15: Calm

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Kristy woke up feeling ill and sore. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh good, your up," a woman walked in and held a wooden cup. "Here, drink this, it'll help with the soreness."

Kristy took the cup and drank it. "Ah, gross," she set the cup down. "Where am I? And who are you? Where are my babies?"

"Calm down," she chuckled. "My name is Melina Wolfen Kenzie. I'm Elvin's mother."

"Oh," she sat, tried to stand, but something held back. "Ah," she shook her hands. "Why am I chained up? Oh no, what happened?"

"What do you remember?" Melina asked.

"Giving birth," she said. "And then nothing, did I hurt someone?"

"You were about to chow down on a human," she said. "But Elvin and my daughter stop you; we had to chain you down because you wouldn't respond to us."

"I'm sorry," she sighed.

"It' okay," she unchained her. "It happened to me too, and I'll make you never go through it."

Kristy sighed. "Ah, wait, Melina Kenzie?"

"Mhm," she smiled.

"I know your brother, Bob," she said.

"Bob?" She sighed. "My big brother, how I miss him, I wish I could see him."

"Why don't you?" Kristy asked.

"Look at me," she said. "I haven't aged, what will Bob think?"

Kristy chuckled. "Bob has seen it all, I'm sure he won't mind," she looked down. "You should see Bob before it's too late."

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

Kristy sighed. "Your brother's health has declined. He doesn't have much time, but he's holding on, see him, or you'll end up regretting it."

Melina looked down. "I didn't know; perhaps I can turn him."

"No," Kristy shook her head. "Beleive me, we spoke about that, and Bob doesn't want that, he wants to die as a human. All Bob wants is to see his children married, and maybe deep down, he knows your alive and is waiting to see you. Maybe that is why he's still holding on; he thought he lost everything, but here you are."

"I'll see him," she said. "I hope Bob can hold on until all of this is over, then I'll go see him, my big brother. It's time for me to go home."

Kristy smiled.

"Kristy!" Elvin walked in, he knelt and held her. "I was so worried."

"I'm sorry," she saw his neck and cried. "I bit you, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he said. "I'm glad you're okay, and why didn't you tell me you had triplets."

"Sorry," she smiled. "Where are they?"

"Here," Zoey walked in, with Bryson. "Two boys and a girl."

Kristy held the boys and Elvin, the girl. "Wow, they are so small."

"The girl is a vampire," Zoey said. "The boy with the blue eyes is a werewolf, and the one with green eyes is a lycan. It's is strange though; none of them have the other DNA; it's like they split into three."

"I see," Kristy smiled. "My babies."

"Ah, they are climbing on me, again," Bryson said.

Kristy looked over at Zoey's kids; they were crawling on Bryson's leg. "Why are they doing that?"

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