Chapter 14

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Im back to school, my head shaking from all this drama. I should have said to Andy what i thought but i bet they already knew that. I mean there meeting with the crowan heiress was intense, even i couldnt handle that all

I left really early and arrive at school too early that there were barely any people around yet. I went to my classroom, hooking up my earphones, listening to some music while reading some Benterbin case articels at my phone

"... find your grandparents or someone of age, pay some respect to the path that they paved. To life, they were dedicated. Now, that should be celebrated" i sang to the song when someone spoke

"Neon gravestones, twenty one pilots" i looked up and saw Dawn, sitting next to me as i smile

"Yeah.. well arent you early" i comment as i removed my earphones and paying attention to him

"Arent i always?" I laughed as we talked about some of our future projects for our talent

Currently out big project was creating a short animation that explains value, since i was a traditional artist, animating wasnt much my thing. Sure i could draw digitally but animate? Gawd id be dead first before i could do my project. Dawn promised to help me, im just glad i have a friend from all this drama. Benterbin was digging to me, Kian and Andy did there research and founf nothing in connection what so ever about the people expect for Angelo Martinez who bought drugs before from Howard and thats that

But the fact that the killer chose one towninstead of mulitiple.. that means there's something wrong with Benterbin and there might be a possiblity that the victims werent in random, they planned this for so long, killing random of people and magically knowing there name? Somethings up

Class started and Kaffir was scolded for being late again, he sat next to me as i try my best to focus on the lesson. But Benterbin kept coming to my head. I was drown to it, and weirdly i want to investigate what does the town hides after all this mysterious deaths


As lunch happened, Hawk texted me he was back at the crowan, meeting and planning with Jane. Andy and Kian were doing a secret mission on helping Hawk about all of these. Abbie was out again, practicing for the school's welcoming event since the school was welcoming the next generation teachers, proffesor and deans

Bonny was agruing with Joey about who will be the newest president of the school as Link happily ate his food without Joey annoying him

"Im just saying that Mr. Roberts make the cut! I mean have ya seen the guy?!" Joey argue as Bonny looked at him in disbelief

"Roberts? Who the Pol Sci major? PLEAZE! Mrs. Waston is soo much worth it! Kids love her" Bonny defened his long time favorite English teacher Mrs. Waston

"Yeah 'kids love her' well duh she's a freaking preschool teacher Boniel!" Joey teased

"As if! Any way what makes Roberts any better, Joseph!?" Bonny asked

"He's good with politics and he basicly runs half the school already! I pick him" Joey explained

"Please! Youre just saying that cause you know Kale likes politicial science and is planning to take that for college!" Bonny said as Joey blushed as we all laugh

"He's got a point there, Joe" Link commented as Joey glared

"Yeah whatever, Ruby" Link glared as the three agrue over everything

I finished my lunch when i recieve a chat message from Kaffir

Kaffir: meet me by the library

I smirked as i left my friends to there endless fight and made my way to the library, i walked passed the principal and president's office as i hear them agrue, i didnt pay much attention but something or someone was by the coner of the office room. I shook it off and continued walking until i spotted Kaffir sitting at middle of the library

"Kaffir" i said as he looked up, smiling as he placed the book he was reading down

"You made it!" He said as i sat beside him

"Well you asked me to come so.. whats up" i asked as he showed me a picture of a store, the store had art supplies and i mean LOTS

I took the picture and studied it, they have every medium you can think of! I was probably drooling, this is the life i want to have

"What is this place?!" I asked looking at Kaffir as he chuckle. He turned to look at me

"Its down town, Hegfrine, i saw a store there called Arts-see and thought its a cool place to ya know go and hang" Kaffir explains as i look at him amazed. I smiled as i raised a brow and crossed my arms

"Are you asking me on a date?" I asked as i notice Kaffir blushed as he looked away, i laughed and made him face me holding his face
"Kaffir.. do you like me?" I asked as he just stared at my eyes

His green eyes staring at my dark brown ones. We stayed silent, just staring.. i was weirdly fond of his green eyes, they had a weird charm to them as we silent. He them smirked as he held my collar as he pulled me closer to him as i grin

"That depends.. pretty boy" i raised a brow as we were only a few inches away from each other's lips as i gave an airy laugh

"Is that a compliment i hear?" I teased as he smirked

"What if i did" his lips were moving closer to me, we both pulled away as someone called my name

I turned and noticed my little brother, Kale walked in the library and i instantly pushed Kaffir away making him fall of his feet.. pun intended

"Kale?!" I said as i stand, as ge ran towards me

"Gawd! Finally i found you!" Kale said as he stop in front of me holding the table breathing in when he noticed Kaffir and pointed him "um.. who's that guy?" Kaffir suddenly stands up and holds out his hand

"Kaffir Ripley! At your... service?" He looks over and as Kale shakes Kaffir's hand, Kaffir had his mouth drop "damn.. youre big"

I laughed as Kaffir just looked up at Kale. Kaffir was taller than in an inche but Kale was taller in at least 3 inches. The twins were taller than me and Spruce. People said its because theyre the youngest but i debate its because they played basketball in such a young age

"Umm.. thank you?" Kale said, awkwardly

"Kale.. what are you doing here again?" I asked as i looked at him carefully, why is he here? It isnt even his dismissal time "is Gale here?"

Before Kale could answer we heard a loud bang from outside the library, Kale starts remembering what happened before and runs out as me and Kaffir did towards the school's backyard

"What-" i started, with my eyes wide

"The-" Kale said, with his mouth drop

"HELL!!" Link yelled

I was trying to understand what was happening. I was standing next to my little brother, Kale and Kaffir next. Next to us was Bonny hiding his eyes as Joey was covering his mouth, but you could see the cringe on his face. Now if you look closely what's in front of us. Gale was on top of Link, and whats the weirdest thing thats happening is the fact that Gale was oddly topless which was very questionable

"Never thought my friends and little brothers would get these any gayer" i finally spoke with this awkward situation that we were all in

"And i thought i saw worst" Abbie said as she walked towards us

Link glared at us, he roughly making Gale fall on the ground as Link glared at my brother. And stands up, dusking himself

"What are you even doing here Stevie?! And why the hell are you topless?!" Link glared as he pushed Gale away and walked towards us

"Does this mean Link & Joey will be my brother-in-laws to the twins?!" I said teasingly and sarcasticly

Link glared harder as he pointed a finger to me "dont push it Alder.. im not gay" walked pass us "and by the way! Im late!"

I sighed and look at Gale, and notice a slight blush as he walked towards us. I crossed my arms

"Ok, will you guys tell me why are you here?" I asked as Kaffir, Abbie and Joey beside me

"Spruce" both the twins said in insyc. I raised a brow as i wonder why Spruce had to do anything for the twins to be here "he's at Benterbin"

You have got to be shitting me

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