Chapter 23

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I didnt want to admit but i missed that.. miss him. I didnt reply i just looked at him. Studying every bit of him. He looked tired his bags under his eyes were huge, his skin was paler, his hair was a mess. I was.. worried about him. This feelings theyre confusing me

I looked back at him but instead of the smug smile he was glaring, glaring at my chest.. i was about to ask what i was about and remember the hickey. I was about to cover it when he reached for my wrist fast and pushed it back to the wall, pinning me down. Using his free hand, he pulled down my shirt, exposing the unhealed hickey. He glared harder

"Who did this?!" His voice was threating and i knew not to tell a name. I knew he'd kill him without a doubt. I just stayed silent. He looked directly at my eyes "pumkin i said.. who did this" his voice was scary but i wont give in

"No" i said strong, not looking into his eyes as i saw his hands turn to fists

"What?!" He asked, a growl was audible for me to here as i gulp

I sighed and took a deep breath looking up directly to his eyes, strong "i said no.. i wont tell you who" i said, serious as he slowly soften his face, knowing he cant beat me but he pushed me harder

I yapped in pain but stopped when he he started kissing my collar bone, sucking and licking it. He was leaving an even bigger hickey. I just knew it. I knew some small moans where forming but i stopped it. It took longer than expected as he pulled away, looking at his doing. I glared at him as i felt it turning red. He smiled but frown at the same time as he lean forward kissing me and hugging me tight as i gave no reactions at all

"Pumkin.. remember your mine" my eyes widen as i blush slightly as i hugged back. Pulling me to a kiss again as i moan softly

Im his...

I instantly pushed him away from me. No, what am i saying.. what am i even thinking?! I looked at him, wide in surprise as i looked away

"What do you want, Hawking.. why are you here.." i asked as he just looked at me with worried eyes

"Im.. checkin on you" he said as he eyed my hickey again, that stupod visible hickey that was on display. He glared as i groan "pumkin"

"You act as if im yours.. like you own me.. i dont belong to anyone. You have no right to own me" i said, my eyes glaring at his as he growls

"CLO-" he was going to scream, im not going to make him so i spoke

"Dont even! You say i own you.. that im the only one? BULLSHIT! What about your side chick?! Huh!?" I screamed as he stopped glaring and looked at me confused

"Side chick?!" He asked surprised ad i grew pissed

"Christian Reymark jr?!" I said loud and clear as he look at me, pale

"What.. h-how.." he asked as i laughed sarcasticly at him

He looked at me, his face mixed with angry and worriness i just smirked "so was kissing him fun?" I asked sarcasticly as he remembered what happened at the mall as i continued "was it fun? I never thought that the killer of his own parents would fall for a murderer.. a fucked up murderer" i said, my chest tighting as he looked at me with shame

"Pum.." he said, looking weak than usual, i dont care. I dont even know why i bother to come to school

"Hawking.. im sick and tired of this! My friend's dad died, my brother's at Benterbin and apparently he hasnt contacted yet! Youre hittin it off with Christian Reymark jr and apparently there's still a fucking killer on the lose and im betting it on Yohan cause right now i dont understand why i need to be involved to any of these!!" I broke down, i dont know what triggered me but all i know is i dont want this anymore. Meeting Hawking, leaving that day, being a careless son..

What have i done in my past life that i need to suffer

We stayed silent after awhile. He just stared at me when he began speaking slowly "Yohan.. he's dead.." Hawkin looked up as i was in disbelief. Benterbin's case is still on, the town's first ever big case ever. Its still on going

I dont know why im mad, why im in such pain. I dont know why i suddenly cared so much about Benterbin so much. I was about to speak when my phone rang. We look at my phone, i saw the caller.. it was Joey. I didnt move, we didnt dare move a muscle. We just waited. He called again and i took my phone, answering it

"Joey" i said, coldly and not caring so much to what ever non sense he's going to say but i head his breathing, it was shakey. And this is Joey.. something's wrong "Joey?"

He stayed silent, but his heavy breathing said he was stilk on. I waited, patiently. What's going on? What's wrong...

"I-it's Bo-onny.." he said as his voice starts to get more shakier as i felt my heart race in worry. Waiting for a respond "h-he's.. hurt.. he's hurt, Clove" my heart just stopped as i drop my phone. My face turning pale. Hawk looked at me worried as he took my phone, listening as he's eyes widen

"Clover.." he said softly as i start shaking. This cant be real.. ive been worried about other things already and now.. my best friend..


We were by the nurse's office. He got a large cut by the left side of his rib. Abbie was sobbinung with Joey as Link was talking with Bonny's parents. It happened early today, Joey and Link witness it. As Bonny as coming to school late again, they said he was alone when he got to school when a masked man just came out of nowhere and stabbed Bonny by the rib. It was fast what happened and both Link and Joey reacted fast. They caught the attacker saying, he was on drugs and wasnt thinking straight, that it was an accident

But this was no incident, this was intentional. They got the suspect but they way he answered the police sounded staged. Hawk drove me here, as i sat there not moving, my mind was elsewhere. Who ever did this was a warning, or was it just a main coinsidence.. but with all that happened now, this was far from just a coinsidence. The killer may have hired an attacker but my question in why Bonny. I notice Christian wasnt here, but isnt he Bonny's friend? Was he involved to this?

"Clover.." i looked up lazily at Hawk who gave me ensuring eyes as he smiled. I tried to smile but looked away. He was about to speak when his phone vibrated. He took a quick glance before he looked at me "i need to go..." he said as i notice his eyes shifted making me to reach for his wrist as he looked surprised

"Youre not telling me something.." i said, whatever this is. I know this was about Bonny. Bonny got involved, i know it. I wasnt stupid

The fact that Christian just appeared out of nowehere and Gray came visiting. I need to know what he knows. He just looked at me, fighting and hesitating to tell me. I waited. I need something, anything

Im already involved since that very day, i cant run now. My best friend got involved and what ever it is, i need any information. Cause if this was connected to Benterbin.. i need to make a move, fast

Hawk just smiled weakly at me as he lets my hand go, slowly as he look to me eyes, the same shifted eyes "dont worry. It wont be any of your concern.. for now"

He left, and i just sat there. I needed an answer not another question for me to decode. I looked at Bonny's parents as they cried. I felt guilty. Lonk came back to tell that Bonny's in good condition and needs rest

I glared, making a fist as i was mad and pissed i couldnt just tell anything and everything i know. I stormed out. I need fresh air

As i walked out, i took out my phone, hoping to find someone, anyone to get any information. Scrolling to my contacts. Andy wouldnt be any help when he's Hawk's right man so is Kian. So i only had one person to call

"I need help.."

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