1: Lyon & Marla's Wedding

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Kristy walked around, greeting some of the guests; they were mostly vampires and a few Elvin acquaintances. "Mr. Cox, welcome."

"Please don't call me that," Nathaniel said. "Call me Nate, Mr. Cox is my father's last name, and I hate it, so don't call me that."

"Sorry," she smiled. "I didn't know you hated it."

"I had to endured it to keep my secret," he said. "But now that you and the others know I can use my name, my mother's name."

"I see," she sighed. "How are you and your wife doing?"

"We are doing great," he said. "My daughter likes her very much. And I do too, but I was too stubborn to realize to open up after my wife's death."

"I'm glad you finally open up," she said.

"I heard you're leaving after the wedding?" He said. "I'm sorry for taking you along; that was a mistake. And I ruined your relationship with Elvin."

"It's okay," she sighed. "Elvin shouldn't have gotten that angry with me. It was my decision, and I can take care of myself. So it's not your fault, and yes, I'm leaving after this. I want to go home and see my family. I have been away from home for far too long now."

"I'd hope that you and Elvin work things out," he said. "I think you two supposed to be together."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"Ahem," Elvin joined them.

Kristy glared. "I'll talk to you later, Nate," she walked away.

"Kristy, wait," Elvin followed her. "We need to talk about this."

"Oh, now you want to talk?" She stopped and turned to him. "Elvin, I do not want to talk about this now; it's Lyon and Marla's wedding. So let's not argue about this."

"Okay," he grabbed her hand. "But don't leave, please? I know what I said was out of line and I said something, but I take it back, don't go."

"I'm sorry," she said. "But I'm not going to stay here; I want to go home to see my family. And I won't come back. It's over, Elvin. Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to enjoy the wedding."

"Okay," he said. "We'll talk later."

Kristy walked away and made her way over to Skyla. "That man, he's so irritating."

"You mean, Elvin?" She chuckled. "I get it, you and Elvin are not getting along but try to act as you do. You're a bit gloomy."

"Sorry," she smiled." I'll try not to be so, gloomy."

Skyla chuckled. "If you say so."

"I'm going to take a walk to clear my thoughts," she made her way over to the forest.

She went to the lake and sat near the river. "You shouldn't wander on your own," Elvin said. "I know you don't want to talk now, but your not safe being alone."

"I can take care of myself," she stared at the river. "Go back and enjoy the wedding. I need to think about my life and what I'll be doing."

"I know," he said. "But can we talk now? We aren't at the party, and we won't disturb anyone with our arguments."

"Go away, Elvin," she sighed. "I need to be alone."

"No," he knelt in front of her. "We need to talk about this now, Kristy. I love you, I do, and I told myself that it was best to separate that staying away would keep you safe. But I can't. I love you too much to let you go. Give me another chance."

"No," she stood. "I'm not giving you another chance."

He gripped her arm. "Please, Kristy, let me show you that I can love you. And I know you too."

Kristy looked at him. "Elvin, your eyes are red."

He shook his head. "I'm fine, look Nate is helping me control this, but he said I wouldn't be able too until I get my emotions in checks. And that means accepting that I love you and that you can take care of yourself."

"Well, you're not doing a great job," she said. "Now let me go, I mean it, Elvin."

"No," he growled.

Kristy looked at his hand, changing. "Elvin, let go of me."

He pulled away. "Sorry, but please stay?"

"I can't," she said. "I have waited for you for too long. I want to start my own family. And I can't do it with you. Right when we start to get closer, you change your mind and push me away. I'm sorry, but I can't. Find someone else that meets your standards."

Kristy walked past him. And he grabbed her arm and pushed her against the tree. "No," he growls. "You will not leave me ever!"

Kristy push at his chest. "No!" She tried to move Elvin's hands away from her skirt. But he's strength duplicated. "No!"

"Elvin, no!" Nate pulled him off with the help of Alton. "Kristy, go."

Kristy ran.


Elvin lost control; he knew what he was doing but couldn't control his body. It took Andre and Nate to drag him back here without anyone noticing.

"You're going to drink in here alone?" Andre asked. "Lyon and Marla are about to leave for their honeymoon. Marla wants to see you."

"Okay, let her in," he leaned against the desk.

Andre opened the door, Maral walked in. "Hi," she walked over. "I heard what happened." Andre left the room.

"I'm an idiot," he said.

She sighed. "No, you're not, " she smiled. "You're just in pain. I know you and Kristy are going to fix things. But it'll take time." She hugged him. "Thank you for everything; you did help me a lot. You took me in and gave me a place to live. You will always be my father." She kissed his cheek. "I wish you nothing but the best. I know you'll be happy."

"I hope so," he kissed her head. "No, go, and tell Lyon if he hurts you, I'll be after him."

She smiled. "I'll let Lyon know, and remember, hang in there; you'll get through this."

Elvin nodded. "Thanks."

Elvin looked out the window as Marla and Lyon departed. The house will feel lonely once everyone leaves. But it's better this way; no one will have to see his miserable life.

After everyone had hone home, and to bed, Elvin was drunk and strumbled over Kristy's room. She was asleep; he walked over and stroke her cheek. Why is she so beautiful?

He leaned down and kissed her lips. He wants Kristy to stay, but he can't force her. It's best to let her go.

He stepped back and left the bedroom.

He laid in his bed, thinking about what he'll do once Kristy is gone. He'll have to work hard with the vampires to build a place they can call home and not worry about being hunted down.

Aside from that, he'll have to deal with those men that attacked him. Elvin knows they'll give him many problems, but thankfully he signed over the lands to Anton temporarily.

He closed his eyes and tried to figure out how to gain control of himself. He can't keep going into fits of rage. And he needs to learn more about this lycan and werewolf blood mix. Nate seems to know a lot about it, he'll ask him.

And perhaps then, he can ask Kristy for another chance.




Miss SayaChan

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