Chapter 29

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I looked at him shock as i my face was probably pale again, my eyes wide in fear. I didnt know why but i couldnt move. I was scared, afraid what he'll do. But i just stood there looking at him as his eyes shifted from worry to concern. My body slowly adjest as i finally made a response

"Hawk" i finally said as his eyes soften as he held both my shoulders and looked around before pulling me inside the bathroom

I looked around as i saw a large mirror on the wall, i watched Hawk locking the doors from the mirror as i turn to look at him "what do you want?" I asked coldly as he walked towards me, hugging me tightly

I tried to push him away from me, the last thing i needed now was being in the same room as Hawk. I wanted to escape but instead i ended up letting him hug him. My eyes felt heavy as i inhale his scent. My body feeling weak as i have physical contact with him. He held me tighter

"Do you like him?" He suddenly asked as i pulled away from him in an instant. I looked at him as his green eyes turned darker in shade

"What?" I asked as he walked towards me slowly as i backed away until my back hit the sink

"Do you like my twin brother?" He asked as i look at him with wide eyes as i study his expression

Twin brother.. i found out today that Kaffir and Hawk were actually twin brothers. I never noticed it before, probably because they had different surnames also different physical looks like their hair colours and shade of green in their eyes but ive always saw Hawk in Kaffir when ever he was serious. And looking at him now, i now can see the similarites. I just stared at him

"Clover" he called as i snapped out of thought. Its rare for Hawk to call me by my first name. I looked at him shock as i eyed him "i said.. do you like my twin brother, South"

"No.. no, i dont.. actually" i said as i looked away from him as he stepped closer to me as my breathing gets heavier each step. O moved backward as i was finally leaning onto the counter as he placed both his hands on each side locking me in "Hawk?" I said petrified on what he'll do

"Look at me and say it" he said, seriously as i look up slowly, seeing his green eyes looking at brown ones. I couldnt speak

"I-" i couldnt even say it. I dont even know what im feeling, why i cant say something as simple as 'i dont like him' straight to his eyes when here i was, shaking. My mouth was shaking when we heard a voice

"Hey!? Are you do using the bathroom!?" I large voice said as i fastly pushed Hawk away from me as i turn the nib and walked out

As i quicken my pace, it was useless compared to a elite killer on town. He caught up to me as he held my wrist and pulled me towards him as i reacted surprised. He turned me around making me look at him again

"Stop running away from me, Clover" there he was again, with that name. I didnt know why but i hated it.. or was i just indenial

"Im not running away.. im here now" i said to him as i tried yo act strong but obviously something was off. Since the moment i stepped inside this house, something was off

He held both my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him as i dodnt resist any much longer. He looked deeply into my eyes as i try not to shake to much. He starts leaning closer and i had no response. I was just there frozen when..

"Clover? AH! there you are!" I heard Gracie said as i pushed Hawk away from me again as i turned to face the gorgeous woman with a sweet smile as she smiled back warmly

"Gracie" i said as i walked towarss her as Hawk trailed behind me. I didnt dare look at him, no it was worthless so i focused on Gracie

"North!" She noticed as she hugged Hawk tightly again as i just smiled

"Mom.." he said awkwardly as Gracie let Hawk go

"I didnt know you were here together! Did i interrupted you in any way?!" She asked with a worried expression making her look cute like a young teen dispate her age. I nod no as Hawk stayed quiet

"No you didnt.. ah, why were looking for me?" I said as she thought carefully and like a light bulb flash she looks at me happily

"Ah yes! Well, as one of my son's friends you are welcome to stay the night here" she said with a big smile as i waved my hands no

"No! Please its unnecessary!" I said as she laughed and held both my hands and gave a motherly smile

"I insist, i know your place isnt close from here and it'd be a hassle to bring you home this late.. besides its much safer if you stay instead.. please you are welcome" she said with a convincing tone as i sighed in diffit as i nod on agreement. Now i know where these twins get there there charm

She squealed in delight as she pulled me back to the ballroom her arm hooked around mine as Hawk walked behind us. Hawk was about to talk to him when people surrounded him as Gracie took me back to Kaffir. Kaffir looked up and smiled as he handed me some food. The party was still going with some of Candy's friends entertain the guest. While eating i was eyeing Sharron there was something up with here.. besides now that i know something was up with the Ripley-Dickson family it got me all interested. I was about to get my phone when Gracie tapped me

"Clover, honey?" She called as i looked up and smiled. Gracie is such a great woman, i cant believe someome would seperate her. She's an ideal girl in my opinion "hope you dont mind staying at Kaffir's room for the night.." she said as my eyes widen, great "its just that some of the guest here will be staying and some of there cousins brought there big family.. i hope you dont mind" she said with that same convincing charm, and as earlier i agree in diffit

I look to my side seeing a joyful looking Kaffir as he ate his dinner. I smirked and chuckled quietly as the party continued. After a while my phone vibrated as i look at the message that was sent to me

Joey: cant believe CLOVE went to a PARTY

Abbie: wait.. WHAT?!

Link: Kale texted you? 😏😏😏

Joey: dont act so innocent! Gale texted you!!



Bonny: i just logged in.. CLOVE WENT TO A WHAT NOW?!

Abbie: a party actually.. WHAT KIND AMD WHO'S?!

Joey: Kaffir
Link: Ripley Kaffir

I rolled my eyes in response to what ever they were saying in our group chat as i gave my attention back to the party. As it ended, some of the guest left while the others prepared for their selves for the night. I texted dad to tell him i'll stay the night as i heard Gracie called me as i smiled

"Here" she said as she handed me a pair of clothes. I looked at it with wide eyes, looking up at her

"Dad and mom always have extra clothes prepared for these kinds of situtations" East said as she walked passed us all changed in a big t-shirt, shorts and wer hair

"Wow, you changed THAT fast?!" I asked as Gracie grinned and East smirked as she faced me

"Its a girl thing" she said as she winked and walked fastly to her room as Gracie lead me to Kaffir's room, saying good night

Before walking in i went to the bathroom to shower and changed. While showing i couldnt stop thinking about what Hawk was saying. 'Do you like my twin brother, South?' Do i? I stopped as i looked down while the water hits me. My feelings were still not clear. After, as i was walking out i bumped right onto someone again


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