Chapter 28

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I said in shock as i look at Kaffir then at Hawking, but how-

And then everything came through my mind making it sense. I realize a hilarious pattern that i wished ive notice before, Kaffir's name is Kaffir South Ripley, Ripley is his mom's name while Hawk's name was Hawking North Dickson, his dad's name. My eyes widen as i realize that Hawk look almost exactly like Gracie, with the blond hair.. and how she call's her children

I was there confused and mad, i didnt want to see Hawk.. not like this. No, this is wrong.. i was here to support Kaffir's older brother cause he has a-

"Pumkin.. are you free tomorrow? My family's having a huge dinner cause my older brother, West is introducing his fiance" Hawk asked as i look at him surprised. I didnt want to be near or be with Hawk at the moment and i already agreed to go along with Kaffir so i nod no

I groan rather loudly as i was stupid enough to not realise it any sooner. I notice that Hawk was already beside me as Kaffir and him glare at each other. With Kaffir glaring playfully while Hawk glare angrily

"North! South!" We turned to see who was talking and saw a dark blond haired guy with dark green eyes walking towards us with a huge smile on his face as he hugged both Kaffir and Hawk

"WEST" they both said as they hugged back. As they pulled away, i look at West carefully

He noticed me and smiled facing his attention towards me "and you are?" He asked as i felt awkward again as i breath in

"Im Clover Rife.. friend of.." i didnt know who to say but it looks like my sentence was finished

"Me" both Kaffir and Hawk said as they look at each other and glared. West had his brows up as he grins

"Well.. alright than, im Grad West. Nice to meet you" West said as he extend his hand as shook it

"Nice meeting you!" I said as he gave a charming smile back

"Likewise.. but anyways! The party's about to start.. please come join us!" West pulled me away from Kaffir and Hawk leading me towards the ballroom

He was greeted by guest as i notice Kaffir and Hawk behind us. We walked towards the front as i spot an old but good looking man speaking to a young woman. The man saw us and smiled widely, East than came into preview as West pulled her towards us. The man smiled happily as he hugged Kaffir, West, Hawk and East

"My kids!! Who wouldve thought id see you all together!!" He said happily as he noticed me and smiled, i looked at him closely he had black hair and light blueish green eyes "ah! And you are?" He asked as i felt East putting an arm around my shoulders

"This is Clover Rifes! South brought him" East said teasingly as i notice Hawk glare at her and Kaffir blush

"Well! Nice to meet you, Clover! Im Wilbert and this is my beautiful wife, Sharron" i looked at the woman and smiled as i shook hands

"Its nice meeting you maam" i said as she gave me a warm smile

"With pleasure" she said with a britsh accent as she excuse herself to some friends when another woman came into preview with big curly hair who stood next to West

"Dad! Sorry, i had some important business to do" she said as she kissed Wilbert's cheek

"Well everyone.. this is Candy, my fiance!" West said proudly as i smile and excuse myself to sit

The party started as Wilbert asked his sons to join him and the other boys to participate the event. I smiled as i sat there, watching them all play and drink when i heard the chair beside me move. I looked up to see East sitting down

"Well, someone's not in a party mood" she said teasingly as i smirked at her

"Id say the same to you, East" i answered back as i see her cringe

"Please! Call me Nica.. its bad enough my family calls me by that stupid name" she said as i laugh loud

We decided to chat for awhile. Nica explained how much she hated this events even when both her parents were together she hated the idea of fancy dinners and grand balls. She explained how she was always forced to wear big dress or fluffy ballgowns and more. I laughed as she tells the struggles of a rich girl

"Dont you miss you dad?" I sudden asked as she looked at me surprise, i instant blush for asking such a sensitive and personal question

She laughed as she notice the expression i made and gave me a big smile "hey, its fine.. but yeah, i do miss him" she smiled as she looked farther to the distance watching her father and brothers laughing and looking happy "i miss all of them" she said before glaring directly at Hawk, making me confused as i look at her

"Do you hate Hawk?" I asked again as she seemed surprised and nod her head no while shaking her hands in defense

"No! No! Its not that.. its just that.. i feel he doesnt care about his family" i stayed silent as she continued talking "even when our parents were still together, North has always been distant. He did seem to care enough or bother enough to know what's going on. I always said i was too young to understand and that he probably wasnt that expressive but.. no" she looked down to the ground "between all my siblings, i was never close to North. Even when West left for college or moved out the stated we had conection. But the moment mom and dad seperated.. its as if he never exsisted" she explained as i look at her with pity

I never thought id feel emotional as she said those. After the accident i had, i felt so awkward to even dare speak to my siblings. I felt bad, knowing that my older siblings wouldnve been too busy and our parents werent always home, the twins wouldve felt bad. I felt guilty not giving attention to them. I plced my hand on Nica's shoulder a sshe gave a weak faded smile

"He's a psychopath" she sudden said making my eyes wide as i felt myself turning pale

"W-what?" I asked, does she know what Hawk does for a living? Does she have any idea?

"Not like an actual PSYCHOPATH.. i mean, he acts one!" She said as i stayed silent to what ever she was going to say "he always acts so cold and doesnt even bother ask his siblings if theyre fine! He's heartless!!" She said as she tried not to explode as i comfort her

"Hey.. maybe he just doesnt know who to express his love? You know he may not say or show it.. but im sure he loves you" i said trying to convince her that its okay

But she doesnt seem any less convince as she looks away and crossed her arms "no.. that'll never happened. Besides its all his fault why mom and dad spilt" she said as my eyes widen. She turned to face me and held both my hands "are you too close?" She asked with her face full of worry

"Who?" I asked as she held my hand tighter

"North, are you too close?" She asked as my eyes widen

"No... i dont know" i said as i looked away from her, i dont even know what im doing here

She made me face her as she gave a weak smile while holding my face "Clover.. be careful, alright" she said as i looked at her confused

I was about yo ask why when Gracie called for her as she looked at me with concern before leaving me all alone on the table, puzzled as ever. I had a bad feeling that answers im searching for are here, close enough for me to reach.. i just had to be more attentive. After awhile in thought, i had to pee. While walking out the ballroom to the bathroom, i passed by a wall full of photos. While looking at it, i saw the smiles in there faces, Gracie and Wilbert used to be so happy.. what happened?

I shook those thoughts away, since its none of my concern. When i bumped onto someone. I rubbed my head as i looked up who i bumped into "Ms. Sharron?!" I said as she helped me up. She did one good look and smiled at me

"Careful.. you dont want to bump onto the wrong person" she said before leaving me. My eyes widen as I turned to watch her leave

What did she mean by that? I turned around to see a person who i didnt want to see at any moment ever


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