Chapter 30

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I said inside my head as i look up at the same female, ive bump into earlier this day. I smiled awkardly as she smiled back looking down at me. For a woman, she's a damnass tall one. I menatlly slapped myself as we just stayed silent

"Ahh Clover, right? We meet again" she said as her piercing eyes look straight to mine

"Miss Sharron!! Im so sorry for bumping into you again!" I said, panicing as she giggle. Honestly, something was off with this woman in front of me ot maybe im just oblivious about everything

"Its alright.. seems like who'll be staying the night" she stated as she eyed me looking up and down at me

"Yeah.. Gracie suggested" i said lowkey awkward in this situation

"Ahhh Gracie, yes" she said rather weirdly. As she smiled and ruffled my hair before walking away "good night Clover.. dont let the bed bugs bite" she said again in the weird voice as i watched her move away farther into the distance

As i saw she was gone i sighed heavily as i turned to bump into someone again as i looked up to see who "Kaffir!" I said, smacking his chest as he laughed

"What were you doing here? Staring? Finding ghots?" He mocked as i sighed and chuckle softly before looking up at him

"Actually no.. im just looking at your step-mom, Sharron" i said in a sarcastic tone but instead of Kaffir laughing he looked shock and.. rather scared? I began to start worrying as well "Kaffir?" I asked

His face was slowly paleing when i snapped him out of his thoughts as he held my wrist rather roughly, pulling me fastly to his room. I was surprised by the action as he pulled me inside and locking his door. I raised a brow wondering why. He turned around, catching his breath as he looked at me and smile

"Kaffir?" I asked as he walked towards me, hugging me. I had both my eyes wide when he pulled away
"Kaffir, your scaring me. Whats going on?!" I asked, curious to why he was acting that way all of a sudden

"What did she say?! Did she do something?" He asked, panic was obvious in his tone making me worried than ever

"Something? What? No.. she didnt. She just.. told me to not let the bed bugs bite?" i said honestly more as a question than a statement as he looked carefully at my eyes

"Why? Why'd she talk to you? She rarely interact with guest.. especially ANY guest relating us" he said with a worried voice

"I bumped into her twice?" I said rather like a question then a statement and his eyes widen

"TWICE?!" He sounded petrified. I looked at him confused as he blinks and calm down slowly "sorry.. its just that-" Kaffir was cutted when his phone started ringing when he checks the caller and excused himself out

I sat there, confused.. but with the information i got from both East and Kaffir somethings really off with there parents. And i just had to know, some more little piece of information. But i cant ask East or Kaffir or Gracie directly. I need someone who i can rely on to get enough information that can get me at least some answers that could help me. I took my phone out and dial a specific person

"Hey.. are you free tomorrow morning?" I asked before nodding at the person i was speaking too

After the call, a sent both Joey and Gray a text about our planned this upcoming weekend's events before Kaffir walks in, looking stressed and pissed all combined

"Kaffir?" I called as he looked up at me his eyes looking dark as he sighed and called for me to come to his bed as he stood up

"You should sleep now.. i have some unfinished business to attend to at the moment" he said sounding worried as he didnt make any eye contact. And at the moment he left, i knew something was fishy as hell

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