Chapter 13

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"Be careful of what you know little bird" Andy read as i called him about what i found "this isnt a coinsidence, this was planned" i turned to look at him in disbelief

"Well no shit, sherlock! Obviously the person who killed those victims were trying to send a damn warning scene they know police will post the victim's name, no duh!" I said as Andy glared and went back to the articel i showed him. We were with Kian today cause next to Andy, Hawk also trust Kian for personal reasons

"This is a revenge plot.. but for who?" Kian ask as he check the names if they had any connections to Howard or Crowan in general

"Now thats what we need to know" we turn to see Hawk, wearing an all black suit as he colasp to me

I caught him as he starts to smell and kiss my neck. Mostly id say stop to him, but seeing how stressed he was and that he made an effort to come back to Fillbergh to see any conncetions what so ever i'll give him this, he hugged me as he pulled me closer to him

"I miss you" he said softly to my ears as he pulled away and kissed my lips, i kissed back just because i needed it. As we pulled away he smiled and stand up griping my waist as he walked toward's Andy

"How's the meeting?" Andy asked with a raised brow as he looked back into the articel with his laptop

"Dreadful.. Jane was soo strict i kept forgeting she's the heiress and Howard's cousin" Hawk said as he sat beside me still griping my waist

Kian gets all our attention as he showed us his laptop with the victims names "Ok ive search every possiblity about the victims' involvement and connection to Howard and Crowan and only found one, which is Angelo Martinez, the student you killed Hawk.. which means"

"The person who did this to the victims were from the inside of Crowan and knew about Hawk's mission and played with it" we turned to see who was speaking and saw it was a female with black hair who looked almost exactly like Howard, probably this is Jane Marbles

"Jane" Hawk said as he stood, glaring at her, she glared back

"Hawking" she responded

"What are you doing here?" Hawk asked as she walked forward sitting at a chair near Kian

"One of my members gets a call all of a sudden from a VERY important meeting and left with no explaination.. what would you think i'd think about what you did" Jane said as she crossed her arms and eyed both of us "this is a curshal thing, Hawking, with my cousin's death and the Benterbin victims, Crowan is in hell fire now" she explain while i look confused at to who exactly

"Im sorry but.. dont yall know who already is the killer? The gun shooter?" I asked as i look at all of them, Jane sighed as she look at me with scary eyes

"Clover right?" I nod "yes, we know who did it, its an obvious technic and style choice. But the fact the killer killed my cousin and this secret message we cant be certain the killer is the same killer" she explain as i grew more confused

"Isnt it 307GN?" I asked, already too curious, they all looked at me shock while im like.. are they stupid or what? Did they legit forgot i witness some of the crowan meetings?

"Yes, we've asume it was indeed 307GN also known as Filbert Adams but he was found dead  while the Benterbin cases was still happening.. so i guess he wast the killer" Jane explained, that cant be real, i saw how 307GN shoot with a gun, it was perfect! Straight to the head.. how could it not be him

This was getting confusing as the people in the room do there thing, i was here wondering the same questions myself, who's the killer? Who could it be? A well trained shooter who can fight killed the Benterbin victims. Same skill, same technic. How can this be slipped just like that?

I've seen and heard people, but now im just dead confused. Kian was right this was a revenge plot, the person who did this wanted to get revenge, and taking people's life was part of it. And who ever this is, apparently can kill even the strongest if people

Their meeting took longer than expected as Jane had to leave to check on the Crowan. Kian streach his body as he closed his laptop

"Stay here.." Hawk said as he hugged me from my behind. I turned to face me as i was hesitant
"Its late, i can talk to Sage to let you stay, just stay.. the last thing i need is a victim here in Fillbergh"

I finally agree as he took my phone and talked to Jane to let me stay at Andy's, since Andy basicly lives alone anyways, Hawk has his own room here even Kian. Kian left to eat and do more research as he went to his room. Hawk pulled me to his room as he pushed me to the bed, really hard as i lay on my back

He lay on top of me, staring deeply to my eyes as he lean forward kissing me deeply. We made out for a while until we decided to rest. He took a shower and i checked my phone reciving a chat message  from Kaffir, i opened and checked

Kaffir: hey! Clover, wanna hang out again?

Clover: umm.. whats the occasion?

Kaffir: HAHAHAHA, nothing!

Clover: i'll think about it, what do you have in mind?

Kaffir: malling?

Clover: HAHAHAHAHA dude thats so girly HAHAHAHAHA sure! Text me when, gotta go

I closed my phone, smiling. At least i can still have a normal life before i could die and be killed by who ever this mysterious killer is

"Why are you smiling?" Hawk asked making me surpirsed that i almost droped my phone

"Nothing, just chatting a friend thats all" i said as he eyed me carfully

"Really? Who?" He ask glaring as i nod no and laugh

"Just a friend, promise!" I laughed again and hid my phone in my bag as i turned and sleep

I felt and hear Hawk groaning getting all annoyed by the fact that he cant get through my phone, i just laughed it out through my dreams

Who ever the killer is, they are plotting something even Crowan and probably Hawk cant figure out.. i have theories, thinking through  the people i met before

At my first year in high school, all the people i met and saw at the crowan meeting at the strip club, but my theories, of who the killer? Either it's Yohan or Reymark's son

Either way they had a reason to kill and that was because of one specific person..

Hawking North Dickson

~~~ Bonus POV ~~~

Third person POV

Hawk was frustarted as he couldnt  open Clover's phone who was already fast alseep. Hawk was curious and probably jealous of who Clover was chatting

Hawk was desperate and made his way towards Andy's room. Andy looked out and saw it was Hawk, sighed and let the blond in

"What do you want, Hawk" Andy asked coldly, annoyed for Hawk to ruin his sleep

"I need you to hack pumkin's phone" Hawk said as Andy looked at him in disbelief

"Hack? You do realise i specialize finding people's information not to fucking hack a person's personal stuff!" Andy explain as Hawk pout

"Oh come on! You probably know how to hack, dont you" Hawk asked

"No, Hawk, i dont know how to hack! If ya need a possible havker wake Kian up not me.. NOW GET OUT!" Andy said sarcasticly, while pushing Hawk out of his room

Hawk made his way toward's Kian's room as he knock, Kian answered in seconds, looking out

"Yeah?" Kian asked as he had his head set on him

"I need you to hack pumkin's phone" Hawk said, Kian looking confused

"I dont hack Hawk.. well not hack to another person's phone thats Connie's thing. I just search and open informantion with no reliable systems, i do codings and stuff. Also hacking computer systems not cellphones, sorry man" Kian explained as Hawk pouted in annoyance

Hawk walked to his room, seeing the sleeping angel still asleep as Hawk was pissed he didnt know what was on Clover's phone

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