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❛ why are you endlessly trying to destroy me? 



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'' So, this girl... Diamond, was it? Who is she? '' 

'' I... I d-don't really know. '' 

'' You don't know one of the people who work in my club?! Since when do I conduct my business like that?! '' Racer's irritation was growing with each moment that passed. Truthfully, it started long before he walked in to his new club, a present that he got himself a little before a run-in with the cops that forced him to leave for a quick vacation to Japan. A faint irritation followed him all the way from Osaka, where he lost a casual street race, but when he heard how his people were handling things in his absence, he couldn't help it but to take it out on them, as if it was all their fault. 

Now his hand was reaching towards the gun that was hanging on his belt and his heart was racing in anticipation. Something inside him was urging him to do it, to grab it and shoot. Thump, thump, thump. His heart was always eager to spill blood and it found it's peace only on the road where he could drive as fast as he desired.

A palm landed on Racer's knee, making him snap out of his angry trance, raise his hand from his gun and grab his whiskey glass instead. His right-hand man was carefully watching him from the side, his slicked-back blonde hair shining under the flashing lights of the club. Racer clenched his teeth when he heard him speak up: '' That's a valid question, but you should ask it to yourself. Since when do you conduct this type of business, Baek? Buying clubs and using them to sell drugs? Seriously? This isn't our territory. We don't do things like these. You are playing with fire and you are going to get burned. You know that, so why are you reaching towards the flames? Did life get that boring for you? '' 

'' Maybe it did... '' Byun Baekhyun lowly replied and downed his whiskey with one long gulp. The alcohol burned down his throat and his gaze traveled over his friend's hand, still on his knee, before he raised it to his dark eyes and added: '' Maybe I'm just pissed off because we lost those two Dodge Chargers yesterday. Screw the ten kilograms of cocaine that were inside the cars or the shitty drivers! The engines that we put in to those things?! They were priceless! I can't go back to Daegu because the guy that I stole them from wants me dead! I get tears in my eyes just at the thought of the engines being in the police's possession! And then right after that I get angry and I want to shoot something. Or somebody- ''

Baekhyun paused his rant for a moment to point at the manager that was kneeling in front of his booth and waiting for orders. The man was clearly terrified and praying to God that Racer would choose to spare him, while the other people that were standing around, were trying to hold back their amused smiles because of the way that their boss's complaining was starting to sound like the one of an annoyed child. '' I really feel like shooting somebody and this guy over here seems to be an appropriate target. Why did we even hire him as the manager of the club? Was I drunk when I approved of this? ''

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