Chapter 27

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I looked around as Kaffir got us out of his car, my mouth and eyes were wide open as i look at what was in front of me. It was a massion and it was huge, i didnt know Kaffir's family was THAT rich. Kaffir said the party will be held at his father's house... and that he was rich, but i didnt expect this! The massion was massive, the front was huge it was almost as big as a city. Kaffir laughed as he walked up to the front and the door swang opened

"Evening Mr. Kaffir" an old man said as he greeted Kaffir and turned to face me, smiling as he bowed again "Evening to you as well, Mr. Rifes" he said formally as i felt embarassed

"Please! Clover is fine!" I explained as the old man smirked and bowed again to me

"My apologize, evening Mr. Clover" he said smiling as i blush in embarassement and bowed back

"As well to you" i said as my face was beet red. As i hear Kaffir laugh he pushed me inside as he closed the door behind us

I looked around the room, it was huge, with tiled floors, chandliers everywhere, pictures of different people. I heard the old man and Kaffir talk as i pretend not to hear them

"He's swell sir" the old man said

"You think so?" Kaffir asked when they stopped talking, i moved my face to hear some more when Kaffir spoke "eavesdropping, arent we" he said as he look at me

My eyes widen as i blushed brightly as i instantly look away "please! I do not do such things!!" I said as i walked passed by him "besides arent we here for a party" i heard him chuckle as he catched up to my speed while laughing

We walked by the ballroom, cause when youre rich you can have and do anything. We walked by the buffet and some maids and servers greeted us and i felt more embarasse than usual. Ive never expreience this kind of stuff and realise we were rather early and found out the party starts by 9 and we were two hours early. Kaffir decided to do a house tour while we kill some time

Kaffir told me when he was young  his parents got sperated, making him and his twin brother to also be sperated. He stayed and grew up with his mom as his twin grew up with their dad. He told me his twin and him didnt look like exactly alike, they had different hair color and their eyes have different shades of green. While walking we passed by the kitchen

"Southy!!!" A young looking woman said as she walked towars us, hugging Kaffir. She had black hair like Kaffir but her eyes had a lighter shade of green, she was wearing a bright red tight red dress with an apron on "you made it! And early too.. and it looks like you have company" she said as she pulled away from Kaffir and faced me. She wiped her hands by the apron and smiled at me "Gracie Mae Ripley- Greens, South's mother nice to meet you" she said as she reach for my hand shaking it rather fastly

I smiled awkwardly, yup this was exactly Kaffir's mom.. theyre exactly alike "umm.. Clover Rifes, maam" i said as she pouted

"Please.. call me Gracie instead. Besides as South's boyfriend call me.. EAST!" she suddenly screamed as we heard a loud groan as she walked towards us

It was a black haired girl with exact same eye color of her mom wearing a puffy cocktail dress probably about the same age as my younger siblings, who was dragging her feet towards us. She looked at her mom lazily. Gracie pouted as she crossed her arms

"Now dont give me that attitude young lady! Besides didnt i tell you that you can bring any one tonight, East?!" Gracie said as East groan louder "look you brother brought company! If you brought someone you wouldnt be bored" East rolled her eyes as she look at me before looking back at Gracie

"Well im sorry mom that i dont have a boyfriend to bring" she said mockingly as i and Kaffir both blushed as i shake my heads in defense as they look at me

"Please! Dont get the wrong idea!! We're friends!! We're not dating or anything!!" I said fastly and awkwardly as East raised her brow

"Arent you Clover.. um.. Alder.. um..  Rifes, right?" She asked as she crossed her arms looking at me

"Yeah?" I asked, why does she knows my name? She looked at Kaffir smirkingly as he glared at her

"Ha! Anyways, Monica East Ripley, nice meeting you" she said as she extend her arm towards me as i shook it

"Likewise" i said since she already knows who i was. Before she could speak a hug poped out and called us as we look at a guy

"Honey! Robert's asking for you.. oh hi!" He said as he walked towards us as he look at me "ah! You must be South's boyfriend.. Clover, right?" He asked as i blush again. East laughed as she corrected the man

"Theyre friends, dad" she said as she giggle

"Ooohh" he said, not looking any convinced as i turned to Kaffir with questioning eyes as i look at him. What exactly is he telling his family about me?

"Any ways, Clover this is Benj, my husband, East and South's stepdad" i nod my head as i shook his hand "well anyways, duty calls.. see you around, Clover! Enjoy!" Gracie said before she, East and Benj left

I turned to face Kaffir who looked embarassed, as his face was red "well.. i gotta say youre family looks fun" i commented as he smiled happily as he breath in

"Yeah, they are actually" he said still beet red as i laughed

"Any ways.. mind telling me, why your family asume we're together?" I asked while raising a brow

His face grew even redder as his eyes widen making me laugh "i-i dont even know!" He defended as he looked away "besides where were we!?" He asked as he starts walking faster as i laughed and catch up to him in his speed

While he showed me around, i was amazed at what his father does for a living to get a house this big. I looked around seeing different pools, libraries, it was like a maze! With more that 20 guest rooms. Who ever owns this place is a millionaire or even a billionaire. But as i kept looking around i noticed they didnt have a single family picture. I mean having a broken family, i get it but.. i wonder what caused to get Kaffir's mom and dad to sperate.. Gracie was lovely

"Kaffir" i called as he turned to face me, we were nearing the familt rooms "if you dont mind me asking... why did your parents sperated?" I asked curiously cause i havent seen his dad and other siblings yet. I saw the change i expression Kaffir made and i fekt stupid for asking, it couldve been too personal "Wait! You dont have to tell me.. if you dont want too" i said as i blush in embarassement

He smiled but nod his head "no, its fine.. but lets just say that its really complicated. My father did things... so did his children" he said honestly and didnt ask any more, i just nod in response "hey! Hey! Dont feel bad! Its fine, dont worry" he said as he held my shoulders and gave me a smile to enssure he was fine as i smiled weakly, Kaffir was about to speak again when he was called by one of the maids, to speak with him as he look at me for approval as he left me by the hallway and jogged his way towards one of the rooms on this big, big hallway

I told him id be waiting for him there by the hallway as i look at the paintings hang by the wall, i was amazed of the varity of art piece that was displayed there. i smiled seeing different artist when i heard steps walking, i turn to see who it was and almost died on the spot, my face was pale white as the person i was looking at was also in shock as he also looked pale



We said in union as we look at each other by each end of the hallway. I was pointing at him, with mix feelings cause i agreed to come here to get away from the drama and problems and seems like i was bad luck cause even in this place i wasnt any much lucky. I was about to question him when Kaffir came into preview and spoke

"Oh! Looks like you finally get to meet my twin brother" he said as he stood beside me as my eyes widen in shock as i notice Hawk glaring


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