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you'll love me forever

that's what you said, that's what you said to me



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The stage was the scariest place of them all, but I still loved it the most. Behind the beautiful words and melodies, were the haunting memories of a past that I could not forget, but even so, while I was singing, I was free. Free from my family, free from Mr. Jeon, free from the burden of his expectations to be his Joker card. It was liberating and during the moments that I spent standing on a stage, I could no longer hear the rattling of the chains that I was trapped by and the bars of the golden cage that I was stuck in, seemed to disappear. Then the music stopped and the shackles returned. In the silence that came afterwards, they were always a little more heavier to carry than before.

I once had dreams of becoming a famous singer, but by now I already came to terms with what the reality of my was. I still liked having fun from time to time, especially under the flashing lights of my favorite club in Seoul. That night I already had a couple of drinks, I let myself get swayed by the spotlight and I was completely unprepared for Byun Baekhyun to make a sudden appearance. He walked in to the room and I felt like I caught on fire under his sharp eyes, but I forced myself to hold his gaze until him and Chanyeol sat down at one of the tables and he turned his head away. After he ordered his drink to a waitress, he looked back at me. He didn't need to say or do anything for me to know what he wanted.

Get your ass over here right now.

I sang the last part of my song and hurried off the stage. Some people clapped, cheered and tried to get me to sing some more, but I ignored them and made my way through the crowd that was gathering on the dance floor. In the dark and hot club, I barely even caught glimpses of the faces that I was passing. It was rare for them to even have anything interesting enough to remember them by. Usually, it was other things that caught my attention, like a beautiful glittery dress, the strong scent of whiskey, leather pants, a deep cleavage. Tonight - a white fur coat on a man who was wearing no shirt underneath.

We bumped right against each other, a few droplets of his drink spilled over the edge of the glass and landed on the ground. I slowly raised my gaze and looked at the individual that was standing in front of me. The white fur coat was hanging off his shoulders and revealing his bare chest, littered by numerous fading wounds and old scars. His blonde hair was slicked back from his forehead and his eyes were shining under the colorful lights of the club. Behind him, was another man with mint green hair and a bored frown that was the exact opposite of the wide smile that his friend had. Surprisingly, he was the one who started a conversation first: '' I liked your singing. We should perform together sometimes. I play the piano. ''

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