6: Awaken

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Elvin sat on the chair, watching Kristy sleep. It has been a week, and she hasn't woken up, but she was healing, her hair was almost entirely black. Her skin became paler and cold.

Lyon said it'd only be cold during the summer, and later during winter, it'll get warm.

"I can smell both vampire and lycan blood running through her veins," Lyon said. "You need to be prepared for when Kristy awakens. I don't know if she'll be the same. She will go on a rampage, like all who get turned. But I'm hoping the lycan will take control."

Elvin sighed. "It's my fault if I hadn't been so stupid as to let Bethy controlled me. To mess with my head and twist my words."

"Hey," Marla walked in and set a trait down. "Eat, Elvin, you need to replenish your energy for when Kristy wakes up."

"Thanks," Elvin stood and stroke her cheek. "I'm sorry for hurting you." He hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"It's okay," she said. "I'm only glad that your back here with us. You don't know how I miss you; you're my father."

He kissed her head. "Your strong Marla, thank you for not abandoning me."

"Never," she said. "Now eat, oh, and Andre received a letter from Anton."

"What did it said?" Elvin sat down and ate.

"Anton received a letter," Andre walked in. "From the head witch, it seems they are missing a prisoner named Bethy Lagoon, granddaughter of a great witch. They imprisoned her for sacrificing cats and innocent people to do forbidden spells. They already send someone to bring her back, but they haven't heard from her."

"Who?" Elvin drank some water.

"Katherine," he said. "Katherine Lagoon, Bethy's twin sister."

Elvin looked at Kat sitting crossed leg on the floor. "And description?"

"Blonde hair, blue eyes," Andre said. "And a cut under her eye."

Elvin glared at Kat. That brat has lied to him all this time, making him feel guilty. "I see, well, we better look for Katherine. If Bethy hasn't gotten to her, anything else?"

"They are sending someone else," Andre said. "Bethy's daughter, Lucy Lagoon."

"Daughter against mother," Marla shook her head. "It's harsh, for the daughter to have to come to get her evil mother. You know, I was not expecting for witches to make an appearance; they always keep their distance and mind their own business. They never ask for help or get involved in other people's affairs. It seems this time they have to come out."

"You know a lot about witches," Elvin said. "I guess those books I bought you worked, you learned."

Marla nodded. "Yeah," she smiled. "Witches are forbidden to use dark magic, which are spells that are too dangerous for anyone to use. They mostly involved sacrifices."

"I see," Elvin peeked down at Kat, who was smiling.

"Elvin," Kristy mumbled.

He stood and looked down at Kristy. "Hey, Kristy?"

She stirs and opened her eyes. "Ah," she closed them back. "It's too bright," she blinked a couple of times and opened her eyes.

"Oh damn," Andre said. "Why are her eyes white? Is she blind?"

"I'm not blind," Kristy said. "I can see clearly, but what do you mean my eyes are white?"

"They aren't all white," Lyon sat down and checked. "It's only her iris that's white; her eyes change color, which is strange all vampire wake up with red eyes. Your body must not have known what to do that; your eyes were left white."

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