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losing my breath

at your glance, my world stops



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'' I hate them. '' Detective Junmyeon was frantically chewing on the straw that was sticking out of his beer bottle and glaring at the two undercover cops that seemed to be blissfully unaware of the insults that he was spewing behind the mirrored glass of the interrogation room. Or perhaps they knew it, but they just didn't care. They didn't come all the way to Seoul to make friends after all. '' They think that they're so much better than me just because they've been sent here by the higherups. That doesn't mean shit! They've been here for a week, maybe two. I've been living in this shit ever since I stepped out of the police academy! I know what the fuck I'm talking about! ''

'' Does Lieutenant know that they're here? '' I asked and glanced at him from the side. People always knew that Lieutenant was a bad person, but there were a lot of those in the world and he managed to fool everyone in to believing that he was one of the harmless ones, until it wasn't convenient for him to show his true colors. He started his career as a lawyer in some rundown office that nobody really trusted and from there, he jumped all the way to the prosecution office. Those in power thought that they were stronger than him, that they would be able to exploit him for their own benefit, but they were wrong. They had no idea how wrong they were and before they even realised it, the weasel was already among them and then - he surpassed them and joined the ones in command.

Junmyeon shook his head. '' It's supposed to be a secret. There's three of us who know about it. Five, if I count you and the other informant. But it wouldn't surprise me if the news would reach Kang Yohan's ears soon. I heard that these days, he's trying to become a judge. Can you imagine? If he actually manages to get that position, then we really will be fucked. Utterly and completely fucked. Half of the city is already paid off and owned either by him or by King anyway. ''

'' Then I guess that I should be having one of these too, while I still can, '' I mumbled and took a beer from the sixpack that Junmyeon brought in the room from where we were watching Jimin and Yoongi's interrogation. The cops thought that I was prepared to become their second informant, just like Taehyung and that was true to a certain extent, only that I wasn't planning to help them get anyone else besides King.

I held my beer bottle towards Junmyeon and raised my eyebrows in expectation: '' Cheers? No? Oh well. Suit yourself. ''

I still clanked my bottle against his and brought it to my lips. He watched me take a few long gulps, his face almost completely hidden by the shadows in that room. The clock was moving towards two in the morning and for all that Baekhyun knew, I was out partying somewhere. The man who got appointed as my bodyguard, was aimlessly searching for me around Seoul and trying to call up the fake number that I gave him.

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