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onto your frozen hands

I'll cast my burning heart



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With money, comes the violence. It's inevitable. There's always someone who steps over a boundary that they should've stayed away from, becomes corrupt and turns in to a snitch, overestimates their own power and flies too close to the sun. One way or another, it happens and the sooner you get used to the blood that comes afterward, the better. I used to flinch at the sight of death, but these days - not so much anymore.

That night, Byun Baekhyun brought me to one of the places in Seoul where the line between dreams and reality was dangerously blurred. The air held the scent of burnt car tires and marijuana, street lights were illuminating the shining exteriors of the fastest vehicles in the entire city and groups of people were gathering around their heavily modified rides. The excitement that was radiating from their eyes, their dazed smiles and loud voices, it was all too contagious to ignore and when I got passed by a guy that was carrying a huge radio on his shoulder, I unknowingly began to nod in the rhythm of the rap music that was blasting from the speakers.

I haven't done any of the questionable and illegal things that the song is talking about, but no one has to know.

This is a whole other world, but I'm liking it so far.

'' Undercover cops? Again? Don't you have anything better to do with your evenings? Come on, your wives and girlfriends are probably cheating on you as we speak! You could at least guarding your own police stations! I heard that just yesterday a group of thugs stole evidence from the one down in Itaewon and it's really no wonder that things like that keep happening if all of your people are hanging around in places like this one and wasting your time. '' Baekhyun's arms were crossed on his chest and he was shaking his head in disapproval. His yellow sunglasses were slipping to the tip of his nose and you could clearly see the shape of a gun under his black jacket. His lips were pursed in thought and I heard two people behind me make a bet about how someone was definitely going to die that night.

A trio of undercover cops got captured by some of the people that were preparing to race and now they were waiting for Baekhyun to decide what to do with them. They heard the rumors of how he tended to deal with rats like them and they were terrified of facing the same fate. No one knew if the stories were actually true, since no one ever survived to tell the tale but people still came up with their own narratives and they always tended to be gruesome and bloody. Rats simply disappeared, forever swallowed by the shadows of the sewers where they belonged.

Baekhyun ran through his silver hair with his hand and offered the trio of cops a faint smile. '' How about we make a deal? Do you three want to drive away from here in a nice car? A white Porsche? You understand what I'm saying, right? Or do I have to spell it out to you? Accept my deal or face the consequences. ''

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