Horror Movie Buffalo Wild Wing Fries and Threats

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Somebody thought it would be a funny idea to steal all my clothes and leave nothing but my cheer uniform. That's just great. I am not wearing my sweaty uniform to Parker's, but I also didn't want to wear a short-skirt, but I have no choice. I take a shower, slip on the damn thing and grab my bag.

I stop by the local bakery and buy like at least a pound of chocolate-chip cookies. What? We eat a lot okay!

I pull into Parker's driveway and grab the cookies before heading in. I hang my jeep keys on my spot, I'm here a lot so yeah I have my own spot on their key hanger.

I walk through the kitchen, waving hi to his mom, pass his little brothers room, stop by the bathroom to remove my contacts and put on my glasses(yes, I'm very close to being legally blind), and then open the door at the end of the hallway.

The guys are all spread out, already chewing on some pizza. "Whoo! You put that thing on just for me?" Then I get a slap on the ass. I glare at Stark.

"Why is that perv here?" I glare at Parker.

"What? He's new on the team, gotta give him a chance." I throw the bag of cookies and he catches them without flinching.

"So any reruns to watch?" I ask.

"Nope, but there are a few football movies to choose from. Draft Day, When The Game Stands Tall, The Blind Side, Remembering The Titans...." Noah lists off. Really, a football movie? I hate because you almost always know who is gonna win the final big game. It's like watching a damn Bring It On movie. Not very fun.

"How about a horror film?"

"Okay." Parker puts in Saw 1. I hate these movies, why did I suggest this?!

Just a few minutes in I move from my spot in the beanbag chair to a spot on the couch in-between BJ and Noah, leaning more into Noah.

I'm hiding my face in his shoulder most of the time. I can handle 200 pound football players tackling me for a football, but I'm like a chihuahua off the field. I get scared really easily.

I didn't even notice the movie ending. They restart a movie, but I don't notice. I soon find myself drifting off. Right before the darkness fully takes over, somebody brushes my hair back and remove my glasses. "Goodnight Addison."

I wake up to what sounds like a room full of bears. All the guys are passed out, snoring louder than anything. How do they sleep through it? How did I sleep through it?!

What's worse is I'm cuddled up to one of them. Noah to be specific. His arm is slung around my shoulder and my head is in the crook of his neck. How the hell did this happen.

When I try to move, without him waking up, his arm lowers to around my waist and pulls me in closer. Well this suddenly got a lot more complicated.

I go for my second attempt and this time he stirs, groggily lifting his head and letting out a big yawn, running his hand through his hair. It's all tousled up and honestly he looks hot. He rubs his eyes and then notices the current situation.

Instead of letting me go like I expected, he does that half-smirk that drives me crazy and pulls me even CLOSER and then tries to go back to sleep! No way mister!

"Hey, no! Wake up and get off me!" He grunts and pouts. But reluctantly lets me go. I find my glasses and slip them on.

"You're cute with your glasses and messed up hair, you know that?" His voice is rough, like most people sound when they just wake up. My cheeks heat-up quickly and I grab one of the couch pillows and hit him upside the head.

"I don't date my teammates, so you can stop with the flirtation." I tell him.

"I thought you were enjoying those kisses! And hey, YOU said you loved ME when YOU did those cheers for ME." He's half joking and half being serious.

"You're a really great friend Noah..."

"Not this speech. Anything but this speech!" He sighs.

"I can't date my teammate and one of my best friends!"

"Forever friend-zoned," He mutters. "I gotta go, I'll see you at practice on Monday..." And then he's out the door before I can say wait.

The guys all start waking up and when they see me standing in the middle of the room just staring at the door, nobody asks anything about Noah. Like an unspoken rule as been passed.

It's Saturday, and today LSU isn't playing. But Arkansas is playing Missouri and we settle for that game, even though Arkansas always gets their ass handed to them pretty quickly.

Me and BJ hang out every other Saturday and go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch whatever game is on, and eat French fries. I swear, they have the best fries ever!

So me and BJ pack up and I don't even bother changing, I just brush my hair and teeth, put on some deodorant, and we leave.

We get a table with a good view of the Arkansas game and it's already 12, so it's still in the first quarter. Only 20 seconds left though.

I got a Dr. Pepper and BJ gets a root beer. Then we just order fries, fries, and more fries.

We've been here for about an hour when somebody approaches our table. BJ is in the middle of another perverted joke, and Missouri scores a touchdown so I throw my hands up, almost screaming "Touchdown!" and my hand hits somebody in the chest.

I turn to apologize but it quickly dies off in my throat when I see the person. It's not that I absolutely hate the person, but it's the glare that they are giving me that makes me act rudely.

Jerod Hamilton, captain of the soccer team. And Noah's ultimate best friend. They've known each other since they were babies, while I met him in the seventh grade at football try-outs.

"What do you want Hamilton?" I sneer. He usually tries his best to avoid me ever since I "accidentally" punched him in tenth grade when he was talking shit about how I'm only on the team because I slept with most of the team. It didn't bother me too much then, but I didn't want a stupid rumor going out. He was the only one who truly beloved it at the time anyways.

Truth is I'm still a virgin. I've made out like once, okay? I just don't have time for boys.

"I'd really appreciate if you didn't fuck around with my friend." What?

"Excuse me?"

"I don't care if you sleep around, that's your choice if you want to sleep with the whole team. But I just don't want you messing with Noah." I'm out of my seat faster than he can blink. He still believes that?

BJ grabs and stops my arm when I wind it back. He's pissed, I can tell. But he doesn't want me to get in trouble.

"Just stay away from Noah, would ya?" And then he walks off and I can see his smirk. I try to go after him but BJ ain't moving. I sigh and deflate like a balloon.

"Does everybody really think I slept with all you disgusting idiots?" It shouldn't bug as much as it is right now. Does everybody really see me as some major slut who fucks everybody?

"No, just the stuck up arrogant guys who didn't make the football team." He looks away for a second. "Don't worry about it. Okay?" I just nod. But truth is unlike last time, the comment hurt like a cut. A deep cut that's gonna take awhile to heal.

We leave before the game ends. Missouri ends up winning. I can't even gloat to my friends who are Razorback fans. His words repeat themselves in my hand. "I don't care who you sleep with, just stay away from Noah." Over and over and over.

How bad did I hurt Noah?

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