Chapter 1

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Clover Alder Rifes, Art major, class-student, was the name given to me by my parents.. but..

"Pumkin" i cringe as i turned to face Hawk, his green eyes looking at me

"What" i asked, getting annoyed when i could just go inside my room already and chat friends instead

"Eat lunch with us.." i cringed, i hate eating lunches out of my own will or with Hawk in general ".. or else" he warned as i sighed and agree

I was a victim of bullying, even since high school, i hated it. I wanted to die, i should be lucky to have a perfect, simple, supportive, loving family.. but i was blinded by peoples bullying and negativity. And i should be thanking Hawk for helping me to stop it. But i didnt... or he'll probably do worst them try to own me

Hawk calls me his pumkin, his favorite food, drink, dessert, everthing. We werent exactly a couple, and people didnt dare to question him or me what exactly was our "Relationship" besides it was my fault, meeting him and even seeing him. I was stupid and insensitive before

"Morning Rifes!" I looked up as i saw Jaspher, my classmate since 2nd year. We werent exacly friends but we were comfortable with each other. He was a nice guy who was welcoming

"Morning Jaspher" i said as i look at him taking a sit next to me. Jaspher was crazy good with realism and i was jealous. Though he mention he was jealous of my creativity and crazy cartoon style

"Saw you with Dickson earlier" he mentioned as he took out his gigantic sketchbook from his slingbag. I nod my head, Dickson was Hawk's surname. Jaspher prefers calling people there surname since most people have the same first name

"Yeah.." i said awkwardly, its not that i mind, i just dont reallt want to anwser any questions about me or Hawk. I just dont know if i could answer it by any means

"So Cl-" Jaspher was speaking when he notice his other friends calling him from the door frame and excused himself, asking to watch over his stuff. I agrreed and he left

I sighed in relief as i Jaspher left. I dont hate Jaspher but talking about Hawk so damb early was pissing me off, and kissing him TOO early was also annoying. As i relax i felt my phone vibrate as i checked and saw Joey chatting us


Abbie: taking your snacks and food from your bag isnt going to kill you Joey!

Joey: yeah it will!!

Link: are you guys seriously chatting now?! Im in class!

Abbie: this early?

Link: not my fault that Mr. Grey is being a dick and always so early in the damn morning! Now shut up and dont you DARE SPAM TEXT ME JOEY!

Joey: Mr. Grey? Kinky~


I laughed softly as i didnt plan on replying to any of them. Joey and Abbie were both in the same major. Major in Science.. i know crazy, with Joey thats impossible but believe it out not Joey's an actual nerd when in comes to science. While Abbie loves chemisty. Link is a major in computer science, he used to be a hacker well after he was caught and punished

Wondering how we all became friends? We all knew each other since gradeschool. Fillbergh was a small town. So we all basicly grew up together. Fillbergh only grew bigger after the town next to us, Geaner was dying from survation, corruption and drugs that our town mayor fight to save them making Fillbergh a bigger town. And Geaner was were Hawk used to leave

Speaking of Hawk, my phone vibrated as class started and Jaspher just came back doing what ever he pleases as Ms. Corpus started teaching. I checked my phone and saw it was a text from no other than, Hawk. I looked at Jaspher who was dead busy with his phone and sketchbook, he was drawing Tom Holland in his latest spiderman movie

From: Dicky Shitson

Dont forget lunch ok.. if not you know what'll happen. And tell you friend Jaspher not to ask unnesseary things.

I sighed. Of course he knows whats happening on my life, the fact he knows that Jaspher is beside me and asking about him today wasnt crazy enough.. think again. I replied back and contiued listening to class. But as i was about to hide my phone i recieve a text from Bonny

From: Bunny boy

Hey man, could ya text Abbie to let me enter the gate?

I giggled softly as i texted Abbie. Bonny was our other friend. He's always late and always gets locked by the gate but the guards knew Abbie, since lets say half niece of the school's dean, she can get anyone in. I recieve a text from Hawk again and checked it

From: Dicky Shitson

I see your little friend's late again

I rolled my eyes and hid my phone, finally. Bonny and Hawk were in the same major, which was cullinary. As crazy as it sound, yes, Hawk can cook and is good at it. And isnt his excuse to hold knives. Bonny knows Hawk and knows that Hawk has his eye for me, no pun intended, and is afaird of him


As class ended and was time for lunch finally, i waited for my friends to come but was beated by Andy, Hawk's friend and was a Track & Field major on sports so even if i tried to run away he'll probably beat me to it. Smart.

"Hi there Alder" he greeted as i sighed and texted ny friends i wont be able to join them for lunch. I turned and looked at him

"Where's Shitson" i said annoyed as i heard him chuckle softly before crossing his arms and leading me to the cafiteria

"He's busy" i rolled my eyes, busy my ass. You probably skipped class and killed someone. Bonny texted me at third class

Andy carried my tray as we walked our way to the outside sits of the cafiteria. People hasnt bullied me, one cause they know i sometimes hang out of one of the school's dangerous gangs in town and two cause theyre afaird of Hawk

I sat down next to Kian, the only member of Hawks gang who is actually nice and friendly. He noticed me and said hi

"Sup Alder! Your hairs bright red today" he mentioned as he points to my hair. I nod as it was because the sun was directly hitting it. I looked at Andy and glared at him, knowing that Hawk made them sit here today

Andy was Hawk's closest friend and companion when Hawk's magicly gone he askes Andy to watch over me. I didnt really care to know his other friends beside Kian. I do know them but i wouldnt care less about them. Andy eyed me as he sighed

"Stop killing me with your glares, Alder" Andy commented as i crossed my arms. Hawk's gang calls me Alder and i dont understand why really but i didnt care. I hear Andy sighed again
"You know why he made us eat here, Alder" he said calmly. I really dont know how could Andy tolerate an annoying ass like Hawk

"I do. And apparently he isnt here to see and eye fuck my hair! Where is he anyway?" I asked

"At Benterbin" Penny, one of Hawk's friend, said. I sigh in annoyance as i ate my sandwich

Benterbin was at the other side of town. He threaten me to eat lunch with him and turns out he was at another side of the town. I was pissed. I couldnt just have eaten with my friends than sit here uncomfortable. Even if i tried to leave, Andy will probably make me stay cause even when Hawk was present or not i had to stay

As Hawk's friends chat and talked what ever, i was annoyed and wanted to leave. But then i felt a pair of arms again, hugging me from behind. He leaned in closer his sweaty head placed on top of my shoulder as he pulled me closer

"You stayed.." Hawk said deeply and slowly as he hugged me tighter

"If i didnt who knows what stupid things you'll do. Now let go! Your sweat is all over my shirt!" I complained as he lets me go and gave me his playful smile

He sat beside me and talked none stop to his friends. I stayed quiet, Hawk didnt bother to talk to me. Having me beside him was already enough for him, beside his hand was by my waist pulling me closer to him. I stayed quiet eyeing the bloody glove shoved into his pocket

I brought myself into this, and now i had to handle the consiquences

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