Chapter 7

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(Still Flashback Chapter)

"Well arent you interesting"

He said as he studied me, deeply. I was scared and worried for my life. I witness a murdering last night. I witness seeing a guy killing an innocent man-

"He's not as innocent as you think.. he fooled kids" the guy who apparently pulled me away from my safety said. He looked liked he read my name.. but how did he reme-
"Its obvious with how you looked at me.. youre remembering what yoy saw last night.. you felt pity for the poor guy" I looked at him and snapped

"So?! You still shouldnt have killed him! He's a human being for pete's sake!" I said as i see his eyes widen as he grinned

"Even if he fooled more innocent and literal innocent people for money?" He asked, letting me go, crossing his arms and facing towards me

"Yes.. he because i believe people.. deserves second chances" i said as he looked at me amused

He leaned forward towarss my ears as he wisphered onto my ears "meet me later at the parking lot.. i'll wait for you... if you dont come.. you know what'll do" he said before leaving me all alone inside the empty classroom

Who exactly was that guy?!


After classes. My anxiety was reaching over me.. i think im going to die any minute now. Abbie invited me to her place to watch movies with the gang but i refused cause i made my mom make me go out to buy stupid ingredients!!

"You actually came-" he started as he walked over, when he suddenly stopped. I looked at him weirdly

He stayed silent as he walk towards me. In movies people would have hit there killer or scream and get  people's attention but instead i was magically still.. cause movies are fantasies while this is reality

He lifted his hand and i was ready for anything so i closed my eyes, ya know.. just in case but nothing happened instead.. he was touching my hair. At first i eas wondering why but then i realise of my hair color.. i sighed

"Im so-" i was about to appoligize when he cutted me with one word

"Pumkin" he said as he was still holding my hair as i looked at him really already confused

"What?" I asked as he looked at me directly to my eyes. And i saw his eye color. His green eyes were pretty but it was dark.. almoat black unless you looked at it carefully

"I love pumkins.." he said

"So?" I asked as he gave me his smug smile again and let my hair go and lean forward towards my face.. leaving a few inches from out faces. His smug smile staring back at me as i cringe

"From now on.. i'll call you Pumkin, Clover" my eyes widen as i look at him. How did he know my name?!
"Get inside" just one command and the next thing i know i was already driving out of town with a literal killer next to me

I was shaking in place, i was worried and scared. And i didnt even a chance to say 'i love you' to my family before a surpisingly good looking guy tries to despose me

"Stop worrying and relax" he said as he looked at me with the coner of his eyes as i look at him

"Easy for you to say" i said looking back to the road, crossing my arms as i heard him snicker. We stayed silent for a while.. but we'vr been driving for a while already

"How did you know my name? I dont remember telling you... or anyone in general" i said trying to sound sarcastic to fool but i guess i wasnt exactly the best of it

He smiled for a while before answering what i asked him "i have sources" he said as he looked at me and back at the road

"What now?! Are you plotting ny death?!" I asked now literally sarcastic as i laughed a little

"No.. of course not. I would never do that. Besides youre too interesting.. Clover Alder Rifes" he said as i looked at him, my eyes widing. He knows just my name who cares, i mean its just my name "son to five, middle child, only son who look physical difference from his family, never admited his feelings and emotions also sexuality, friends to Joey, Link, Abbie and Bonny" he said as i looked at him in shock and i was probably breathing heavily at that moment. i hate this. I was literally bad luck to the people i love. This is blackmailing..

"Than where are you bringing me?" I asked as he looked at me with one of the most scariest smiles ive seen ever in my life

"A show"


The car ride stopped. I looked out and realise it was already night time. Shit, mom's gonna kill me.. oh wait! I'll probably be dead by then before she'd get a hold from me. The person next to me, got out and opened the door for me. He held out his hand but i didnt took it and got out. I looked at my surroundings

"Welcome to Sunnigin" i said as my eyes widen. We were farther way from Fillbergh, like about 5 towns away it. I looked at the grinning guy as i followed him walk. He was literally going to kill me, this guy's-

"AHHH-" i slipped as we walked as he caught my arm, pulling me closer to him as he held my waist. I looked up at him. His eyes.. looking worried?

"Careful" as he slowly lets me go. We stayed silent as we continue walking

We passed a few houses, shops, schools, apartments.. its been so long. And i never realise that Sunnigin was such a huge town. Than again, ive never been to Sunnigin before. I looked at the blond guy next to me, still wondering why i havent run yet? Oh wait im at a different town and this guy actually know's my life so fuck that i guess

"Who even are you" i finally asked as we were nearing a different location in town. He turned as he smiled at me

"Curious?" He asked, being so fond for a fact i CLEARLY knew nothing

"Obviously" i replied as he glared. He laughed as he turned again

"Hawk" he replied. I raised a brow, glaring at him again. He laughed "Hawking North Dickson"

I stopped as he stopped and turned to look at me "Is that your real name?" I asked as he kept laughing again, this guy is literally a legit psychopath

"You seem like a smart guy.. if youre that curious to know if its real" he answered as we continued waking again, silent again

We kept walking, it was already dark and im really worried. Mom might have already start texting non-stop to me already. We were finally in a noisy village, it was loud and creepy. I looked around, we passed a few bars and i heard loud screams and laughs in them. Hawk looked down at me

"Do you have your phone with you now?" I nod no, as he also nod at me "good"

Grewing curious "Hawk, where exactly are we now?" I finally asked

"The other side of town, the dangerous side" he said as he took me in a bar like place

He looked at the bouncer and let us in. As we got in, he held my waist before we enter the actual place and wisphered "dont do or say anthing ok" i nod in agreement

I wasnt even planning to speak any time now. He smiled, he held my waist as we entered. My eyes widen as i realize where we were. We were inside a strip club.. not a fucking bar. My eyes widen at a combination of male & female

How the fuck did my life turn into this? Fuck

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