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❛ don't let go of my hand

in a cold world, we're burning❜



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My fingertips were tapping against the cold surface of the table, seemingly trying to follow the rhythm of the rain that was falling outside. It was a quiet night at the police station and the interrogation room was ice cold. A while passed since the times when I was getting dragged here at two, three, four in the morning and the cops didn't bother turning on the heating for most of the criminals that they were arresting these days. They had no idea that they were getting a very special visit that evening. 

A lot of things changed, but I changed too. 

'' In Seoul, there is a lot of corruption, but it isn't all related to drugs. There is corruption in every level of society. '' I leaned back on my chair, flipped my red hair over my shoulder and smiled at the cop that was sitting on the opposite side of the table. He watched me stir a spoon in my cup of vending machine coffee before I licked the foam off it and pointed at him with it. His face reddned in embarrassment at the sight of my smirk and wink. '' We just happen to be at the top of it. '' 

'' We? '' another cop repeated and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. 

I didn't even blink when I saw him reach towards the gun that was strapped to his waist. I didn't need to. Another shadow already moved from behind me and raised his own gun, without the slightest hint of hesitation. His head tilted to the side, dark curls fell over his twinkling eyes and a small smirk decorated his lips when he stepped in the light of the bulb that was hanging above our heads and lowly murmured: '' Careful with that thing, officer, or you might end up hurting someone with it. '' 

Jungkook's eyes were as dark and unforgiving as the night, but light was radiating from his smile. It was a while since he left his old life behind and started walking down a dangerous path together with me, but somehow he managed to keep the spark that always made him special.

'' I was wondering when you'd move or say something. '' The cop scoffed and slowly lowered his gun. '' You must be the famous guard dog that I heard so much about. The one that left his position as an heir and let a hitman empire collapse so that he could follow the drug princess and make sure that she stays safe. ''

It seemed like the cop was trying to provoke him, but Jungkook kept smiling. The taunting that he heard on the daily was much worse than that. Earlier, when I told him that we were making a stop at a police station, he even sighed in relief, knowing that dealing with a bunch of cops would be a lot easier than facing criminals who refused to admit who the boss around here really was. '' Show some respect. ''

The cop carelessly shrugged and said: '' That was respect, boy. Now put your gun down too. You don't want to taint your perfect criminal record, do you? You're still clean for now. ''

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