4: Self Control

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Kristy gripped the pillow as Elvin thrusts. "Elvin, take control, I know you can do it."

He growled and rolled her over to her side and smacked her butt. "Don't tell me what to do; I told you to leave!"

"No," she glared. "I won't leave you, not again. Let me help you, Elvin." Kristy bit her bottom lip as he slides back in; he was aggressive, and she liked it, but not the spanking. "Hey, be careful." He lifted her leg and thrusts from behind. He was so close to transforming, Kristy needs to find a way to help him. "Elvin, slow down, or I will smack you."

"No, you won't," he said. "I'll hurt you first," Elvin's sharp claws dug into her skin.

Kristy winced. "Hurt me all you want, I don't care," she elbows Elvin, and he growls, letting her let down. Kristy turned around and got on him. "I love you, Elvin," she kissed him and slid down his shaft. "Ah."

Kristy saw him shift completely, and there was the monster. Her eyes were red and angry. He sat up and licked her neck. "Gross," she said. "Don't do that," she looked at his ears and rubbed them. He relaxed and wagged his tail. "Not so, bad now, are you?"

He scoffs and nuzzles her neck, his claws roam her back. He wasn't so evil in this form; he's more lycan than a werewolf. "I'm still, bad," his voice was more profound. "I'll show you how terrible I can be." He cups her bottom and thrusts up, deep and hard.

She stared into those angry eyes of his and shook her head. "You are so, full of yourself; you don't scare me, Elvin. In this form, you can take anyone down, yet you can't get rid of a stupid witch."

"You're trying to get me angry," he snarls.

"Why is it working?" She smiled. "I'm kidding," she sighed. "Being like this, with you, it's great. Sometimes we have to relax and enjoy each other's company. Don't you think?"

He groaned and nibbled her ear. "Kristy, I don't want you to get hurt; Bethy will know yours here. And she will kill you; please go back home."

"No," she said. "That woman doesn't scare me, and I haven't even met her. I won't let her take you from me. I wasn't here to stop her, but now I am."

"Stubborn," he nuzzles her neck. "Self-control."

"Self-control," she repeated. "I know you can do it, don't let others control you; you're stronger than you think. A wicked witch isn't a match for you; all she has is power. I'm sure she has a limit."

"I can't stand her," he licked her neck. "I hate her scent; it makes me sick," he growled. "But your scent, I like it, though it changed, you been around children a lot?"

"Yes," she chuckled. "I help out at the nursery and take care of the kids while everyone is busy working."

"I see," he sniffs her and bites her ear.

"Ow," she smacked his chest. "Don't bite my ear off, I get it your being playful, but I'm human, I mean I'm a lycan, but I can't shift you know that."

He chuckled. "I forgot."

"You forgot?" She shook her head. "Tell me, what is bothering you, I can see the anguish and guilt in your eyes."

He held her tightly, burying his face against her chest. "I have done a lot of terrible things; I don't want to speak of, not yet. Let's not talk about anything, but us."

"Okay," she smiled. "I'm here, Elvin, I won't let anyone hurt you."

For the rest of the night until morning, Kristy endures Elvin's aggressiveness. And she helped him gain control of himself.

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