The New Guy

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"Alright guys, listen up! We got a new kid here and he wants to try out for the team. So listen to what he has to say and then bring him on the field. I have a doctors appointment, but Willaims knows what to do. So get busy!" Coach announces. The guys all nod, some groan, and all take a seat in the bleachers.

The new kid stands up on the railing and looks at everybody. His eyes skirt past me and I get a weird feeling in my stomach. The new kid is hot, I'll admit that. But I can't be thinking like that.

"Hi guys. I'm Stark Jameson, and I'm from Memphis, Tennessee. I played first-string quarterback and was team captain all Junior year and the small part of the time I was still in Memphis for my senior year. Now, where is this Williams dude?"

Everybody laughs. He doesn't know. "I'm right here. I don't really appreciate when random strangers walk onto our field and automatically assume they are gonna get a position on the team. But I'll give you one shot to prove to me and my team why we should let you on."

"And what position do you play sweetheart? Shouldn't you be in a short skirt with pompoms, and cheering my name?" A lot of "oo's" and "he's a goner" sound in the bleachers.

"Sorry honey but you probably shouldn't of said that. This is my team, I worked hard to get my position and you are not gonna walk out here and disrespect me and then take my position. Now let's see what you've got before you piss me off."

"You're a feisty one aren't you? Don't worry sweetheart, I won't hurt you too bad." I wish I could slap that stupid smirk off his face as he winks and walks onto the field.

"BJ!" I snap, and he rushes over to me. "Kick his ass. And don't worry about hurting him. Just give it all you got, got it?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "Everybody on the field!" I yell and they all rush the field.

"First lets see how far you can throw it. Ty, go long!" I yell. He starts running and gets about 37 yards. I can throw about 45 on a good day. Noah can throw about 35.

"Good, but I've seen better. Now let's see your running. Start in the end zone and run to the other." He obeys and I turn my stop watch on as I shout "Go!"

40.39 I can run about the same speed. Noah's a little faster. Okay.

"Now just a simple pass to Parker, with the guys rushing you." I give out my final demand.

They get into stance and snap the ball. He drops back three steps into the pocket then makes a perfect throw to Parker, and then BJ tackles him. He's actually not that bad. But I can't have three quarterbacks. Decision is made. I'm sorry Noah.

"Congrats you are officially second-string quarterback. But if I see one little mistake, you'll lose it." I turn to the rest of the team. "Practice over! Hit the showers. Practice in the morning!"

"Addison!" Shit. I turn to the three yelling my name.

"You're just gonna give the guy the position after one practice, that wasn't even a practice?!" Parker whines.

"Yes, because I can see that he knows what he is doing. But I'm gonna be harder on him. He'll either fail or quit, it doesn't hurt us either way." Parker and BJ just turn and walk away. Now Noah is left, staring at me like I betrayed him. Which I kind of did.

"I've been here four years working my ass off. And you just give him my position right away? What the fuck is up with that?" He is pissed. Very.

"I warned you this morning that this could happen."

"I told you I would step it up. It was one time. You've seen me play. You've never seen him in a game. What if he freezes up from all the pressure or something?" He argues.

"I'll watch him closely. But I'm not changing my mind. For now you are first-string running back. I still need you to back me up."

"Am I always gonna be your backup? Because honestly I'm tired of it. Four years I've been stuck behind you. I at least thought the scouts would get to see me play my position but obviously that's not happening. That's what I get for trusting a goddamn girl." Did he really just say that?

"If you can't handle some changes, get off my field." I don't mean it. What I'm doing is unfair yes, but we could really use him as an RB more than we need him as second-string to me.

He looks down at me and rolls his eyes, looking away for a moment. "Good luck sweetheart." And walks off. Grabs his bag and walks away. Shit.

I'm so screwed. What the hell did I just do?

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