder as I responded to my sister calling my name. I walked my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a good look at myself. Wild, crazy brown-red hair, sleepy dark brown eyes, pale fair skin..

"Pale?" I squealed as I dropped my toothbrush from my mouth as I turned to look at my older brother, Spruce.

"RUCE!" i screamed as he laughed and took the lotion from the sink and looked back at me

"Hurry up, Clove.. we dont want an angry Sage dont-"

"BBOOYYSS!!!" Me and my brother jumped as we heard our eldest sister. We laughed as Spruce rushed out the family bathroom

"Speakin' of the devil.. HURRY UP CLOVE!!" he ran down as I chuckled and washed my hands.

As i was about to stepped out, I was almost runned over as my younger brothers races there way down. I was about to scold them but of course the mother of the house said it first.

"How many times have I told you to stop running! If one of you falls down the stairs I swear!!" Sage said as I walked my way to the dinning room. Me, my father and Spruce laughed as the young trouble markers were scolded. But I guess it was our greatest mistake

"And what are you old men doing? Get in here and help me make breakfast!" We all looked down as the twins laughed

We ready ourselves, we ate happily with the breakfast Sage made. It was a simple breakfast, eggs, bacon, ham and some troast.. but it was perfect for a room of five men.

Ever since mom died, Sage was basicly turned into the mother of the house, it didnt help that Sage was basicly a carbon copy of our mom.. light brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin. We were lucky to have Sage, even though she was busy being an accountant, she still managed to take care of us.

"Well.. I need to leave before my manager kills me" Spruce explains as he took his bag and left. Spruce just graduated college and was a major in Lituature and was now working in a publishing company

"Wait! Then who's going to take us to school!?" Gale complained with his mouth full as he turn to his twin, Kale, who nods his head in agreement.

"My fist, if you wont finish your food with your mouth close!" Sage threatened as the twins laughed uneasy as I giggle softly

"Now, now Sage.. G, K hurry up or the bus will leave you again" Dad said as both the twins rushed eating there breakfast

"DONT RUSH! YOU'LL CHOKE!!" Sage said as she smacked the head of the Twins. We laughed as I got up and took my plate to the sink.

As I left, I turned to see my family... i love them so much.. but i've always felt like I dont belong. Growing up I've felt judgement, being the only redhead and dark brown eyed person in the family made me question if I was an actual Rifes. All my siblings look either mom and dad. Mom had light brown hair, blues eyes and fair skin. Dad had dark brown hair, also blue eyes and a tan-ish fair skin.

While I in the other hand looked completely different. I wad bullied cause of my looks, they said I was adpoted, an ophran, foster kid, or even worst a bastard.. my father's affair's son. But I wasnt. My relatives also my parents said I looked exactly like my grandfather, my mother's father... even my father agreed. Doctors said it was probably that my grandfather's genes transfered to me.. but is that even possible? My mother have light brown hair, my grandfather and I have red hair

Well not red-red hair like my grandfather.. it was sorta between brown and red. In brod day light my hair was red but inside I have simple brown hair.. not as dark as my brothers and father or light like my mother and sister. Nope, it was plain brown. People were either jealous or amazed by my hair. But I dont really care right now

"Hurry up boys! The bus is here! Go, go, go!" My sister screamed as I walked down, having my backpack and ready to leave

"Ok mom!" The twins said in unisent as they ran out the door in a flash. They were still in highschool, basicly there last year. And just like them it was my last year in college

"Need a ride?" I looked at my sister that was fixing the table as dad already left. Dad works at a simple mechanical shop, after mom's death dad did everything to be busy and help pay for my sibling's school and house

"Nah, I can walk. Besides I'm meeting Joey & Link along the way" Sage nods as she went up stairs to get her things. Sage's work was near my college so sometimes we go together, while Spruce's work was near the twin's highschool

Everyday no one was left at home, mostly Sage was first to come home, next was the twins, me, Spruce, then dad. It was an ideal lifestlye but we could manage

As I walked, nearing the college, I heard my friends call me

"CLOVE!!" Joey said as he ran towards me with Link behind him. They were neighbors so they basicly walked together since birth

"Sup!" I called as Joey walked by my right side and Link by my left

"Joey.. could you stop running! Its barely even 8!" Link complained as I laughed. Link doesnt hate Joey there almost like brothers but he was always irrated by everything

"Whatever Ruby" Joey teased as he ran making Link to chase him. Ruby was Link's middle name... being an only child and your parents wanting a daughter was hard. No one really knows expect me and Joey and Abigail

"Hays.. those guys really" I turned to see Abigail beside me, shaking her head as she looks at me

"Going to stop them?" I asked placing both my hands behind my head as she sighs in annoyance

"Hays.. if I dont Ms. Smith's going to kill me.. SEE YA AT CLASS!!" Abigail said as she ran after them

Abbie was a scholar and was responsible for Joey & Link ever since the accident the two boys did with her around since first year.. now she has to deal with them. As I walked slowly to the entrance. A pair of arms stopped me as it hugged me by the waist and its head was now on top of my shoulder. I let my arms fall by my side knowing who was hugging me from my behind

"Hi there, pumkin" the breath guy said as he hugged me tighter. I let out a sigh as I TRY to removed his arms around my waist, as always I failed. Every damn time. I turned looked at the blond staring down at me, with his classic smirk

"Hawk" I said coldly as he smiled playfully. I turned around not wanting to talk to him so early in the morning

Im not always lucky in life, though I've been a fighter. Being this my last year in college I know I can do anything.. but if theres one thing I know im really unlucky was...

"No morning kiss?" I stopped and turned to see that smug smile on the blond's face. I groan as I step forward leaning towards him and giving him a peck on the lips. I turned and was really pissed.. but I know the annoying blond had a smile on his face

"That wasnt exactly a kiss... but I'll let it pass" he said as i walked down the hall with him behind me

... I wasnt lucky, being a criminal's type. They call him a troble maker, a psychopath.. but to me it was other wise cause I was..

.. a psychopathic murderer's pumkin...


Hi guys its me Gill!! Prologue! Yeah.. btw i just wanna say im still in senior high and have no knowledge what so ever about the college life and what goes on and off there, than from films and movies. So bare with me.

So any college students reading this im sorry if its not as accurate or realistic this is. So thank you and ENJOY!

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