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when I whisper love into your ears

I want your once indifferent eyes

to tell me you love me too



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'' There's nothing here! ''

'' That's not true, you just don't know what to look for, '' Baekhyun hissed in response and raised his gaze towards the rearview mirror of his car. His dark eyes were carefully watching Jeon Jungkook, the son of a man who just became one of his worst enemies.

The younger boy was sprawled on the backseat, turning his head left and right and trying to see anything that would point to what Baekhyun was talking about. His enlarged pupils were dancing over his surroundings, he was scrunching up his nose, forming sentences that didn't really make sense and stumbling over his own words. He kept running through his messy curls with his shaky hand and he didn't seem to notice the way that Baekhyun was watching him. He had a certain admiration for Racer and his power, but the feelings weren't mutual.  Baekhyun was too territorial when it came to people that he thought of as his, so he couldn't bring himself to give Jungkook a real chance.

Baekhyun's gaze stopped on me, he lifted an eyebrow and innocently asked: '' What? Stop staring at me like that. I'm not doing anything bad, I'm just looking at him. I told you that he's safe for now. I won't bite unless he tries to bite me first. ''

He drove his silver Marcedes in to the underground level of a large building and it was like entering a whole new world. On the outside of it, the structure seemed the same as any other in the small town where we were hiding at the moment. The place itself was nice for a relaxing vacation and the villas next to Baekhyun's were all full of families that were trying to enjoy their holidays, but there wasn't really much to do here, besides taking walks down the beach, visiting the local restaurants and shopping for souvenirs, so it was no surprise that soon Jungkook grew bored. Besides, he was trying to act like the news about his father's arrest didn't trouble him, but it was obvious that he was constantly on edge and searching for new ways to release his stress.

'' You brought us to a strip club? '' I incredulously asked once I saw the glowing pink sign on one side of the parking lot, pointing towards the entrance of a place called 'Teasers'. It was located somewhere in the upper floors of the seemingly abandoned building, which turned out to have all kinds of fun clubs and bars on the inside of it. Besides the strip club, there were also signs for some place where you could dance to techno music, an arcade and surprisingly enough - even a mechanic shop. '' Wow, you've got some nerves, Baekhyun. ''

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